Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Arrow 3x03 Corto Maltese

Hey guys,
I just finished watching one of the best episodes ever of Arrow. Awesome episode all the way through. The plot of the episode revolved around the implications of Sarah's death. Everyone is dealing with her death in their own way, Laurel is angry at the world, whereas Oliver wants to bring her sister back.
On the one hand we see Laurel trying to deal with her rage. She first goes to an AA meeting but then she decides to blow off some rage by beating up some guy. I loved how it all happened.Laurel wearing a ski mask attacked this guy only to get knocked down. I loved the fact that she didn't win right away, even though the guy she was facing had no skills whatsoever because she needed to get knocked down because that motivated her to seek a mentor who would be willing to train her.

Her mentor will not be Oliver Queen ( as everybody thought) but rather a certain Ted Grant (aka Wildcat). For those of you who don't know Ted Grant is a superhero and member of the Justice Society of America during the Golden Age. In the comics he was the mentor of both The Black Canary and Batman as also seen in one of the animated episodes of Justice League Unlimited. Laurel's character as the Black Canary was inconceivable due to her lack of skills but she will train now and probably by the end of the season she will also discover her superpower ( Canary Cry).

As for Thea I loved that they showed us some of her training, and most importantly they explained the importance of training the mind before training the body( this helps us understand how she mastered these skills in a few months). Thea is ready to take on Star City, the only question is: will she be an ally or a nemesis of Team Arrow?

As for Felicity, I loved the reference to Barry and the way they connected her popping up in the Flash next week. I thought it was smart to kind of announce her crossover creating yet another link between the two shows.

Finally, when I thought it couldn't get better, we got something better. Nyssa is back and she's looking for Sarah. This can only mean one thing: Ra's Al Ghul is not too far behind.

Prepare to get amazed!

Here's next week sneak peek


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