Thursday, March 6, 2014

Arrow Episode 15th Review

Hey guys,
I've just finished watching the 15th episode of Arrow. 
The 15th episode entitled "The Promise" is one of the most exciting episodes of the second season so far. The first thing that I thought while watching the episode was that this is the first time that the island storyline runs longer than the present storyline.

Usually I never have anything bad to say about the episode but this time I do, I've noticed that there are few things that simply don't make sense. First of all, I am not an expert or anything but I think that it takes more than a couple of training session to be able to shoot an arrow properly not to mention that Oliver does so while running. To me it feels like since the story demanded that Oliver be ready ready to shoot arrows, he suddenly was even though we've only seen him train a couple of times.

Secondly, how can someone not see those enormous cameras that Slade set up all over the Queen Mansion? I mean they're not even camouflaged or anything and they are extremely big. That doesn't make sense to me.

Thirdly, the first thing I thought when I watched Oliver, Sarah and Slade burn the Mirakuru, was why burn the box also? Isn't that box made of iron or steel? that didn't make sense at all.
And lastly, doesn't anyone lock their front doors anymore? I mean Starling City is a very dangerous place, full of criminals and one of the whealthiest families in Starling not only leaves their front door open, but they don't even have an alarm, plus where in the hell are the security guards? Roy and Sarah went in without anyone trying to stop them.

However there are a lot of things that I liked:

I've been waiting for a full island based episode for a long time and now I kinda got one. Awesome moment when Oliver puts on Shado's hood and Slade puts on the mask and the music kicks in. I extremely enjoyed that moment.
Another thing that I loved about the episode is that Oliver understands that he cannot possibly fight Slade alone and that's why he calls for backup.
I've not said this before but I'll say it now, unlike many people I love the Roy character and I loved that they showed that he has been training a lot and that he has also become a full member of the"TeamArrow".
And finally I love revenges, especially when the good guy ( slade can still be considered a good guy while he's on the island right?) takes his time to take his revenge while the bad guy begs for his life. I also loved the way Slade and Oliver's relationship was portrayed . The friend foe relationship is epic. It reminds me of Smallville with Clark and Lex being friends almost brothers at first until Lex turned on Clark and they began mortal enemies.

Anything can happen now on Arrow, but the only thing for sure is that it's gonna take more than Oliver, Roy and Sarah to defeat Deathstroke. If you can't wait until the next episode take a look at this very short clip

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