Monday, March 10, 2014

Superheroes and the academy awards

Hey Guys,

what is up with Superheroes and the Academy Awards? The most prestigious awards for movies do not even acknowledge the existence of Superhero movies? Is it an inferior genre or are they just movies for dummies? I've never understood this discrimination. To me some comic book movies are the greatest combination of Poetry, Music, Acting and Special Effects.

I say poetry and I defy each and everyone of you to say otherwise: 
check this out "You'll give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards , they will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall but in time they will join you in the sun, in time you'll help them accomplish wonders" or "Even though you've been raised as a human being, you're not one of them. They can be great people Kal El, they wish to be, they only lack the light to show the way. For this reason, above all, their capacity for good, I've sent them you, my only Son"

When I talk about music I am referring to the John Williams or to the Hans Zimmers that are the of two best music composers in history. Does anybody not like the original Superman soundtrack or the Dark Knight trilogy or even the Man of Steel soundtrack? These a great scores that make the movie epic and fantastic.

Acting, even though superheroes movies are very much discriminated let's not forget the fact that academy award winning or academy awards nominated actors played the part of these heroes. Names like Christian Bale, Robert Downey Junior, Ben Affleck and villains such as Jack Nicholson and many other.

The best feature of superhero movies are the special effects. Has any of you seen either one of the Iron Man movies, any of the Thor movies any of the recent Spiderman movies or even Man of steel for that matter and went: "Oh that's fake! It's so evident that it's been CGIed". Those scenes look as real as any other scene and this year no Superhero movies got a single nomination for the best special effects category.

So going back to my question, why is this happening? Why movies like these never win or even receive a nomination at least? Well, an Oscar member recently said that he had voted for 12 years a slave without even watching it because he felt obliged to vote for it given the overall subject matter. So, there you have it!
After hearing this, do we still consider the Academy Awards decisions to be credible?
I mean, did Gravity really beat Man of Steel, The Hobbit or many other movies in regards to special effects?
Let me know what you think about it.

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