Monday, June 30, 2014

The Flash tv series pilot review

Hey guys ,
Yesterday I saw the pilot of the CW's new tv series entitled The Flash, which is a spinoff series of ARROW. I want to share my thoughts about the leaked pilot episode with you.

This is a spoiler review. Don't go on if you have not seen the pilot.

First of all my general impression is that the first episode was really good and very well-done. The show looks promising! Second of all I want to focus on specific scenes.
Let's start.
In the pilot we see the origin of the flash (Barry Allen).The story is narrated with flashbacks, also we  see some old scenes that we already saw in arrow season 2 episode 9 "three ghosts". Some of those scenes are inconsistent (i.e. Barry using a tissue when walking into his lab) with what we saw in arrow but this is just a little does not matter..what matters is that the pilot was online months before it was supposed to come out and whoever put it online had not idea of how much money the CW was gonna loose.

 The best moments of this episode, in my opinion, are:
  • the first scenes in which there is barry running into the city while is narrating! I have to say that despite the fact that it is a tv show and the production budget is not as high as a blockbuster movie, the special effects are awesome and I liked them very much
  • Starling city 
after failing to catch the Weather Wizard, Barry runs to Starling City to his friend Oliver Queen aka The Arrow and Oliver tells him that now he can be a guardian angel for his city and says that the lightning chose him to inspire people and I like this scene because it is mind blowingly beautiful because we have the flash and the green arrow standing in front of one another in a very epic scene.

  • Pilot finale 
the ending is unexpected  beacuse I would never have imagined that  they would bring time travel  into the show especially if we consider the implications of that into a share universe. Anyway, what a cliffhanger, right?

  • Harrison Wells speech to Barry
when barry goes after the bad guy (the Weather Wizard) and has problems defeating him, Harrison encourages him and when at the end he says "you can do run barry.....RUN!!!!"...I jumped out of my seat because it really was a great scene and I liked it very much.

  • Barry's father 
One of the things I really enjoyed is that Barry's father is  John Wesley Shipp and he was played back in the 90s The flash on television and I think it was great to see him now play The Flash's fahter.

In this first episode there are also a lot of Easter Eggs and these are some of them (please tell us if we missed any):
  • Gorilla Grood
After Barry wakes up from coma  at Star Labs , doctor Harrison Wells explains to him what happened after the particle accelerator  was turned on and they,while talkink, walk passed a broken cage on which we see "Grodd"..and that's a reference to Flash's enemy Gorilla Grodd.

  • Wayne tech\Queen inc
at the end of the episode Dr Harrison Wells goes into a secret room and opens a newspaper from the future(2024) On this newspaper we read on the left ,at the bottom of the page we see"Wayne Tech\Queen Inc Merger complete"...that's clearly a reference to Wayne Industries which is the compaany of Bruce Wayne aka Batman.

  • Ferris air
After discovering his abilities, Barry with Dr. Harrison Wells and his assistants test how fast he can run and they test him in a ferris air testing facility which is clearly a reference to agent Carol Ferris aka Hal jordan(Green Lantern)'s love interest. .A Ferris easter eggs also appeared in arrow season 1 HOPEFULLY one day we'll see green lantern POP UP in either Starling City or Central City.

  • Crisis on infinite Earths 
Also in the end on the newspaper from 2024 we read the Heading which says "Flash vanishes in Crisis" which is a reference to the comic book series Crisis on infinite Earths but It will remain simply an Easter Egg since that particular story needs Batman, Superman and other important comic book characters but I guess it could be a great idea in the case they decide to have a shared universe with Batman and Superman from the movie universe.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Predictions on summer blockbuster movies

Hey guys,
Summer is finally here and there are 4 big blockbuster movies about to release in the upcoming weeks. We are obviously talking about Transformers: Age of Extinction, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Guardians of the Galaxy and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I suppose we have seen enough footage from all four movies for me to give you my thoughts and expectations on how they are going to turn out.

                                1. Transformers: Age of Extinction
Despite all the bad critics befallen on the previous instalments of the franchise which I do not agree with I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about the idea of changing the entire cast, I mean they could have replaced easily one or two other actors who did not want to come back but they still could have continued the storyline. It kind of bugs me that the story will take place some years what happened in Chicago and that Optimus and the Autobots are now hanging out with new people. I wonder how they are going to explain the reason why there's a totally different cast. The trailer has not got me excited one bit but I'll still go see it and I'll go in there with an open mind.

