Saturday, March 29, 2014

Batman & Robin movie review

Hey guys,

you truly are masochist for wanting to even read this review about the 1997 Batman & Robin better known as the "Death of the Franchise" or also known as the undisputed worst comic book movie of all time.

This movie stars George Clooney as Batman/ Bruce Wayne and several other actors who reprised their role as Alfred, Gordon and Robin.
I have absolutely nothing good to say about this movie. It has no redeemable qualities whatsoever. There are a million reason why George Clooney alone was not right for the part and he did a very poor job. However it wasn't just his fault. Who in the hell hired the costume designer? What were those f..... bat-nipples? Were they really necessary?
What about the props? They looked like toys made for children, apparently they props were a by-product of the toys and they were used to promote the toys they were going to sell after the release of the movie.
Another problem had to do with the script: First line of the movie was "That's why Superman works alone!" Really? Really? Are you telling me that in that horrible universe Supes not only exists but he hasn't killed himself when he discovered that Bruce Wayne was George Clooney? But I guess it makes sense if they had cast Nicolas Cage as the Man of Steel. If they had done a Batman/ Superman movie with those two actors the comic book world would never have recovered from it.
Up until this movie the only decent thing we had had in the franchise were the villains, but in this movie we don't even get that. We get three villains,( and now we know that having three villains in a movie is really bad See Spiderman 3) and none of them were interesting. We have Arnold Swarznegger as The Ice Man who basically did not have more than two lines in the whole movie, then we have Bane or a version of Bane who did not have any lines and finally we had Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy. So what's the solution to three silly villains? Three silly wanna be superheroes. We got Batman, Robin and Batgirl who apparently showed us that you don't need to train like Christian Bale's Batman for 6 years to learn how to fight, the only thing that you need is to find your way to the Batcave and magically learn everything overnight then you simply put on mask and you are a superhero.
I could go on forever about this movie. There are so many plot holes like the rocket scene where Robin is climbing the rocket from the outside despite the freezing temperature and also the whole premace that The Ice Men needed Diamonds to power his suit that freezes everything and that he wanted to use his suit to freeze Gotham and then hold the entire city for ransom for billions of dollars so he can cure his wife with those money. Then my question is, why not sell those diamonds in the first place instead of creating this evil masterplan which is highly unlike it will succeeed?
Anyway we should be thankful that this movie did so bad, for without it we would never have gotten the fantastic reboot with Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan.

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