Friday, March 7, 2014

Fantastic Four Reboot

Hey guys,
I finally got time to talk about the casting of the 2015 reboot of the Fantastic Four. A couple of weeks ago the actors who are going to play the fantastic four were announced and they were shocking to say the least. Miles Teller will play Reed Richards, Kate Mara will play Sue Storm, Michael B. Jordan will play Jhonny Storm and Jamie Bell will play Ben Grimm.

Jamie Bell;  Kate Mara;  Miles Teller;  Michael B. Jordan
I know what you all are thinking: THEY ARE TOO YOUNG. 
That's right, and that is why they have been called the baby Fantastic Four. I am not very happy about this casting becasue say what you want about the previous Fantastic Four movies, the cast fit perfectly the description of the FF. The only actor here that I think fits the role is Michael B. Jordan who I think will play an awesome Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch. I am sure he has already contacted Chris Evans to ask for suggestions. One thing that is not so clear to me is why they went for a younger cast, I mean there were rumors saying that Fox wanted to create a shared universe with the X-Men but I don't see how they would fit in that Universe. We already know that in 2016 X-Men Apocalypse is coming and it will most likely feature several original cast members and I cannot possible picture a very old Magneto with a baby Reed Richards. However at this point is pure speculation becasue the movie is still in preproduction and we still don't know much about the script to express our opinion. The movie will be released in the summer of next year so we still have a long time to wait to see it a many things can change before then.
In this past few months I've seen many video of people who said that they are glad of this reboot because they weren't quite happy with the previous two FF movies. They were saying that Jessica Alba was awful as Sue Storm and that the second movie sucked as a whole. Well, I have to admit that I have never read a single FF comic book but I really enjoyed the two movies. To me Christ Evans as The Torch and Ioan Gruffud as Reed Richard were great choices and granted the movies were a little bit cheesy at times but they were still enjoyable.
They could have given us better movies but let's face it we have watched worse movies (Batman and Robin to mention one)
So, we have seen that Marvel has created a fantastic share universe, DC is trying to establish theirs, even Sony is trying to build one with spiderman and his villains let's hope that Fox does it as well and we'll finally get to see Reed Richards face to face with Professor X.

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