Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is Hugh Jackman done with Wolverine?

Hey guys,
As we get closer the release of the new X-Men movie let's look back at the actor who has become synonymous with the character of Wolverine
Back in 1999 I had no idea who Wolverine was but I remember that not too many people were happy with the casting of Hugh Jackman. It's been 14 years since the first X-Men movie was released in theaters and after all those years Hugh Jackman is still our Wolverine. 

If you only think that in that same period of time we've had 2 different actor who have played Spiderman, we have had 3 actors who have played Superman, we have had 3 actors who have played the Hulk and even 2 actors who have played Professor X and 2 for Magneto but only 1 Wolverine you realize the uniqueness of Hugh Jackman. Whatever your favourite superhero you must admit that Hugh Jackman has shown something that no other actors have shown towards comicbook movies and that's love. Love for the character, love for the fans and let's face it X-Men movies have never ever made a lot of money I mean all of them combined haven't even made what the Avengers and Iron Man 3 have but still Hugh keeps on coming back to this role and we will be eternally greateful to him for doing so. He has delivered great and bad movies and in the case of bad movies ( I'm thinking of Wolverine: Origins) he didn't quit and admitted defeat like others did. We also have to thank Fox for not giving up on him and for bringing him back for Days of Future Past where it looks he'll play a huge role.

Lately I've heard many rumors regarding an upcoming Wolverine movies and the recently confirmed X-Men Apocalypse and there were a lot of speculations on whether Jackman would return as the Wolverine. Jackman himself has stated that he will return if the script is good enough. Frankly I think that Hugh Jackman has been a fantastic Wolverine and if he will decide to step down from playing this character and let an other actor play it then we have to respect that decision. Let's not forget that the Wolverine is immortal and he's not supposed to age so in making the decision to quit the age factor might come into play. In the meantime let's enjoy him in X-Men Days of Future Past. If every actor were as passionate as comic book as he is we wouldn't have a reboot every 4 or 5 years.

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