Friday, January 31, 2014

Jesse Eisenberg is the New Lex Luthor

Hello guys,
A couple minutes ago WB announced that the character of Lex Luthor for the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie will be portrayed by none other than Jesse Eisenberg. If you guys thought that Ben Affleck as Batman was a bad choice or if you thought that casting Gal Gadot to portray Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman was even worse, well this casting beats all of the above combined. For months we've heard Bryan Cranston, Joaquin Phoenix or even Michael Rosenbaum who played Lex in the Smallville tv series but WB  shocked the internet with the announcement of Eisenberg as Luthor.
of tons of actors who were rumored to play Superman's nemesis, actors like
Snyder stated, “Lex Luthor is often considered the most notorious of Superman’s rivals, his unsavory reputation preceding him since 1940. What’s great about Lex is that he exists beyond the confines of the stereotypical nefarious villain. He’s a complicated and sophisticated character whose intellect, wealth and prominence position him as one of the few mortals able to challenge the incredible might of Superman. Having Jesse in the role allows us to explore that interesting dynamic, and also take the character in some new and unexpected directions.”
Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey were the actor who played Lex in the previous instalments of the Superman franchise and they were both in their 40s/ 50s but now WB has decided to head once again toward a new direction. The casting of a 30year old Eisenberg who btw looks like a 15 year old kid is controversial to say the least. It is difficult for me to picture him as Lex Luthor or even to picture him face to face with either Batman or Superman let alone fight them.

WB also announced that the actor Jeremy Irons will be playing Alfred, Batman's most trusted friend. I personally have nothing to say about this casting because I'm too shocked about the Eisenberg casting. From the Ben Affleck casting through Gal Gadot's casting I've always said that we should have had faith in WB/DC but now after they have announced that the release date will be delayed and that Eisenberg will play Luthor , I have little faith in a movie which I have been dreaming about for so long.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Batman vs Superman delayed

Hi guys,
a few weeks ago it was announced that Man of Steel 2 aka Batman vs Superman will be released in May 2016 instead of July 2015. Now considering that the 17th of July 2015 already seemed to far it is obvious that mst fans are upset because they will have to wait longer to see Superman face to face with Batman. The official explaination of WB was to give:

"the filmmakers time to fully realize their vision, 
given the complex visual nature of the story."

These claims leave us with many doubts because we all assumed that since they had already shot some scenes that the vision was already complete. So all we can do is speculate on why the release date was delayed. 
DC/WB once again shows lack of organizational skills. They have failed to plan their cinematic universe and quite frankly I think they only want one because they saw the economic success that Marvel is having with their universe. So far WB has shown lack of confidence in their dc properties and that is why we've only got either superman or Batman movies. When they in fact tried to release a dc based movie with Green Lantern they failed box office-wise and story-wise even though I think that the GL movie had several reedeamable qualities(if you wanna know my point of view on the GL movie click here: 

Few weeks before the announcement WB confirmed that they had hired Argo's screenwriter to review the script and that was the first sign of them having problemsy. Maybe Chris Terrio wasn't happy with script and decided to make changes to the whole story and to the dialogue resulting in the delayed release date.

There are also rumors of many JLA members appearing in the movie. 
Apart from Wonder Woman and Batman that were confirmed in the movie, there were rumors of Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, The Flash and even John Stewart(Green Lantern) cameos and that might be a reason why they've decided to take more time to assess the whole story.

The last possibility is that they have decided to shoot Justice League back to back with Man of Steel 2 and if they made this decision now then they will need time to organize everything properly.

One other big problem for the movie now is that the new release date is withing 2 weeks of two other superhero movies which are X-Men Apocalypse and an untitled Marvel Project so I believe that sooner or later the release date will be changed again since it would mean economical suicide for al three films to open on the same month.

Overall it is a really bad news for us movie nerds but it is better to get a good movie in 2016 than to get a too crowded, too rushed movie in 2015. 
Hopefully Man of Steel 2 will be awesome and let's hope that DC gets this cinematic universe up and running like Marvel did.

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The redeemable qualities of Green Lantern and why WB needs to include it in their DCCU

N°1 Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds portrayed Hal Jordan and Green Lantern beautifully. I think that replacing him with another actor for the role of Green lantern would be a terrible mistake because he, in my opinion, did a really good job in bringing the character to life. We can all agree that among all the mistakes that the screenwriter and the director made, hiring Ryan Reynolds t play Hal wasn’t one of them.

