Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Arrow 3x13 Canaries review

Hey guys,

Finally after two very weak episodes we have ourselves an awesome episode with Oliver back in driving seat or almost.
One of the biggest positives of this episode was the return of Caity Lotz. I enjoyed her return and the way she returned. We all missed her, but we have to accept the fact that her character was just introduced to inspire Laurel to fulfill her destiny as the Black Canary.

I also liked the tension within Team Arrow disagreeing on whether it was the right choice to team up with Merlin and whether Laurel made the right choice by deciding to fight crime. Oliver realized that he doesn't have a bunch of puppets he can push around anymore, but his teammates are almost his equal now and they have the right to state their ideas.

One thing that keeps bothering me is that neither Oliver nor his tea mates have taken into consideration the possibility of asking Barry for his help. After all he's perfectly capable of helping the Arrow defeat Ra's Al Ghul who we saw can be beat in the mid season finale. At one point during the fight scene we saw Oliver gaining the apprehend so Oliver with Barry's help would have no problems defeating Ra's.

Overall great episode and the teaser promo for next week features another return from season 2.

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