Saturday, March 22, 2014

Arrow 2x16 Review

Hi guys,
I finally found the time to do this review. I have been busy lately and I wasn't able to post the review for this week Arrow episode on Thursday. 

Let me start by saying that Wednesday's episode entitled Suicide Squad was a drastic change from previous episodes.
We finally got to see one of the most anticipated episodes of the season. The hype was so high this week because of the break and because of that 4 minute clip that the CW released 2 weeks ago teasing the birth of the Squad. 
I have to say that the episode has lived up to its expectations however I had imagined it completely different.
I thought the Oliver and Slade storyline was going to be connected to the Suicide Squad but apparently those paths are not destined to cross just yet. 
One of the thing that we didn't get to see were the flashbacks of the island but instead since this was a Diggle centered episode we saw flashbacks of Diggle's time in the US Army. 
This season the character of Diggle hasn't been used properly, in my opinion, and even when he was used during the season he was kinda useless so it is nice to see him have a more important role, at least for this episode.

We barely saw Oliver who was trying with Felicity and Sarah to find Slade but when they seemed to be very close to finding him they realized that Slade is always one step ahead of them.

Anyway the main plot of the episode was the Suicide Squad and its leader Amanda Waller who gathered a group of criminal who she controls with a mini bomb placed in their head which can be activated if one of them does not follow the orders. I personally loved the character of Deadshot and the actor who plays him Michael Rowe. 

The most exciting moment of the episode were the 7 seconds at the beginning when one of the inmate recruited by Amanda Waller interfered in the conversation between Diggle and his ex wife by saying: "Do ya kiddies need some counseling? I'm a trained therapist.". If you are a big comicbook fan you understood who that person was. She is none other that Harley Quinn, the Jokers girlfriend and we understood who she was also by looking at her hair. One thing you may not know is that the voice of that character was Tara Strong who's the voice of Harley in Batman's Arkham Origin. How awesome is that? The internet and twitter exploded with comments on her and Harley Quinn was one the biggest trend on twitter on Wednesday night.

Arrow keeps getting better and better and next week's episode is entitled Birds of Prey and the title says it all.

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