Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Flash 1x04 Going Rogue review

Hey guys,
just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This is the fourth episode and it is the episode which gives us the first ever real crossover between Arrow and The Flash with Felicity showing up in Central City as she announced it last week at the very end of Arrow's episode.
The episode also introduces the first villain ever that manages to defeat the Flash. One of the best things about the episode was in fact that Captain Cold managed to defeat Barry on multiple occasions. It was important, in my opinion, to show the reaction of the entire team Flash when they realized they weren't able to save everyone and especially Barry's reaction when he realized he wasn't fast enough to save that man who got blasted by Captain Cold. This week, unlike in previous episodes we had a very solid villain who  wasn't there just to have Barry show off his power but an actual villain who was a real threat throughout the whole episode. He will be back as we saw from the final scene of the episode and he will be joining forces with Mick Rory aka Heat Wave who is ( or will be)  a member of the super villain team called the Rogues whose leader is actually Captain Cold.

As for Felicity I thought that seeing her in The Flash was amazing but if I didn't know her from Arrow I wouldn't have liked her that much.I think that she didn't have a lot of chemistry with the rest of the cast but it certainly was awesome seeing Barry showing her his powers. This is the emblem of what it means to have two awesome shows and to have at the same time crossovers which make the two shows all the more special.

Obviously, we have to keep talking about the most mysterious character of the show: Harrison Wells. He keeps on  giving us clues at to what he knows and doesn't know. We know so far that he knows that Barry was going to get struck by that lightning but apparently now we know that he doesn't know a lot of details about the future considering that he was scared that Barry would get harmed in a fight with Captain Cold.
However I still don't know whether I believe those who say that he is the Reverse Flash or those who believe that he is a Flash from the future.
I'm honestly torn and even though I am more inclined to believing that he is the Reverse Flash I still ask myself what is the purpose of having Edward (Eobard) Thawne on the show then.

Leave you comments down below


Marvel announces movies of phase 3

Hey guys,

Marvel has just announced their entire movie slate up to 2019. Here are the movies that have been announced:

Captain America: Civil War ( May 6th 2016)
Doctor Strange (November 4th 2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 May 5th 2017
Thor: Ragnarok July 27th 2017
Black Panther November 3hd 2017
Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 May 4th 2018
Captain Marvel July 6th 2018
Inhumans Nov 2nd 2018
Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 May 3hd 2019

Black Panther will be played by Chadwick Boseman and apparently Avengers Infinity War Par 2 will be the final movie featuring the Avengers, however the Dr. Strange project still has no actor and no further information was given on the whole project. No information was given as to who will play Captain Marvel.
Nothing was told as to what will follow the 4th avengers film but probably the cast will be replaced and there will be a reboot after 2019.
So, what do you think of this announcement? We have a lot to look forward to with Marvel and DC announcing their respective movie slates for the next few years.
What comic book project are you most looking forward to? Let us know what you think down below


Monday, October 27, 2014

Gotham 1x06 Spirit of the Goat

Hey guys,
just finished watching Gotham's sixth episode entitled Spirit of the Goat which focused on a serial killer who Harvey Bullock thought he had already defeated.
This episode was, in my opinion a step back from last week because it took a major deviation from the main storyline of the Marone vs Falcone family. We barely saw Osval Cobblepot but we got to  see more of Edward Nigma and we understood more where he is at in his life and we caught a glimpse at his darkness which is starting to manifest.

I liked the fact that they showed us that Harvey was once a true and honest cop, someone who got corrupted eventually by the city of Gotham. Gotham is central in all of this, it is the reason why people do what they do and why people become evil.

One thing that was truly amazing was seeing Catwoman inside Wayne's manor looking at Bruce's investigation board. I think it would be truly fantastic to see a relationship develop between Selina and Bruce and the show could benefit from this heavily.

No matter what you thought of the episode, you have to agree that the ending was fantastic. Jim arrested for the murder of the Penguin but I never thought that the Penguin would show up at the police station and reveal to all that he is still alive.

