Thursday, October 8, 2015

Arrow 4x01 Green Arrow episode review

Hey guys,

I guess it's too much to ask to have three great superhero episodes in a row but at least we got two. Gotham was great but this episode was even better. Arrow is back with a vengeance and with the city's name being changed and The Arrow becoming the Green Arrow we have finally seen, after three long years , the birth of the character we wanted to see all along.
I loved pretty much every single scene of this episode, even those scenes where Oliver was exchanging cooking tips. I thought they were funny and fit perfectly with the tone of the beginning.
Another thing that I loved was the introduction of the new costume, I thought that the speech given by Oliver as the Green Arrow was compelling enough in order for the citizens to be convinced that he was a totally different person. The only thing that bothered me was how visible Oliver's face was during the speech, they could have kept him a little bit more in the shadows.
I also think that the screenwriters have learnt from their mistakes, and I think that they are working on fixing the mistakes they made with Felicity so that is why they're trying to bring back the character they had created before season three with the plus of having her be with Oliver which I am all for.
Captain Lance twist close to the end of the episode was also perfect, I think that having him work for Damien is a much deserved improvement for his character. My theory is that somehow Damien Darkh has promised Captain Lance to either help him with the Green Arrow problem or with resurrecting Sarah.

My top 2 moments from this episode were:
The Green Lantern Easter Egg: seeing a pilot suit with the name Jordan on it was amazing and though it is unlikely that we'll see Green Lantern on the show, just the idea of seeing Hal is exciting

The final scene: Everyone is now wondering who is in the casket and my theory is that it is going to be Felicity. Stephen Amell has confirmed that he does not know who will die but my guess is that Felicity will die and that will change the dynamic of the show

Overall solid episode, let's hope they keep this up


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