Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Flash 1x17 Tricksters review

Hey guys,

this show is exceeding every expectation I've ever had. It is difficult, in my opinion, to surprise fans when some of them are familiar with the source material, to get them excited and to have them fall in shock when they realize what has truly happened. Despite knowing the source material, this show is taking me back to school and it keeps on surprising me.
I completely loved this episode. Lots of positives like:
1. Mark Hamill is back as the trickster and his son has fallen into his footsteps. First of all it was nice to have Mark Hamill on the show and second of all it was nice the way they tied him into this new universe considering that he was the trickster in the old tv show.

2. Henry Allen now knows about Barry and met every member of Team Flash. I thought it was awesome to see Barry vibrate through a solid object in order to get rid of the bomb, however I found it odd that he chose to vibrate through a very long truck as opposed to something slimmer. The whole speech given by Eobard/Harrison to Barry to guide him through the discovery of yet another power was breathtaking. When he mentioned the speedforce I literally jumped out of my bed.

3.But without a doubt the best part of the show were the flashbacks where we saw the way Harrison Wells became Eobard Thawne. I loved the explanation that that person from the future gave to the Reverse Flash about him not being able to tap into the speedforce. I like that they keep on giving scientific explanation as to why things are happening.

One of the negatives remains the character of Iris West and her inconsistencies. I don't like her and I also did not understand why Barry had to reveal himself to Eddie in order to convince him to lie to Iris.

...and just when the episode ended the promo hit and that shocked me even more. We are in for an exciting show in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Flash 1x15, 1x16 review

Hey guys,

the 15th and the 16th episode of the first season are basically the 1st and the 2nd part of the same episode. They are all set in the same day relived twice by Barry who for the first time broke the space time continuum. Episode 15th left us shocked in its last 7 minutes, the best and most intense 7 minutes that I've ever seen in a comicbook adaptation. The revelation of the identity of Dr. Wells the revelation of Barry's identity to Iris and Barry travelling back in time are scenes that should be amongs the best moments of this season. Unfortuantely the second part of the episode wasn't as good as the first one and that was easy to predict. It is hard to top what happened in the Out of Time episode.

One thing that left many puzzled was that in this episode there weren't two versions of Barry and to me that is perfectly understandable when I think about. There can't be two versions of Barry in such a limited time. I believe that Barry will be able to meet a past or future version of himself only if he travels very far into the future or very far into the past otherwise his body will always merge with his past or future self.

Overall the Flash has been doing an awesome job at telling the origin story of Barry Allen and at keeping us on the edge of our seats for many months. There's still a lot we don't know about Eobard Thawne but the season finale is close and all we'll be revealed soon.

Even though it probably won't happen I would love to see way down the line a flashpoint paradox storyline which over the course of a season could influence not only the Flash tv show but also Arrow and perhaps the new untitled spinoff show and ths Supergirl tv show. We definately don't wanna lose Eobard in 7 episode and I do wanna see Flash and Zoom go at it in the past present and future.


Arrow Season 3 Episode 14, 15,16 & 17

Hey guys,

I apologize for the absence of the past month but Arrow hasn't been at his best lately. Honestly I feel like Arrow has lost its way. Either the screenwriters are focusing more on The Flash this year or they really have lost their inspiration when it comes to our favourite archer. Though Stephen Amell truly brings this character to life, I feel that the whole storyline surrounding Ra's Al Ghul is a bit ridiculous and way out of place. I get that they want to make The Arrow the center of the universe since Batman and Bruce Wayne do not exist in this one but I feel that they are trying too hard to steal some of Batam's famous story lines and adapt them to The Green Arrow.

Another thing that has been bugging me over the last few episodes was the sudden dislike towards Felicity. She's gone from being one of my favourite characters with her intelligence and her jokes to being one of my least favourite. Now she's always talking about her feelings and complaining I truly hope that her relationship with Ray will come to an end because I am also starting to dislike The Atom as well.

Without even mentioning the disaster they have done when they decided to have Laurel become the Black Canary, I would just like to add that I really hated the fact that they killed Deadshot off in this episode. If on the one hand I really like that they showed us his back story, on the other hand I can't help to think that the only reason they killed off such an important character is because someone from DC/WB has asked them to. I am afraid this is the last time we've seen the Suicide Squad in action on the Flarrowverse.

With that being said, I still think that in the next episode the tables will turn. Laurel is now training with Nyssa, Diggle Oliver and Roy are a very solid team and maybe with Brandon Routh's going to star on his own spin off show Felicity will become a likable character once again.
We'll just have to wait and see and hope that the Lazarus Pit will bring someone we used to love back from the dead.