Overall the show is still not good enough but it gives me enough to keep watching it every single week

What did you think of this episode? Let us know in the comment section below


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer + review

Hey guys,
I am not sure this was an intentional release from Marvel or if this was simply leaked by someone on the Internet but I have found the official trailer of Avengers Age of Ultron which will be released in theaters in April of next year.
Here's the trailer

I enjoyed almost all Marvel movies to this point except for Guardians of The Galaxy but I've always been critical of the fact that these movies never had a serious tone. Well, there you go, this trailer has a very serious and dark tone. It looks like the Avengers will face a true villain this time who will create not only conflict within the team but a villain who will show the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that heroes do not always win and when they do it comes at a price.
The trailer is very intense and it shows the rise of Ultron from Tony Stark's house. Needless to say that the best part of this trailer was that we got to see the Hulkbuster armor that supposedly Tony Starks builds to fight The Hulk. The Armor is even bigger than the Hulk himself and I wonder how it works. Do you guys think that the armor will be able to fly? If so, it could allow Tony Stark to fly only for a limited time and possibly not that fast or that high
If you weren't by any chance excited for this movie, now all of you must be.

Which part was your favourite and what did you think of the Hulkbuster?
Let us know below

Arrow 3x03 Corto Maltese

Hey guys,
I just finished watching one of the best episodes ever of Arrow. Awesome episode all the way through. The plot of the episode revolved around the implications of Sarah's death. Everyone is dealing with her death in their own way, Laurel is angry at the world, whereas Oliver wants to bring her sister back.
On the one hand we see Laurel trying to deal with her rage. She first goes to an AA meeting but then she decides to blow off some rage by beating up some guy. I loved how it all happened.Laurel wearing a ski mask attacked this guy only to get knocked down. I loved the fact that she didn't win right away, even though the guy she was facing had no skills whatsoever because she needed to get knocked down because that motivated her to seek a mentor who would be willing to train her.

Her mentor will not be Oliver Queen ( as everybody thought) but rather a certain Ted Grant (aka Wildcat). For those of you who don't know Ted Grant is a superhero and member of the Justice Society of America during the Golden Age. In the comics he was the mentor of both The Black Canary and Batman as also seen in one of the animated episodes of Justice League Unlimited. Laurel's character as the Black Canary was inconceivable due to her lack of skills but she will train now and probably by the end of the season she will also discover her superpower ( Canary Cry).

As for Thea I loved that they showed us some of her training, and most importantly they explained the importance of training the mind before training the body( this helps us understand how she mastered these skills in a few months). Thea is ready to take on Star City, the only question is: will she be an ally or a nemesis of Team Arrow?

As for Felicity, I loved the reference to Barry and the way they connected her popping up in the Flash next week. I thought it was smart to kind of announce her crossover creating yet another link between the two shows.

Finally, when I thought it couldn't get better, we got something better. Nyssa is back and she's looking for Sarah. This can only mean one thing: Ra's Al Ghul is not too far behind.

Prepare to get amazed!

Here's next week sneak peek


The Flash 1x03 Things you can't outrun review

Hey guys,

sorry I didn't put this review up yesterday but I've been busy lately.
I did see the third episode yesterday however and here is what I thought about it.
I think this was another great episode. I am starting to think that Grant Gustin really would have had enough acting chops to carry his own movie. He is starting to look and sound like the Flash.
The episode was very emotional at times, exciting and shocking.

In this episode we got to see Stephen Amell's cousin Robbie Amell who plays Ronnie Raymond die  in a flashback. His character is most likely coming back as the character Firestorm. However it is still unclear whether he'll join his body with Martin Stein to become the original Firestorm or whether the showrunners wanna keep it simple by having only him as Firestorm. Those of you who have read The Flash comics know that Flash's storylines are quite convoluted so shorunners might decide to simplify things so that the audience doesn't get lost.

We are also starting to understand the dynamics of Team Flash and the personalities of each character. One of the best moments of the whole episode was Barry's father telling his son about the first time he walked ( he didn't walk, he ran) and I feel that the show really embraces the relationship between Barry and his father.