                                2. Guardians of the Galaxy
People keep saying how awesome the trailers look for the next instalment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but I personally don't see it. I do not like the tone of the trailers, too many jokes for my taste and apart from Starlord I don't actually have an interest in any of the other members. With that being said, it will still be a Marvel movie and it will be interesting to see how the Guardians will fit into the whole Avengers Universe.

                                3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Everyone is bashing on this movie for the casting of Megan Fox as April O'Neil and for the fact that Michael Bay is producing it but I've actually been impressed by the two trailers, the turtles as I said in my review of the TMNT trailer look good and so does Shredder. I actually have a feeling that this movie will have a huge box office success.

                                4. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Definately my most anticipated movie of the summer. After watching all three trailers I have to say the movie looks better than what I had expected. I think I've watched the scene where Ceasar says: Apes Together, Strong" a million times and I still get goosebumbs. I think that this movie will have a mojor twist at the end which will leaves completely shocked.

This are my thoughts on the biggest summer movies of 2014. What's the movie you are most looking forward to?

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Maschera Gialla (Yellow Mask)

Hey guys,
in a week without any relevant hero news I've decided to talk to you about a comic book which I stumbled upon recently called Maschera Gialla (Yellow Mask). Last month on my way to London, I met a comic book artist who told me about this thing he was working on. He's a from Naples (Italy), very talented dude who on the flight to London made me in less than a minute a green arrow drawing on a small piece of paper.
 This drawing that he made really got me interested in checking out the work that he had been doing and that's why I started reading a couple of issues of this comic book. We usually think of comic books as something confined to the USA , we think of DC and we think of Marvel but I've really been impressed by how talented these guys are. The author of this comic book is Davide "DADO" Caporali and the guy that I met works closely with him. His name is Giovanni Fubi Guida a really talented young man. The comic book tells the story of a kid from Rome, he's a pizza delivery guy named Max, who happens to find a yellow Mask on his way home from work. This mask gives him strange powers which he cannot control, it is the mask which controls him and not the other way around and so he's the typical anti-hero. He's not your tipical hero he sometimes uses his powers for good but he also uses them to become famous and notorious.
The nice part about all of this is that the mask only gives him one power at a time and you never know which one he will get. Things can go crazy in the blink of an eye.

I've only started reading it so I cannot tell you more about it but as I've already said I really like the work these guys have done and if you too wanna check this comic book out then click right here:
Obviously the comic book is in Italian but I encourage those of you who do not speak Italian to check it out anyway because it's really cool!!! You can also check out their facebook page here's the link:

If you guys decide to check it out, leave a comment below and tell me what you thought about it.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Flash tv series trailer review

After Arrow season finale, a new trailer for the Flash tv series has hit the web. The trailer was quite long, almost 6 minutes of excitement. If we think about it this is the first time ever that two Dc characters with two different shows are in the same universe. Never before have we had these types of crossovers and this could be the beginning of something great. The trailer basically describes the origin of the flash with some clips from the mid season finale of arrow. 
One of the best parts of the trailer was when Barry decides to test how fast he can run and maybe not too many of you noticed that he decides to test his speed at the Ferris Air Testing Facility which is the company for which Hal Jordan works for. Wouldn't it be cool if we got to see Green Lantern pop up in Central city?  
After all it has been established that Coast city exists in this universe. Another bonus of the trailer is that we see Stephen Amell  reprising his role as Green Arrow in the first episode of this brand new series linking the two shows together. I truly hope that we'll see characters from one show pop up in the other and vice versa. However, considering the limited number of cameos between the originals and the vampire diaries I highly doubt that we'll see frequent crossovers. After hearing Barry talk about his childhood on Arrow and after watching this trailer we all know that Professor Zoom isn't that far along. 
So what did you think about it? What do you expect from this show? Leave your comments down below!


Arrow season 2x23 review

Hye guys,
Unfortunately The 23hd episode of the second season of Arrow was also the season finale which means that now we will have to wait four months before watching the first episode of the third season. 
This final episode was breath-taking this is why I'll mention the negatives first and the positives later. As for the negatives the only thing that could have been improved was to have had Green Arrow and Deathstroke fight with their masks on. Apart from thaT I was a bit disappointed about the fact that Laurel didn't take any significant steps towards becoming the Black Canary. Apart from these two minor negatives I thought the rest was fantastic. I loved the fact that Diggle split up to go and free the suicide squad in order to stop Amanda Waller from levelling Starling City. Too bad he didn't also open the cell where Harley Quinn was locked up. Meanwhile the rest of team arrow joined forces with some members of the league of assassins led by Nyssa al G'hul. Their help was inevitable to inject Slade's Army with the cure. Seeing Nyssa fight alongside The Arrow, the Canary and Roy (who received a special gift from Oliver) got me so pumped up! However one thing was to kill or cure Slade's brainless men but another was to defeat Slade. Oliver had to outsmart Slade and so he decides to do so by using the hidden cameras that Slade had placed in his mansion against him. It's Felicity in the end who cures Slade and therefore gives Oliver a fighting chance.

