Hey guys,
This is the review for Arrow episode 20 of the 2nd season entitled Seeing Red.
This is a Roy centered episode. After being used by Slade Wilson in his experiment to create other superpowered beings, Roy goes crazy and starts attacking everyone he finds in his path.

This time around we got no island flashbacks which is refreshing but instead we got to see another Moira's secret. Apparently way before Oliver got stranded on the island he was not only "messing around" with both Canaries (Laurel and Sarah) but he very much lived up to his playboy reputation and we find out that one of his "girlfriends" was preagnant at the time but Moira asked her to tell Oliver that she had lost the baby in exchange for two million dollars. We only know that the mother went back to Central city so that leaves us wondering what happened to Oliver's child. At this point I think that anything can happen and whoever Oliver's child his it will be a shocking revelation. My first thought was Roy but wouldn't it be shocking for Thea to find out that she has slept with her nephew.
Let's get ready for the unexpected.

I only have one thing to say about Slade. He's done what no villains have done before. I mean not even The Joker is the Dark Knight dared to do that much. True he killed Rachel but this killing and the way it was set up puts Slade in a whole new category. I mean after seeing Slade as Deathstroke I am having a hard time considering Loki a villain. DC might have only a couple of good villain to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson but I'd rather watch them than watch a bunch of Marvel villains not kill anyone.
Who knows who will die next. All hell is about to break loose.
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