Professor Harrison Wells keeps on being the most interesting character, we all wonder who he truly is. Some people say he's the reverse flash other people have actually said that he could be a flash from the future ( Bart Allen) or perhaps an older version of Barry Allen. He evidently knows a lot about the future but it is still unclear if he is going to be a villain or a hero.

One of the negatives of this episode for me was the villain. The villain we were introduce to in these first three episodes were not significant but I feel that at this point in the season they don't really matter. The only purpose of these villains is to have Barry show off his powers but in all honesty I prefer when Flash saves random people on the streets.

Here's next week sneak peek


Monday, October 20, 2014

Gotham 1x05 Viper review

Hey guys,

the 5th episode of Gotham just ended a few minutes ago and finally it was a great episode, an episode worth watching. 

The episode  as always revolved around the case of  a a drug called Viper which caused people to become stronger only to kill them a few hours later. 

The episodes' plot had a very interesting twist which showed us that there's even corruption within Wayne Enterprises and its subsidiaries. All of this will have huge implications on the next episodes or perhaps even on the entire first season of Gotham. 
I extremely enjoy they way they are handling Bruce's screen presence with him starting to master his detective skills. This is something that I had not foreseen, the fact that they would have Bruce study the city of Gotham and understand the corruption that lies within. I also like the fact that he is, at the same time, kind of defenceless and that he still needs someone to rescue him when he is in danger.

I am also starting to warm up to Alfred and Sean Pertwee who's the actor playing him. Alfred has finally embraced his role as a support of Batman, as Bruce's best friend who has to support him in all he does. I like that at the end of the episode he starts to help him dig into all those files to try to understand better the corruption patterns of Gotham. 

Finally, we have a case interesting and exciting to follow. The viper drug dealer storyline was both a one time storyline but one that fit perfectly into a bigger story ark. Even though the investigation looked to easy at first with Gordon asking people on the street if they had seen the man in the photo   (isn't Gotham supposed to be a hugely populated city, what are the odds of finding a man by asking people on the streets if they know him?). Gordon and Ben Mckenzie also is becoming more intertwined with the crime families storyline and I didn't actually like when they brought Gordon in for questioning. I particularly didn't like the way he behaves, he was too accommodating and deferential instead of being angry at the way he was being treated. Perhaps Gordon has learnt to pick his battles and has embraced the city for what it truly is.

Major improvements from past episode, let's hope this trend keeps going. 
Here's next week sneak peek


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Arrow 3x02 Sara review

Hey guys,
I just finished watching the second episode of the third season of Arrow, an episode which dealt with the death of Sara. All eyes were on Laurel, to see if she will rightfully become the Black Canary and I have to say that this episode did not let us down. Though Laurel didn't make any significant progress towards becoming the Black Canary the screenwriters gave us few signs that she'll be. (i.e her screaming at the ocean and her looking at Sara's jacket)

The episode started off really sad with Laurel bringing the body of Sarah to the Arrow cave. The best part of this episode was the emotional feeling of the whole episode. Everything was done so well to make the audience feel for the loos of Sara. I feel like every character reacted the way they were supposed to. Oliver's reaction is exactly what you would expect from a superhero like him. In this episode he looked a lot like the Batman, suffering, grieving inside but maintaining an emotionless outward appearance.

Every episode, including this one, strenghtens the relationships of Arrow's triad ( Felicity, Oliver and Diggle) and I feel that their chemistry is increasing episode after episode. Diggle, though not having many lines, is becoming my favorite character after Oliver. I like his screen presence and everything he says is meaningful, plus I thought that him naming his daughter Sarah was a nice thing and a very emotional moment.

The return of Tommy Merlin was definately one of the positives, his return made perfect sense and was a nice come back for one of the many characters who died in previous seasons.

Some of you might have noticed the reference to Wonder Woman when Felicity compared Sara to an Amazonian warrior. I thought it was a cool reference to one of the members of the DC's trinity.

