Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gotham "Selina Kyle" 1x02 Review

                                                                Hey guys,
the pilot of a tv show often introduces the main characters but it is unlikely that the pilot gives an idea of what the show is about, what the main storyline is. This is the case of Gotham. This second episode showed us that this will be more of a crime drama rather than a superhero/comic book show. We'll still get to see Bruce Wayne here and there trying to conquer fear but he will be a side character. This first season will be more of an origin story of the Penguin rather than an origin story for Batman.
I have mixed feelings on this show and I say this after watching the second episoode which aired last night entitled Selina Kyle. The title alone was intriguing but the episode wasn't as thrilling and exciting as we had hoped.

The only positives for me were:
1. Selina Kyle. I love the actress who plays her, I love to see what made her become Catwoman and to see that she's already smarter that all the other kids. I didn't really like the pun of calling her Cat it seemed too fast too soon.
2. Fish Mooney. This character and the actress who plays her simply ooze fear, she will be a villain throughout the first season and in this episode I liked to see her show her feelings after Falcone ordered his men to beat down her lover,
3. Gotham The city is the major character of this show, it plays a bigger role and it couldn't be portrayed any better.
4. The Penguin. The portrayal of this character is simply fantastic, the way he moves, talks is impeccable, and I am curious to see where he goes from here and what he'll do.
5. The Riddler. He had a cameo in the pilot and a few lines here in this second episode, at this point I can only that the actor is a perfect fit for him and in a few lines he was able to show us what Edward Nigma personality is.

Now, let's move to the negatives.
I fear that this crime drama thing they are going for is not going to last. People wanna see Batman, they wanna see him train to become Gotham's Dark Knight but I don't think this is going to happen. If this were a normal crime drama, and all the characters were not from the Batman universe then I think we wouldn't like it. People are going to realize this very soon. Gotham is sort of like Agents of the Shiled (an improved version however) where references to big characters is not enough to have people tune in every single week. However my overal impressions on this show might be wrong since in terms of tv ratings the show held steady compared to last week's numbers.

Something doesn't feel right about this show, I truly hope it becomes more exciting and less boring and one thing which might have us think so is that Gotham seems to be set in the 80's, 90s which means that we could get a couple of flashforwards in the future. We'll just have to wait and see.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Gotham Pilot review

Hey guys,
the Batman origin story tv show entitled GOTHAM finally premiered last night with 8 million people who tuned in to watch Bruce Wayne starting his journey as Gotham Caped Crusader.
Ever since I watched the first teaser trailer of Gotham, I was excited for the pilot and I have to say it did not exceed my expectations but it completely matched them.
I extremely loved the way the pilot started, from Catwoman's perspective. I loved the Camren Bicondova who plays Selina Kyle, she has not said a word so far but the way she moves and walks is perfect.  

We see her mugging a man and stealing a cart of milk from an old lady with which she then feeds a cat and while she does that we see a family, with a small boy in the middle, walking towards the camera in a dark alley. It all started perfectly, we felt the emotions of the characters, the brutality of the murder,  the path Bruce Wayne found himself on and the exact moment when it all changed for him.

I found Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne chemistry to be perfect, the whole dialogue between them about light and darkness gave me goosebumps.
Ben McKenzie does a pretty good job at playing Detective Jim Gordon, his character is the only hope that the city has at redemption, at least for now. He realizes that he has to adapt in order to survive and that he has to work from within the police force to help the city from destroying itself.
The show introduced several villains or at least future Batman villains such as: Poison Ivy, The Riddler and The Penguin. I liked the way these characters were introduced, we only had a glimpse of their personality and we'll probably know more about them in the upcoming episodes. The Penguin was an important character and a centrepoint of the episode and by the end of it we see him forced out of the city and assuming the persona of the Penguin when he kills a man and eats his fish.

There is still a big mistery surrounding the killer of the Waynes and I don't think in the next episodes we'll find out who he is and why he did what he did. Perhaps this will be something which we'll discover only by the end of the first season.
Overall, I think the show has a great potential, I truly hope, however, that they will not have Bruce Wayne take on enemies before he puts on the cape. I don't want them to do what they did with Smallville where Clark took on every possible villain there was before becoming Superman.
I am fine with him learning to defend himself but I wanna see a proper training first and I wanna see how he became who he's supposed to be before everything else.

