Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Flash 1x09 The Man in the yellow suit review

Hey guys,

last night's episode of the Flash entitled The Man in the yellow suit was a perfect episode for the mid season finale.
This last episode left much unanswered and left us puzzled as to who the reverse flash really is.
After the epic crossover with Arrow we knew that the show runners wanted to finish the year with a bang and what a better way to do it  than to bring Professor Zoom or the Reverse Flash into the mix and perhaps confuse our ideas on who's actually who on this show.
This episode gives you everything you ever wanted from The Flash.

1. It gives us an introduction to this series number 1 villain who is probably a version of the future of one of the characters that we have already met on the show. ( My money is on Eddie aka Detective Pretty Boy)

2.  Great chemistry between characters, awesome dialogue and most of all fantastic plot twists. Who would have imagined, for example, that Harrison Wells had a yellow suit in his secret room?

3. Great Mystery. Dr. Harrison Wells is at the center of the show, the mystery that surrounds him make this season very interesting, and my theory is that he is only keeping that suit for when he will reproduce the accident of Barry and give the powers to Eddie. At this point I don't think he has any powers and I don't even see why the Reverse Flash would try to beat to death his older self.

4. Firestorm. The latest addition to the show is great. Robbie Amell as firestorm stole the show in this episode and we can only hope we'll see him more in the second half of the season.

5. Although I don't like the love and especially love triangles in tv shows or movies, I think that the one between Barry, Eddie and Iris is crucial in order to set everything in motion. Barry has to give Eddie a reason for hating him and for making him want to turn into the Reverse Flash

The next episode will air the 20th of January of 2015 and in the meantime here's episode 10 promo


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Arrow & Flash Crossover episodes review

Hey guys,
just finished watching the epic two night crossover between Arrow and The Flash and it exceeded every expectations that I had.

If you wanted a taste of what Batman v Superman will be like then you got it with this crossover which started last night with Oliver and his team visiting Central City. I thought that yesterday's episode was spectacular, It gave a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why Arrow would fight Barry. I thought that the fight was brilliantly filmed and very realistic. Barry had superpowers while Ollie had knowledge and precision. I thought that it all worked perfectly and I especially loved the part where Barry tells Oliver he's jealous of him. I thought that that scene alone showed why Arrow is the superior man and the leader of this tv justice league. He is calm and he always thinks before acting, his experience is what makes him great ( exactly like Batman in the justice league).
The end of the first part of the crossover was spectacular to say the least, we first got to see Sandra Hawke, the mother of Connor Hawke aka Oliver son. That storyline promises to be very good since in the comics Connor becomes the Green Arrow following his father footsteps.
However I really jumped out of my seat when I saw firestorm for the first time. Ronnie Raymond is alive and it will be awesome to see him as part of the Flash storyline.

One thing that I feel they could have done better is the link between the two episodes. I thought it was kind of strange to see The Flash crew in Starling City without a believable motive although the story doesn't take place the day after the events of Central City but perhaps a few weeks after, because Barry says that he has been practicing what Oliver taught him.
Anyway I thought that Arrow episode was a bit weaker that yesterday's episode. I thought that Captain Boomerang could have been better considering that he's a great character. Most scenes could have been handled better like when Boomerang gets into the Arrow cave and somehow doesn't decide to finish the job he started and leaves after almost killing his target.
Speaking of the Arrow cave, how awesome is this name? How about the Arrow mobile? Even though Batman is not in this universe his presence is palpable with all these references.
 Nevertheless the end of the episode was great with Barry saving the city from the bombs and Oliver defeating Boomerang. The final scene was even greater with Barry and Oliver deciding to find out, once and for all, who would win in a fight between them.
Now, I know what you are all thinking... How can the next episodes be as great as these? The answer is simple next week's The Flash will feature Professor Zoom or Reverse Flash and Arrow's episode will feature The Demon himself Ra's Al Ghul.Take a look!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Suicide Squad Cast announced

Hey guys,

Warner Brothers have just announced the cast of the 2016 villain team up movie entitled Suicide Squad which will focus on a team of mercenary going on missions around the world. The all star cast has just been announced and for once we have to say that all  rumors surrounding this project were actually true.
The cast and the character they will be portraying is as follows:

Jared Leto - The Joker

Will Smith - Deadshot

Tom Hardy - Rick Flag

Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn

Jai Courtney - Boomerang

Cara Delevingne - Enchantress

Needless to say that all these casting apart from the last one are incredible. These actors alone build up anticipation for the movie. It is incredible to think that we'll get a joker 8 years after the Dark Knight. I love Jared Leto casting and I love the casting of Margot Robbie even more, I think she'll be a perfect Harley Quinn and if she keeps the attitude she had in Wolf of Wall Street she'll be perfect. I am also happy about Jay Courtney and eager to see his rendition of Boomerang that'll also get to see tomorrow on Arrow. I don't know too much about Enchantress apart from the fact that she's kind of a female version of Shazam ( meaning that she has to say the word enchantress to turn into the supervillain). As for the actress playing her, I think Cara is really beautiful although I don't think she has shown that she has the acting skills to deserve such a part. I think Tom Hardy as Rick Flag is a good choice although I thought that having him play another villain after only 4 years was kind of a strange choice but nevertheless Tom is a fantastic actor and he'll do very good.
My only concern is about Will Smith and his latest tendency of wanting to bring his son along with him in any projects he's a part of. I hope that he'll play along with the team and be the greatest deadshot we've ever seen
We have still yet to know who will play Amanda Waller and whether Lex Luthor and Deathstroke will be in the project.
How cool would it be to see the Joker and Lex meet for the first time ever on the big screen?


The Flash 1x07 Power Outage

Hey guys,

just finished watching the seventh episode of the Flash entitled Power Outage. This episode gave us a lot of information regarding the mysteries surrounding the series. 

First of all we discover that the newspaper page we see in the final scene of the first episode is not an actual newspaper brought back to the present but it's rather a virtual picture straightly connected to the future which is amazing because it means that Harrison Wells is directly connected to the future. My theory is that he's just a normal superpower free guy who maybe few month before Barry's accident met his future self who explained to him what had to be done in order to have certain things happen in the future. Whether that future self is Barry himself or another flash or someone else entirely different is still a mystery.

 Another very important thing that we learnt in this episode is that Eddie is powerless. Maybe something will happen in the future to transform him into who he's supposed to be but at this point he looks to be simply a love interest for Iris. 

One thing that I particularly liked was Barry's attachment to his powers. We are usually accustomed to heroes feeling that their powers are a burden and they would seem happy if they lost it, whereas I liked that Barry thinks of his powers as part of him and embraces the beauty of them. In the beginning of the episode I thought that scene with him and the thief was amazing, with him being cocky. I love scenes where you see a superpowerd person dealing with ordinary problems and situations.

Overall the episode was solid as usual, the final scene of Barry training on the treadmill was amazing. He might be reaching the speed of light before we know it and that would be amazing.
Next episode is gonna be even greater with Arrow's team coming to the show