As for the negatives of the episodes, I thought that the motorbike fight scene was a bit unlikely and boring. Also why was Oliver fine after being hit by that Arrow? That fighting scene was not the best they've showed us. On the other hand, Oliver launching himself out of the window and shooting an arrow to land a couple stories down was spectacular.

So, what did you think of this episode? What did you think of the cliffhanger with Thea? Let the speculation begin


DC announcing their entire slate of film up to 2020

Hey guys,

in a conference call this morning Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara announced a bunch of DC movies which will be released between 2016 and 2020 and also a bunch of actors who will star in those movies.
Here's what it was announced:

March 2016, Batman v Superman starring Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman

2016 Suicide Squad directed by David Ayer. It was also announced that WB is in talks with big actors to star in the movie. This could potentially be the second villain centered movie in 2016 if the Sinister Six manage to hit their release date

2017 Wonder Woman Gal Gadot will get her own standalone movie before joining forces with the Justice League.

2017 Justice League part I directed by Zach Snyder. Justice League will see the official assemble of the team who according to recent rumors will fight Braniac

2018 Aquaman with Jason Momoa starring as the king of the Seven Seas. Jason Momoa was confirmed as Aquaman and he will probably be introduced in Batman v Superman and Justice League before getting his own solo film

2018 The Flash will hit theaters starring Ezra Miller This was certainly the most shocking announcement. Ezra Miller will be the Flash and will get his own solo movie. This wipes away every possibility of seeing Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell in the cinematic Universe. It is still unclear whether Ezra will play Barry Allen, Wally West or Jay Garrick.  I am not particularly happy with this decision, I don't see him as being as a good fit to play any superhero.

2019 Shazam We already know that the Rock will play Black Adam, no words were said as to the actors who will play Billy Batson and Shazam

2019 Justice League Part II Zach Snyder will be back to direct also the second instalment of the Justice League

2020 Cyborg. It will start Ray Fisher as Victor Stone and this is probably the least expected of the entire slate announced

2020 Green Lantern. It will be a reboot. This is all we know so far, so sorry to those who wanted Ryan Reynolds back and yay for those who hated him.

As you saw, no Batman and no Superman solo films were announced. However we have to keep in mind that between 2016 and 2019 we'll get to see them three times in Batman v Superman, Justice League Part I & II so we don't have a lot to complain about. Also I always contended that once Batman joined the Justice League he should not have gotten anymore solo films because let's face it he's the weakest of them all and therefore you cannot have him face a crazy villain who threatens to blow up the city and not have some of his friends save the day.

Anyway, what do you think of this announcement? Are you excited? Do you think that with all these superhero movie announced we will get to an oversaturation of the genre?


Shocking news about Captain America 3

Hey guys,

according to Variety we are in for a treat come 2016. Not only we are getting one of the most anticipated movies in history Batman v Superman but apparently we are also getting an adaptation of the storyline Civil War when Iron Man will pop up in the next instalment of the Captain America franchise.

No need to tell you that we would be all excited if this report turns out to be true, although those of you who are familiar with this storyline know that it is all based on the premace that the world does not know the true identity of their beloved heroes. However we know that the whole world knows the identity of the Avengers, with Tony Stark himself even announcing it to the world.

Nevertheless this is a great piece of news with implications which could be huge for the whole cinematic universe and could impact even the third Avengers film, postponing once again the Thanos storyline maybe to a fourth Avengers.
It is still unclear whether Robert Downey Junior will resign a new contract with Marvel, all signs seem to point towards that direction given recent comments made by the actor on the Letterman and Ellen shows while promoting his latest film the Judge.
Rumors will start to run wild, and every piece of news from now on will have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Stay tuned and let us know if you would be excited for a Civil War movie


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Flash 1x02 Fastest Man Alive review

Hey guys,
apparently we have to get used to the fact, from now onwards, that our week will start off really bad on Mondays with Gotham but then it will get awesome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with The Flash and Arrow.