The ending was quite unexpected, Oliver decides not to kill Slade but exiles him back to the island, and we also discover that 5 years earlier Oliver met Amanda Waller who brought him back to the mainland, to Hong Kong.
One silly thing I woul like to ask Oliver is how does he intend to feed Slade in that prison, it looked to me that he was the only inmate in that prison so unless Oliver travels daily to Lian Yu Slade is going to face a slow and painful death.
Anyway I can't wait for Arrow season 3 and just yesterday Stephen Amell has posted a photo of him with Steven McQueen using the hashtag Nightwing. Is this a clear sign that we are going to see Nightwing next fall on Arrow? Let's hope so!

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hey guys,
it's been a while now since it was announced that the highly anticipated Man of Steel sequel featuring Batman has an official title which is 
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I wanted to wait to give you my opinion because I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I have to admit that I am still a bit confused about the title. It sounds great, even the second part "Dawn of Justice" which is a clear hint at the Justice League makes it sound like the beginning of something great however we all know that when you use a movie to set a franchise that particular movie does not turn out good. (See Iron Man 2) 
I don't have any problems with the fact that Batman's name comes first even though it's a Man of Steel sequel. This could either turn out a great movie or a giant flop so we'll just have to wait and see. The title or the bat costume, or even the batmobile are not indicative of the quality of the movie but so far the movie looks promising. Let's only hope that it will live up to our expectations considering that we still have to wait two more years to see it.

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past movie review

Hey Guys,
sorry it took me so long to put this up but I finally got time to see it last night so here's my review of the 7th instalment of the X-Men franchise entitled X-Men day of futures past. The movie reunites the cast of the original X-Men trilogy and the younger cast of the X-Men First Class and only the idea of putting together all these actors deserves credit.

Most of the story takes place in the past where The Wolverine travels to in order to save the future. In the future the Mutants and the humans that helped them have all been killed with few exceptions. The sentinels (the robots) created by Trask possess Mystique's ability and therefore they are able to adapt to fight any mutants. This is why Sentinels completely wipe out mutants in the future and Wolverine has to go back to the past and prevent Mystique from killing Trask and start the war between the mutants and the humans.
When Logan gets to the past in his younger body he realizes that many things are different that what he remembered, he has to get the help of Professor X who now walks thanks to a drug developed by Beast which allows him to walk but as a downside takes away his abilities. Once Professor X and Beast decide to help Wolverine they work together to break Magneto out of a very special prison 100 stories below ground in the Pentagon. Magneto was the one blamed for the death of J.F. Kennedy and they locked him away in a prison without any metal. In order to break him out they seek the help of Quicksilver who let me tell you looked amazing. It's not so much his look but his powers that looked amazing. The way they made him look, as if he was bored because things around him were moving too slow was fantastic. He definately stole the show for the scenes he was in, and basically he alllowed Magneto to escape all by himself. There was also a minor Easter Egg when he said "You can control Metal", "My mom used to go out with someone who was able to control metal" a clear hint at the fact that Magneto is his father, they just don't know it yet. With Magneto and Professor X reunited we are presented once again with the never ending clash between the two of them and their ideologies. They both had two ways to solve the problem and when Magneto fails to save the day he realizes that his actions were only leading to the future he was trying to prevent. Mystique realizes the consequences of her actions and decides to save the day for once. I very much like the fact that even though Wolverine is the main character, he does not save the day at the very end.

The movie had some big inconsistencies and continuity problems but once you get passed those the movie is amazing. It did bother be a bit when they didn't explain why Xavier is alive and why Wolverine has adamantium claws in the future.
The ending of the movie is amazing, Wolverine goes back to the future and because of its actions in the past many things have now changed in the future. Beast, Cyclops, Tempest and Jean Grey are all alive and seeing them back at the school was amazing. This feels like the start of something rather than the end and in fact the post-credit scene at the very end gives us a glimpse of the new villain. Apocalypse is coming!
Overall the movie was great , the character development was fantastic, the portrayal of Professor X and Magneto by two different actors was simply epic. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique and Evan Peters as Quicksilver were simply awesome.
I just can't wait for the next movie and I am really looking forward to see the X-Men cross path with the Fantastic Four.
So far this is my second favourite comic book movie of the year and If you guys have been following me for a while you all know which comic book movie was my favourite this year.

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