Thursday, April 3, 2014

Arrow 2x18 Review

Hey guys,
last night we witnessed another awesome Arrow episode entitled Deathstroke. The episode starts off with Thea and Slade in the car and Oliver's sister soon realizes that Slade doesn't have good intentions. In fact, Slade kidnapps Thea and lets Moira and Oliver know that Thea got kidnapped right in the middle of Moira's mayoral campaign. This thing really bugged me because Thea had just broken up with Roy so how come nobody was worried about where she had spent the night?
With the help of Felicity Team Arrow finds Slade but instead of questioning him, The Arrow decides to turn him over to the police which releases him afterwards since he had a strong alibi. That is where things go sour since Roy is angry at Oliver for not questioning Slade and for asking him to break up with Thea and that lead him to snap at Diggle and to quit the team. I don't really like the way that the Roy character is being handled, one time he's out of control and another time he's calm and this lack of consistency makes me dislike the character.
Sarah was fine in the episode, she didn't play a big part but still I like the fact that Detective Lance asked her about her and the Arrow and if Oliver knew what she was doing. Lately many people wondered why Lance wasn't putting two and two together and realize who was behind the mask especially considering that Sarah was dating Oliver so I like the fact that they addressed this issue.
I loved the suspense throughout the episode, Slade telling Thea Oliver's secret and so everybody thought that Slade was going to reveal the vigilante secret, instead he only revealed Merlin being Thea's father secret and then when everything seemed back to normal Slade dropped that bomb on Laurel when he told her that Oliver is the Arrow.
I think this will be a defining moment for Laurel who will gradually become more and more important. Who knows, maybe by the end of this season she will develop her canary powers and join the already crowded Team Arrow.
One thing that I didn't like was the reason why Detective Lance was arrested. I mean, he's been known for working with the Arrow for a long time now so I don't understand why after bringing Slade Wilson in for kidnapping Thea Queen he suddenly gets arrested. Shouldn't he be awarded a prize for catching the right guy instead of getting arrested?
Anyway, my top 2 favourite moments of the episode were when Oliver discovered that Isabel Rochev played by Summer Glau was Slade's ally and that she used Oliver's trust to take his company away from him.
Another favourite moment for me was when Felicity was the only one to trust Oliver to let him go fight Slade on his own. I love Felicity and Oliver relationship and I enjoy every scene with the two of them.
Next episode will air in two weeks time and its title will be: The Man under the Hood.

Take a look at next episode sneek peek:

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