The second episode of The Flash tv show which aired a few hours ago was spectacular to say the least. At the beginning of the episode we see Barry saving people, with the help of what could now be considered the team Flash.
This episodes addresses two key elements of the character of the Flash. The first one that was very interesting to me is that, as one would imagine, he needs a lot of calories (sugars) to run that fast. His metabolism burns a lot of calories therefore he has to eat a lot if he wants to keep running that fast. This, at least for now, will kind of keep him grounded or rather confined to his city limits.

The second thing they addressed was that in order to become a superhero one doesn't simply need a superpower. That power not only needs to be mastered but Barry also needs to learn how to fight and how to defend himself.

The speed factor is also very important, in oder to travel through time Barry will have to match the speed of light, but it is good to see that he cannot do that yet. I love the fact that they show that his powers are evolving and I also love the way they show him moving at high speed. Considering the budget they are given, the CW is really doing a fantastic job.

The episode was very entertaining and it never felt boring, the characters and their interactions are very well presented and I even feel that I wouldn't mind seeing less of Barry and more of these characters.
Rick Cosnett who plays Eddie Thawne aka Professor Zoom ( we don't know yet) is a very interesting character, we are not aware whether he has powers or not or if he knows about Barry's powers. He does talk about keeping a secret but probably the pun was intended to leave us fans wondering.

The final scene was shocking, and we now know that Professor Harrison Wells knows a lot about the flash. However we still don't know if he's one of the good guys or one of the bad ones. All we know is that after only two episodes is that Barry Allen has already been called The Flash.

Here's next week promo!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Gotham 1x04 Arkham

Hey guys,

we are already at the fourth episode of Gotham and the show is starting to show its true colors. Though having introduced plenty of Batman villains, it is clear now that these will only be side characters, except for the Penguin. This episode revolves around a hit man and his victims who are councilmen who had to take important decisions in regards to the Arkham Asylum.
Frankly when I thought of the idea of a Batman prequel, I was actually afraid it would have gone this way. The episode is quite boring, and the pace is very slow. The episode tries to show the corruption of the city of Gotham and how easily the mob can take out or bribe anyone

The link between the Falcones and the Marones, however is quite interesting in order to have a perspective of what the situation is in Gotham and I like the actors who play key roles, however the character development is very poorly executed. Most scenes with Gordon and Bullock are boring and we hardly emphatize with them.

The show is very poorly handwritten, although some characters make me want to stick with the show at least for a couple more episodes.

Honestly, my opinion on this show is that it is not worth watching just for a few good moments in each episode and for that final moment when we'll see Bruce become Batman.
Here's a sneek peek of next week's episode


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Speculations and hopes for Gotham

Hey guys,
if you've read my reviews of the first two episodes of Gotham you know where I stand on the start of the series, but today in this brand new post I wanted to share you some of the things I hope will happen in the upcoming episodes. 

First of all I would like the series to have a more concrete storyline, the episodic thing they are feeding us is fine once in a while but not at the start of a brand new series. I believe most of us are watching this series, for that one moment where we'll see Bruce Wayne put on the cape of the Batman, we wanna see his training, his discovery of the Batcave and the whole path which will take him to become the Dark Knight but in the meantime we don't wanna see this time filled with garbage. We don't want the show to be cancelled before they make it that far. I feel that if the show had revolved around the relationship between the Waynes ( if the hadn't been killed) and the Falcones it would have been much more interesting. ( at least it could have been a good starting point for the first season) 
The Penguin and the Riddler are two very important villains of the Batman universe, there's a lot of depth to their characters which is worth developping on the screen. We don't wanna just see Edward Nigma talking in code or Poison Ivy having a lot of plants we wanna know what drives them, what are their motivations for what they do and how they end up as Batman Villains. I feel like the show is heading in the wrong direction, because obviosuly Jim Gordon is the link to all these characters but having him fight a new bad guy every single week is not as interesting as it would be if we had him get deeper into the Falcone- Penguin- Moony situation and in general into more interesting cases.

