Saturday, April 12, 2014

Captain America The Winter Soldier movie review

Hey guys,
I've waited a few days before posting this Captain America The Winter Soldier review but now here it is. Before the review of the movie I would simply like to make a quick comment about audiences and post credit scenes. How is it possible that after nine movies audiences still leave the cinema before watching post credit scenes? I don't know about your part of the world but in London more than half of the audience left before even watching the first end credit scene. To me it looks as if they were forced to stay and watch the movie and that they couldn't stay one more minute in their seat to wait for the end credit scene. But let's get back to the review. 
This review will be filled with spoilers so please if you haven't watched the movie don't read it.

Captain America The Winter Soldier takes place after the events of the Avengers movie and we see Cap adapting to the new world. The first fighting scene on the vessel is very entertaining but at the same time is quite unrealistic. The first thing that came to my mind was: how does Cap's shield come back as a boomerang? Apart from that the first fighting scene was spectacular and I also enjoyed very much Black Widow's fights. From the first scene where we see Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff together we feel the chemistry between them. They interact very weel with one another.
The sequel is very much linked to the first movie and I was surprised when Steve Peggy who's now very old but that gave the whole story a sense of closure and it also showed that Steve is still struggling in the new world especially because he doesn't agree with how Shield is planning to "protect" it. Turns out he's right and the whole project of protecting the world by wiping out any threat before it actually turns into reality. Half way through the movie we discover that Hydra SHIELD to all its levels. Nick Fury played by Samuel L. Jackson discovers that he's following Hydra's orders and that's why he is chased and shot by the Winter Soldier and declared dead.I have to admit that I actually thought that he was dead but apparently nobody ever dies in these movies. A very interesting character is the Winter Soldier, I was not aware, not being a massive Captain America fan, that the Winter Soldier is actually Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers childhood friend who was presumed dead after he fell from a train in the first movie. So we find out that Hydra had done some experiments on him which allowed him to survive the fall, his memory is completely wiped off therefore he doesn't remember a single thing about his past life and he's now just a mercenary following Hydra's orders.It kinda makes sense that he hasn't got a lot of lines in the movie since he's a sort of robot working for Hydra but it must have been frustrating for Sebastian Stan to not have many lines to say.    
the Nazi organization that Steve fought in the first Captain America movie is still alive and it has infiltrated
goes to visit
One thing that got me thinking about the Winter Soldier character was that Black Widow mentioned that he's been killing people for over 50 years which means that he wasn't frozen like Steve Rogers therefore why is he still young as he was 50 years ago?

Another interesting character in the movie is Falcon played by Anthony Mackie. He's a war vet and he bonds with Steve over that. I thought his flying scenes were among the best ones of the whole movie even though the jumping out of a building and landing in an helicopter is unrealistc to say the least.
Overall the movie is great, it has a lot of unrealistic scenes like the one where Captain America takes down a plane with his shield,  but I very much enjoyed all the new additions both in terms of cast and in terms of outfits. There are a few references here and there to the Avengers and also to future avengers. Everyone must have noticed when the Hydra guy, whose name I can't remember, mentions Steven Strange aka Dr. Strange.
Lastly, the two end credit scenes were nice and interesting. I really didn't care much about the second one with Bucky in the museum discovering the truth abouth himself, but I very muck liked the introduction of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Since Marvel cannot mention that they are Magneto's children and therefore mutants they said that they were part of an experiment. However one cool thing that they could do in Avengers: Age of Ultron is very briefly bring up their past with someone asking them about their father and with them saying: " It's a long story". I think it would be a nice hint at Magneto without explicitly mentioning him.
In my opinion this movie is without a doubt the best Marvel/Disney movie of Phase 2 and it deserves a 9 out of 10.

Let me know in the comment section what you thought about it.

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