Awesome pilot, let's hope that the season will be as good as the first episode.
Take a look at next week's episode

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Supergirl series in the works

Hey guys,
a new piece of news broke out yesterday. A Supergirl tv show has been picked up for a full season by the television network CBS. That's right! Another DC based television show sent off to yet another tv network. 
The show is being produced by the same producer who is behind Arrow and The Flash. Greg Berlanti is taking one of the most beloved superhero characters and will give us a new prospective and hopefully a better prospective ( compared to the previous tv show) on Kara Zor-El who happens to be Superman's cousin. Now on the one hand I am really excited about this project, I think DC is undoubtedly winning the tv competition with Marvel (although we have to say that so far Arrow is the only show with a proven track record) but on the other hand these properties are spread out all over television networks. We have Gotham ( which will premiere next monday) at Fox, then Arrow and The Flash over at CW, then a possible Teen Titans over at TNT and now Supergirl at the CW. It all sounds too messy at the moment.
We understand that no crossover will happen between the movie and tv universe but now it's becoming more frustrating to not have any crossovers between tv shows (in an era where crossovers are a proven method for making money i.e. Agents of the SHIELD).
Another big issue surrounding this project is whether the showrunners will be allowed to include everything about the characters past. Will they have the possibility of mentioning the Man of Steel? I would understand it if they have Supergirl get to Earth way before Kal-El but as I said before it all sounds to messy at the moment.
The last issue has to do with the budget which is a problem when you need special effect, post production effect if you want the girl who's playing supergirl to look the part. Unless they have her be what Tom Welling was in Smallville without the ability to fly then I think the production budget will be an issue.
I really think that DC/WB should have a serious meeting where they assess all their properties being released either on TV or on the big screen and try a way not to step on each other's toes. Part of what makes Supergirl special, (just like with any other superhero of DC or Marvel) is that they are part of a larger universe and that is exactly what we want to see.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Deadpool movie announced

Hey guys,
it was announced yesterday that the long anticipated Deadpool movie is going to be released in February 2016. All of this was done via twitter by the 20th century Fox who over the past years seemed reluctant as to giving fans what they wanted especially because as you may know the character is very violent hence the movie would require an R Rating.
Since X-Men Origins: Wolverine fans have loudly asked for a solo film but though the show has never denied the intentions of making a solo movie, in fact the repeatedly stated that a movie was in the works but it was only after the backlash of the test footage that somehow was leaked on the Internet that the studio has finally found the courage to announce it. The video is now hard to find on the Internet because it was taken down due to copyright infringment but if you're like you might still be able to find it and enjoy it
No additional information were given as to who will star as mercenary Wade Wilson but chances are that Ryan Reynolds who as been for a long attached to the project will reprise his role.

So, are you excited for this announcement and what would you like to see happen in the movie?

Comment below

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Friday, September 5, 2014

Shazam not in the DCCU

Hey guys,
DC has done it again. It's the same story over and over again. It seems like they do not understand from their mistakes or that they simply don't care about what we want. Entertainement weekly revealed yesterday that the Shazam project will not be produced by Warner Brothers but by a subsidiary company named new line cinema. This, per se, has no impact on the DC Cinematic Universe but New Line President said when asked about the project:
 "It feels to me like Shazam will have a tone unto itself. It's a DC comic, but it's not a Justice League character, and it's not a Marvel Comic. The tone and feeling of the movie will be different from the other range of comic book movies. It will have a sense of fun and a sense of humor. But the stakes have to be real"
So there you have it, DC fans have been slapped in the face once again. After the excitement of last day's announcement when we found out that the Rock is indeed Shazam's nemesis Black Adam speculation ran wild on who will possibly be cast as Billy Batson and as Shazam. However this news cuts our enthusiasm because part of what made Shazam special was his relationship with other superheroes. The Rock even teased us by saying that his character can kick Superman's ass and we all pictured how awesome it would have been to see a live action movie featuring a fight between Shazam and Superman. Apparently WB has no intention of having a shared universe, for a while now we have been talking of the DC Cinematic Universe but which Universe are we really talking about? We've had so far only one movie which is Man of Steel, the sequel to Man of Steel is Batman v Superman but this can hardly be considered a shared universe since Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg will all be introduced in this movie and as far as we know more characters will be introduced in the Justice League movie. A shared universe entails that in two separate movies there are references to each other and both movie acknowledge the existence of the other. For Instance, no Avengers popped up in Guardians but we saw some characters in the movie which had already appeared in Thor, etc hence the shared universe. Here there is no such thing, every film or tv show is confined to its corner. We had The Dark Knight trilogy, Arrow and Flash, Constantine, Gotham, The Green Lantern Movie, Smallville, Superman Returns and now Shazam and Man of Steel which are all separate universes. All of this to me is truly disappointing.

What do you think?

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