As for my crazy hopes for the show, I was thinking and sharing my thoughts with a friend of mine after this week's episode and I was thinking abut the possibility of a crossover with the CW's Arrow. They have been teasing us with the Q logo appearing in the second episode and with the same news broadcast channel WEBG tv,all considered the crossover could be possible. We have to keep in mind that Gotham takes place way before Arrow, perhaps 15 years before the current time on Arrow therefore they could have Oliver and Bruce meeting when their respective parents are discussing the possibility of a merger ( which we know is going to happen 10 years from now as we saw on that newspaper at the end of the Flash's pilot).It would be nice to have a couple of crossovers, nothing too convoluted but just something to have something to make us jump out of our seats and it would be even greater to have a crossover in one of Arrow's episodes by having a sort of a flashforward of Gotham. There are a lot of things they could do to keep us interested and it would also be a way to create a wider tv universe which could help both shows with a very small effort because they do not have to worry about stepping on each other's toes thanks to the different years the shows take place on.

what do you think of Gotham? Would you like for this crossover to happen?
let us know below


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Arrow 3x01 The Calm Review

Hey guys,
Arrow premiered last night on the CW Network and boy it was a great episode. The episode picked up the storyline exactly 5 months after the terrorist attacks of Deathstroke and nowadays Oliver Queen finds himself broke the same situation Bruce Wayne found himself into in the Dark Knight Trilogy. Team Arrow, on the other hand, is doing better than ever, the crime rate is going down and The Arrow is even being officially recognized as a hero.

We finally get to see the long anticipated Oliver-Felicity kiss and how Oliver and Barry meet up on that roof top.

The cliffhanger at the end was shocking to say the least, which leaves us wondering who's gonna be the big bad of this season and most importantly who killed Sarah. The obvious question would be Ra's al Ghul but I think that it will be another villain perhaps someone who we considered a hero. In fact, Sarah didn't seem too afraid of the person she had in front of her but who knows at this point it could be anyone.

Roy is now a full time member of Team Arrow, with his own costume but I don't buy that in 5 months he picked up the skills ofa world class archer. That was something that bothered me a bit. I would have expected to miss him a few shots at least.

Another major character of this season will be Laurel, the death of Sarah is what will push Laurel to put on the mask, train and become the Black Canary. Who follows Katie Cassidy on social media knows that she's been training harder and harder in the gym so all signs point in the direction of her being the Canary.

The premiere also saw the introduction of Ray Palmer aka the Atom played by Brandon Routh and it was great to see him face to face with Oliver.

Something that I've always loved about this show is that the shorunners are not afraid to kill off major characters and to remind us that heroes face real risks when they go up against their enemies.

All signs point towards a great season! Stay Tuned!!

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gotham 1x03 The BallonMan

Hey guys,

we've already come to the third episode of the brand new series entitled Gotham the alleged prequel of the Caped Crusader. Let me start by telling you that I've completely changed my opinion on the show. The premace was good, the casting choiced were good and even the trailer looked good but overall the storyline is boring. Though being a Batman prequel, the show is too mucb of a crime drama rather than a comic book show and therefore not appealing to someone like me who happens to dislike this type of shows. I realized, as mentioned in previous reviews, that had not they been comic book characters I wouldn't have cared for them.
I get what they are trying to do though. Every episode they wanna throw little clues to the future, and show us what made those characters become who they are. For instance in this episode we see Alfred questioning Bruce's intentions of finding out clues about the murder of his parents. The word detective gets thrown in there and then we also see Bruce understanding the importance of not killing other people no matter how many bad things they have done. The negative example of the actions of the Ballonman not only show the crime rate in Gotham but also show Bruce what's the wrong way of making things better.
These are few reasons why we should give this show a few more episodes before completely giving up on it. Though this show has many critics the ratings keep on going up week after week, perhaps witnessing the origin story of the Penguin is enough for most of them. He's certainly the show stealer but I think that in order to keep fan interested they have to step up their game.

On a side note, and just to keep speculation going, when we see the news report of the Ballonman actions on TV, that is the same news channel that we see on Arrow. Could this mean something or is it just a small tease that doesn't mean anything?   If you remember correctly last week's episode featured another Easter Egg of the Arrow Universe.
Anyway here's next week promo!!