Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Flash 1x14 Fallout review

Hey guys,

just finished watching the 14th episode of the Flash.The episode focused on firestorm once again, after the nuclear explosion. Martin Stein and Ronnie Reymond are back to being two separate beings, though they are still connected somehow.
This was, in my opinion a decent episode. Robbie Amell fit right away in Team Flash and he stole the scene most of the times, in fact the show is becoming more about Firestorm than about the Flash.
For me this episode had 3 major positives.
The first was when Stein totally geeked out when he understood that Barry, some time in the future, was going to break the space-time continuum. I thought that it was a really good move on their part when they decided to explain the possibility of time travel through science.

The second was the reunification and the improved Firestorm. It was awesome to see him take on the army and race back to Star Labs with The Flash.

The third and most shocking scene was Harrison Wells suited up as the Reverse Flash teaming up with Gorilla Grodd. That scene literally got me jumping out of my seat.
The mystery surrounding this character is not over yet. We still have to understand what his plan is, how he got his powers and why sometimes he looses them.

Overall I didn't have any major negatives about this episode. Iris didn't have many scenes which was good and to me the only negative is that the next episode will be in exactly one month.
Here's next week episode

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Arrow 3x13 Canaries review

Hey guys,

Finally after two very weak episodes we have ourselves an awesome episode with Oliver back in driving seat or almost.
One of the biggest positives of this episode was the return of Caity Lotz. I enjoyed her return and the way she returned. We all missed her, but we have to accept the fact that her character was just introduced to inspire Laurel to fulfill her destiny as the Black Canary.

I also liked the tension within Team Arrow disagreeing on whether it was the right choice to team up with Merlin and whether Laurel made the right choice by deciding to fight crime. Oliver realized that he doesn't have a bunch of puppets he can push around anymore, but his teammates are almost his equal now and they have the right to state their ideas.

One thing that keeps bothering me is that neither Oliver nor his tea mates have taken into consideration the possibility of asking Barry for his help. After all he's perfectly capable of helping the Arrow defeat Ra's Al Ghul who we saw can be beat in the mid season finale. At one point during the fight scene we saw Oliver gaining the apprehend so Oliver with Barry's help would have no problems defeating Ra's.

Overall great episode and the teaser promo for next week features another return from season 2.

The Flahs 1x13 The Nuclear Man Review

Hey guys,
what an awesome episode we witnessed last night. This was one of the best episodes of the entire season so far because it didn't feature the usual villain of the week but it rather developed the story arc which is going to culminate in finding out who truly killed Barry's mom.

There were a lot of positives in this episode:

1. Cisco and Detective West investigating Barry's mom death. It truly was thrilling seeing them attempting to uncover the mystery. At one point I thought that those blood samples could have matched with Dr. Wells DNA, but the revelation that it was Barry certainly exceeded my expectations. I didn't think they were going to introduce time travel so soon.

2. Team Flash and Firestorm. I thought that the back story of Firestorm was very well narrated, and Robbie Amell really played the part well. I thought that the final scene, with Firestorm going Nuclear and Barry and Caitlin trying to escape the blast was mind blowing to say the least.

3. I also like the romance between Linda Park and Barry. I am glad that they had Barry move on from Iris ( at least for now).

The only negative for me was all scenes which featured Iris. I am starting to hate the character. I have never liked the approach of putting obstacles between people who are destined together, especially if that obstacle is another person. By that I mean, I hate that they are having Iris be with Eddie but at the same time be jealous when she's not at the center of Barry's life.

Overall awesome episode with a great teaser at the end, let's only hope that Iris gets less and less screen time.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Arrow and The Flash 12th episode review

Hey guys,
Another week has just started and 2 more episodes of the flash and Arrow are coming. However  this,past week has showed us all the weaknesses and strenghts of both shows.
The flash strenghts are obviously the mysteries surrounding most characters and Barry's developing powers. We love to see Barry have fun using his powers.

The flash weaknesses are obvious too. The show has a villain for each new episode and though there is a common tread behind all episodes I can't help to feel how disconnected the episodes are. It almost feels like they are waiting for these episodes to be over to show us the awesome part of the storyline closer to the end of the season. 

As for Arrow I think that its strenghts are obvious. Its characters are very well developed with story lines very interesting to watch and follow. Its villains are entertaining with good motivations that drive them. The fighting scenes are very well executed, plus the show really made Oliver Queen a believable character. 

However the clear and transparent problem of Arrow which has manifested during the last episodes is the coexistence of the show is the same universe of the Flash. Unfortunately combining both shows was a huge punch to the credibility of Arrow because when faced with an insurmountable obstacle  the Arrow can simply call the Flash to help save the day. However instead of doing that the Arrow decided in the very last episode to team up with his biggest enemy, with the guy who is responsible for several hundreds deaths in Starling along with Sara's death and Tommy's death. Instead of teaming up with Merlin, Oliver could have easily decided to team up with the Flash to save his sister and his own life but rather he completely neglected Barry's presence and he took the road on which a superhero never should go.  
This is my overview of both shows and i truly hope that ky two most favourite shows on TV will get better in the upcoming episodes.


The Web-slinger lands on the MCU

Hey guys,


Sony and Marvel Studios announced yesterday that Spiderman will appear in an upcoming Marvel movie. Whether that movie is Captain America: Civil War ( Highly likely) or any other is still unknown but the big news is that Sony made the deal.
The announcement also stated that a stand-alone Spider-Man movie will be coming to theaters on July 28th 2017 which means the delay of the previously announced Marvel movie Slate. This will mean that Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and the Inhumans will move their original release date to make room for the webslinger.

Now, for a long time I have been a fan of the idea of seeing Spider Man team up with the Avengers but recently I changed my mind. I honestly would rather have a poorly written and poorly directed movie like The Amazing Spider Man 2 rather than having a movie about Spider man which feels more like Guardians of the Galaxy.
Don't get me wrong, I admire what Marvel have done so far, they have been able to create a shared universe which is great but never the less almost every movie released by Marvel/Disney have been movies designed for kids with light themes, movies where practically nobody dies and where the villains always loose. On the other hand Sony have released Spider-Man movies full of drama which allowed us to witness beautiful scenes and most of all well-acted scenes ( i.e. Andrew Garfield realizing Gwen's death)

Another reason which leads me to not be happy about this deal is that I don't what see Garfield replaced by another actor and I don't want a new Spider-Man. I think that Garfield portrayal of both Peter Parker and his alter ego was far better that Tobey Maguire's performance in the same role and honestly I want the story to move on rather than to start from scratch one more time. We were promised the Sinister Six next year (obviously we are not going to get that) and we were promised a Carnage/ Venom  movie but with Marvel busy movie schedule maybe none of these promises will be kept.

The one upside to all of this is that we'll get to see Spiderman fight alongside Captain America and Iron Man of maybe only one of the two.
Stay tuned for more news.
