Saturday, October 11, 2014

Speculations and hopes for Gotham

Hey guys,
if you've read my reviews of the first two episodes of Gotham you know where I stand on the start of the series, but today in this brand new post I wanted to share you some of the things I hope will happen in the upcoming episodes. 

First of all I would like the series to have a more concrete storyline, the episodic thing they are feeding us is fine once in a while but not at the start of a brand new series. I believe most of us are watching this series, for that one moment where we'll see Bruce Wayne put on the cape of the Batman, we wanna see his training, his discovery of the Batcave and the whole path which will take him to become the Dark Knight but in the meantime we don't wanna see this time filled with garbage. We don't want the show to be cancelled before they make it that far. I feel that if the show had revolved around the relationship between the Waynes ( if the hadn't been killed) and the Falcones it would have been much more interesting. ( at least it could have been a good starting point for the first season) 
The Penguin and the Riddler are two very important villains of the Batman universe, there's a lot of depth to their characters which is worth developping on the screen. We don't wanna just see Edward Nigma talking in code or Poison Ivy having a lot of plants we wanna know what drives them, what are their motivations for what they do and how they end up as Batman Villains. I feel like the show is heading in the wrong direction, because obviosuly Jim Gordon is the link to all these characters but having him fight a new bad guy every single week is not as interesting as it would be if we had him get deeper into the Falcone- Penguin- Moony situation and in general into more interesting cases.

As for my crazy hopes for the show, I was thinking and sharing my thoughts with a friend of mine after this week's episode and I was thinking abut the possibility of a crossover with the CW's Arrow. They have been teasing us with the Q logo appearing in the second episode and with the same news broadcast channel WEBG tv,all considered the crossover could be possible. We have to keep in mind that Gotham takes place way before Arrow, perhaps 15 years before the current time on Arrow therefore they could have Oliver and Bruce meeting when their respective parents are discussing the possibility of a merger ( which we know is going to happen 10 years from now as we saw on that newspaper at the end of the Flash's pilot).It would be nice to have a couple of crossovers, nothing too convoluted but just something to have something to make us jump out of our seats and it would be even greater to have a crossover in one of Arrow's episodes by having a sort of a flashforward of Gotham. There are a lot of things they could do to keep us interested and it would also be a way to create a wider tv universe which could help both shows with a very small effort because they do not have to worry about stepping on each other's toes thanks to the different years the shows take place on.

what do you think of Gotham? Would you like for this crossover to happen?
let us know below


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