Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Arrow Season 3 Episode 14, 15,16 & 17

Hey guys,

I apologize for the absence of the past month but Arrow hasn't been at his best lately. Honestly I feel like Arrow has lost its way. Either the screenwriters are focusing more on The Flash this year or they really have lost their inspiration when it comes to our favourite archer. Though Stephen Amell truly brings this character to life, I feel that the whole storyline surrounding Ra's Al Ghul is a bit ridiculous and way out of place. I get that they want to make The Arrow the center of the universe since Batman and Bruce Wayne do not exist in this one but I feel that they are trying too hard to steal some of Batam's famous story lines and adapt them to The Green Arrow.

Another thing that has been bugging me over the last few episodes was the sudden dislike towards Felicity. She's gone from being one of my favourite characters with her intelligence and her jokes to being one of my least favourite. Now she's always talking about her feelings and complaining I truly hope that her relationship with Ray will come to an end because I am also starting to dislike The Atom as well.

Without even mentioning the disaster they have done when they decided to have Laurel become the Black Canary, I would just like to add that I really hated the fact that they killed Deadshot off in this episode. If on the one hand I really like that they showed us his back story, on the other hand I can't help to think that the only reason they killed off such an important character is because someone from DC/WB has asked them to. I am afraid this is the last time we've seen the Suicide Squad in action on the Flarrowverse.

With that being said, I still think that in the next episode the tables will turn. Laurel is now training with Nyssa, Diggle Oliver and Roy are a very solid team and maybe with Brandon Routh's going to star on his own spin off show Felicity will become a likable character once again.
We'll just have to wait and see and hope that the Lazarus Pit will bring someone we used to love back from the dead.


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