Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Flash 1x04 Going Rogue review

Hey guys,
just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This is the fourth episode and it is the episode which gives us the first ever real crossover between Arrow and The Flash with Felicity showing up in Central City as she announced it last week at the very end of Arrow's episode.
The episode also introduces the first villain ever that manages to defeat the Flash. One of the best things about the episode was in fact that Captain Cold managed to defeat Barry on multiple occasions. It was important, in my opinion, to show the reaction of the entire team Flash when they realized they weren't able to save everyone and especially Barry's reaction when he realized he wasn't fast enough to save that man who got blasted by Captain Cold. This week, unlike in previous episodes we had a very solid villain who  wasn't there just to have Barry show off his power but an actual villain who was a real threat throughout the whole episode. He will be back as we saw from the final scene of the episode and he will be joining forces with Mick Rory aka Heat Wave who is ( or will be)  a member of the super villain team called the Rogues whose leader is actually Captain Cold.

As for Felicity I thought that seeing her in The Flash was amazing but if I didn't know her from Arrow I wouldn't have liked her that much.I think that she didn't have a lot of chemistry with the rest of the cast but it certainly was awesome seeing Barry showing her his powers. This is the emblem of what it means to have two awesome shows and to have at the same time crossovers which make the two shows all the more special.

Obviously, we have to keep talking about the most mysterious character of the show: Harrison Wells. He keeps on  giving us clues at to what he knows and doesn't know. We know so far that he knows that Barry was going to get struck by that lightning but apparently now we know that he doesn't know a lot of details about the future considering that he was scared that Barry would get harmed in a fight with Captain Cold.
However I still don't know whether I believe those who say that he is the Reverse Flash or those who believe that he is a Flash from the future.
I'm honestly torn and even though I am more inclined to believing that he is the Reverse Flash I still ask myself what is the purpose of having Edward (Eobard) Thawne on the show then.

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