Saturday, September 20, 2014

Supergirl series in the works

Hey guys,
a new piece of news broke out yesterday. A Supergirl tv show has been picked up for a full season by the television network CBS. That's right! Another DC based television show sent off to yet another tv network. 
The show is being produced by the same producer who is behind Arrow and The Flash. Greg Berlanti is taking one of the most beloved superhero characters and will give us a new prospective and hopefully a better prospective ( compared to the previous tv show) on Kara Zor-El who happens to be Superman's cousin. Now on the one hand I am really excited about this project, I think DC is undoubtedly winning the tv competition with Marvel (although we have to say that so far Arrow is the only show with a proven track record) but on the other hand these properties are spread out all over television networks. We have Gotham ( which will premiere next monday) at Fox, then Arrow and The Flash over at CW, then a possible Teen Titans over at TNT and now Supergirl at the CW. It all sounds too messy at the moment.
We understand that no crossover will happen between the movie and tv universe but now it's becoming more frustrating to not have any crossovers between tv shows (in an era where crossovers are a proven method for making money i.e. Agents of the SHIELD).
Another big issue surrounding this project is whether the showrunners will be allowed to include everything about the characters past. Will they have the possibility of mentioning the Man of Steel? I would understand it if they have Supergirl get to Earth way before Kal-El but as I said before it all sounds to messy at the moment.
The last issue has to do with the budget which is a problem when you need special effect, post production effect if you want the girl who's playing supergirl to look the part. Unless they have her be what Tom Welling was in Smallville without the ability to fly then I think the production budget will be an issue.
I really think that DC/WB should have a serious meeting where they assess all their properties being released either on TV or on the big screen and try a way not to step on each other's toes. Part of what makes Supergirl special, (just like with any other superhero of DC or Marvel) is that they are part of a larger universe and that is exactly what we want to see.

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