Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Flash 1x11 The Sound and the Fury review

Hey guys,

just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This episode was amazing from start to finish. It answered many questions and kept us  glued to the TV screen for the whole duration. At the very beginning of the episode we see Dr. Wells using his super speed, but in addition to that we also discover that he's not able to use his powers for a long period of time which must mean that he is not the reverse flash we saw in the mid season finale episode. I still contend that the Reverse Flash we saw in the ninth episode is Eddie Thawne from the future and Harrison Wells is none other that Barry from the same future as the Reverse Flash.

Another great aspect of the episode was the chemistry between all members of team Flash, I think that the show runners have done a really good job at surrounding Barry with a great team just like they did with Oliver Queen in Arrow. You can relate to every character and you feel like they are really fighting together.

This week villain, the piper, was also great. He showed us that intelligence in more important than superpowers. This, I believe will be a decisive factor when Barry will battle out the Reverse Flash.

The only negative of this episode for me remains Iris. I honestly could not care less about her and her life and so it was kind of boring to see her deal with her problems at work. I know she is gonna be useful because of her relationship with Eddie and Barry but as of right now she's boring.

Overall great episode and though the rescue scenes could have been exectuted better with a bigger budget I believe this is one of the best shows on TV right now
Here's a sneak peek at next weeks episode

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