Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Flash 1x07 Power Outage

Hey guys,

just finished watching the seventh episode of the Flash entitled Power Outage. This episode gave us a lot of information regarding the mysteries surrounding the series. 

First of all we discover that the newspaper page we see in the final scene of the first episode is not an actual newspaper brought back to the present but it's rather a virtual picture straightly connected to the future which is amazing because it means that Harrison Wells is directly connected to the future. My theory is that he's just a normal superpower free guy who maybe few month before Barry's accident met his future self who explained to him what had to be done in order to have certain things happen in the future. Whether that future self is Barry himself or another flash or someone else entirely different is still a mystery.

 Another very important thing that we learnt in this episode is that Eddie is powerless. Maybe something will happen in the future to transform him into who he's supposed to be but at this point he looks to be simply a love interest for Iris. 

One thing that I particularly liked was Barry's attachment to his powers. We are usually accustomed to heroes feeling that their powers are a burden and they would seem happy if they lost it, whereas I liked that Barry thinks of his powers as part of him and embraces the beauty of them. In the beginning of the episode I thought that scene with him and the thief was amazing, with him being cocky. I love scenes where you see a superpowerd person dealing with ordinary problems and situations.

Overall the episode was solid as usual, the final scene of Barry training on the treadmill was amazing. He might be reaching the speed of light before we know it and that would be amazing.
Next episode is gonna be even greater with Arrow's team coming to the show


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