Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2 movie review

Hey guys,
Let me start this review by saying that Amazing Spiderman 2 is in 4th place of my all time favourite comic book movies. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first about the movie because most scenes from the trailers looked to cartoonish and a bit unrealistic but after watching the movie I had to change my mind.

This review will contain spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie do not read it.

The movie is fantastic in every possible way!
One of the thing I usually hate about Marvel movies is the presence of a lot of humor but in this movie it doesn't bother me much because it is part of the character of Spiderman. He's the only one to make the jokes ans it's ok because he's a bit cocky and self-centered so it makes sense that he does that. 

I also liked Peter's relationship with Gwen. He's in love with her but at the same time he promised her father that he would leave her alone but in the end his love for her overcomes his sense of guilt towards her father. By the end of this second movie I was really hoping that Gwen wouldn't die but her fate was sealed when Peter revealed to Harry the name of his girlfriend. Harry Osborne is also a fantastic addition to the movie and after the third or fourth scene he was in I had already forgotten about James Franco. Harry in the movie has contracted a terrible desease which he inherited from his father and he thinks that the cure of his desease lies within Spiderman's blood. When spiderman refuses to help him he turns to electro for help. Electro helps him sneak into Oscorp's secret projects where he injects himself with the spider's poison which Richard Parker had experimented on. Unfortunately the poison only worsens the condition of Harry and that is when he finds the Goblin suit. 

Jamie Fox is the main villain of the movie. He's an invisible Oscorp engineer who nobody cares about and when he has an accident at Oscorp he turns into Electro. His body desperately seeks electricity to survive and that is why he decides to go to Times Square to refuel. The showdown at Times Square is amazing, at first Electro is afraid, he doesn't want to hurt anyone but when he realizes that Spiderman just like everybodyelse doesn't even remember saving his life he goes mad an destroys the whole Square. 
Apart from the main storyline Peter is also trying to understand why his parents left him and he discovers in an abandoned subway station his father secret lab where he finds a video of his father telling the truth about the experiments at Oscorp. We now know that all the spiders that Richard experimented on were injected with his blood so that is why when Peter got stung by the spider he aquired the spider powers and Harry didn't. 

Overall the movie was spectacular. The music was composed by Hanz Zimmer and it made the movie even more spectacular; Spideman scenes were fantastic, I loved that Marc Webb decided to show us in slow motion how spiderman was using his webs. I am a bit sad that in the end Gwen died but that was inevitable, and the final scene was fantastic. After Gwen's death Peter decides to hang up his suit and stop being spiderman but when he realize that Oscorp has got some evil plans (sinister six) and one of these plans envolves Rhino who threatens the city he decides to come back. Since spiderman is not there to save the city a kid dressed as Spiderman tries to stop Rhino and just when the kid looked doomed Spiderman comes to save the day once again and then the credit roll. For those of you who like to stay after the credits, you got disappointed because there is no after credit scene however there is one which does not have to do with spiderman but rather with the upcoming X-Men movie but don't get your hopes up even though Sony and Fox are in good relations a crossover is not in future plans unfortunately.
This movie has a great mix of drama, action, humor and music and in my opinion it deserves 9.5/10

Let me know what you thought about it.

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