N°2 Sense of Humor
The movie deviated from the DC movie style. Adding humor to a superhero movie looked to be the secret ingredient of Marvel success so it came as no surprise that DC decided to head toward that same direction but nevertheless the movie maintained in some parts a darker tone similar to the Dark Knight movies and the Man of Steel movie and that is a perfect balance in my opinion for the character of Hal Jordan. A future justice league team will need a funny guy similar to Tony Stark in the Avengers and I see no better DC character to play that role than Hal Jordan.

N°3 The world  they created can co-exist with the world created by Zack Snyder
Unlike the Dark Knight trilogy that told the story of Batman in a magic free world, he Green Lantern  movie can perfectly coexist in the same universe of the Man of steel since both movies have introduced aliens.  

N°4 Mark Strong as Sinestro
Mark strong is an amazing actor. His performance as Sinestro was good and many thought that it was the best part of the movie. Some speculators even suggested to reboot the whole franchise but to keep Mark Strong as Sinestro. I can see why the screenwriters decide to make him the villain in the sequel and not in the first film, he is presented as the leader of the Green Lantern core until he decides to exploit the power of the yellow ring in the post credit scene of the movie.

N° 5 Score
DC has always had in their superhero movies great scores and Green Lantern is no exception. James Newton Howard gave us an awesome soundtrack that made the movie better. If by any chance you do not remember what I am talking about check out the link below:

Overall the movie wasn’t as epic as some other DC or Marvel movies but it wasn’t that bad either. If we compare it to the awful movie that was Thor: The Dark World where there was a joke ever other minute then Green Lantern doesn’t look that bad. WB/DC here have a great chance to show everyone that despite the Box Office flop they are prepared to give it a second chance maybe by having Sinestro show up in the Batman vs Superman post credit scene and therefore tie in the GL movie in their cinematic universe and bringing Ryan Reynolds back for the JLA movie. In fact, we look closely at the cinematic universe that DC is trying to establish then we’ll see that they haven’t introduced any member of the JLA yet apart from Superman and by bringing back Reynolds as Green Lantern they would give the average movie goers a sense of continuity that they haven’t been able to provide so far.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

5 Reasons Why Man of Steel was awesome

Hello guys,
as my first real post I decided to talk about what in my opinion was the best superhero movie of 2013: Man of Steel and the 5 reasons why it was so awesome.

1.Nothing we've seen before
Man of Steel has reinvented Superman in many ways. From a new reimagination of the Planet Krypton to a new costume and a new fortress of solitude Zack Snyder has certainly given us something we had not seen before in any Superman films. The special effects have allowed Superman and Henry Cavill to show us what it truly means to be faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive.

2. Superman and his villains
Superman vs Zod. When I heard that the villain in Man of Steel was Zod I thought to my self why? Why choose a villain that we have seen so many times on the big and small screen? The truth is, however, that Zod and subcommander Faora have shown us what superpowered villains can actually do to the Planet. If we compare the silly fight that Christopher Reeve had with Terence Stamp in Superman II with the fight that Henry Cavill had with Micheal Shannon we'll see understand the greateness of the movie. I personally like the fight that Superman had with Faora more than the one with Zod because of the intensity that Antje Traue gave to the character.

3. Dark Knight similarities
There are several similarities to Nolan's Dark Knight Triolgy. If we look closely Batman and Superman are much alike so it makes sense that since Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy did well, they would continue along that same path.

4. Soundrack
Hans Zimmer continues to dazzle everyone with his beautiful soundtrack. A movie becomes great only if it has a great soundtrack. Every scene is great and the soundtrack makes it greater. Listen to this track called: Flight

5. First Chapter of DCCU
This film is considered to be the film that will start the entire DC Cinematic Universe similar to the one brilliantly created by Marvel/Disney. The next instalment of this DCCU was announced at the 2013 Comic-Con and it will feature not only the Man of Steel but also the Caped Crusader aka Batman. It will be the first time that the two heroes will meet face to face on the big screen.

This movie undoubtedly had some flaws but it's a fantastic movie and I'm sure that for the next instalment the people behind this franchise will avoid making the same mistakes.

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