Thursday, May 8, 2014

Arrow 2x22 Review

Hi Guys,
Arrow's penultimate episode of season 2 aired last night and it could have easily been mistaken for the season finale becuase it was breath taking. This 22nd episode witnessed the return of the Black Archer  aka Malcolm Merlin who saves Thea from Slade's men. Great character whose return we were all waiting for. He's the typical bad guy that turns good from one season to another and I've always hated when these kind of characters would be forgiven in the blink of an eye and that is why I like the fact that Thea didn't forgive him even though Malcolm had just saved her life. In the end Thea shooting Malcolm was perfectly understandable considering all Malcolm had done to the city and to his family. However, i don't think he's dead, he has to help Oliver fight Slade so I am sure he'll be back next episode. I have not seen the teaser for next week's episode because I want to enjoy every small surprises that the episode has in store for us.
Also in this episode we saw the return of the Trinity (Oliver, Diggle and Felicity). It had been a while since we had seen some scenes with all of them and I simply eat up every single scene with them. I also have to admit that I was glad Roy was unconcious for the whole duration of the episode. I've had enough of him loosing it every single episode. 
My most favourite moments of the whole episode are the scenes between Sarah
and Laurel. Even though she kinda already knew, Laurel finally discovered Sarah's true identity. She found out about her past and she also discovered the name given to her by the league of assassins. The music which surrounded the scenes with the sisters and all the revelations made me think about the possibility of Sarah dying in the next episode and pass on the torch of the Canary to Laurel. We have seen Laurel recover from her addiction, and at the beginning of the episode when she helped Oliver by shooting an arrow, i think that was a hint at her future as a member of team arrow. 
Anyway the situation is about to get worse, this time around the whole city is at risk, Amanda Waller is ready to level the city in order to kill Slade and his men and Oliver will have to join forces with Malcolm, Sarah, Roy and perhaps some unexpected returns. There are plenty of enemies to fight next week so Oliver will use all the help he can get. I gotta a feeling: next week we'll see Laurel take her first step towards becoming the Black Canary after all there is a reason why Sarah was called only the Canary. All it takes is a little scream!

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