Batman and Lex Luthor give us two different perspectives of human beings in the presence of Superman. Batman sees Superman as a menace who needs to be stopped, a menace that caused so much destruction in Metropolis. He is full of rage for the death of his employees and that escalates when Superman fails to stop the bomb in court.
On the other hand Lex Luthor is driven mainly by the philosophical view that if God is all good he cannot be all powerful and if he is all powerful he cannot be all good. He is the mastermind behind everything that happens to Clark or Bruce and it is his genius mind that pushes them to clash and this to me is one of the best aspects of the movie. The two heroes don't necessarily want to fight each other but it is lex that makes them to.
The inevitable battle between the Man of Steel and The Dark Knight, although very short, is amazing with Batman beating Superman. Even though I am a Superman fan, I loved the outcome of the fight because it made perfect sense. The battle showed everybody how intelligent Batman is and why he deserves to be in the Justice League among Gods.
The Third act is simply awesome. The trinity joins forces to defeat Doomsday and one of the best scenes of the movie was the introduction to Wonder Woman. The first shot of her saving Batman made everybody go crazy in the theater and everybody was cheering.
The movie is poetic with the way it handles Superman's death, it shows what a true here is, this movie is epic and majestic in its portrayal of the world's most famous heroes.
This movie is everything that I wanted, great villains which are intimidating and whose actions actually cause damage. If you are more interested in generic villains who make empty threats and always loose to the heroes then go watch any Disney Marvel movie because I believe it is offensive for Batman v Superman and to the DC Extended Universe to even be considered in the same movie genre as Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant Man or any other kid friendly Marvel movie. This movie is a serious take on the superhero genre and it is very unapologetic about what it is and about what it aims to be. It is truly one of the best comic book movies ever it gets better after each viewing, it is a great homage to us comic book fans with a lot of Easter Eggs that hint at future villains and heroes.
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