Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Arrow 3x02 Sara review

Hey guys,
I just finished watching the second episode of the third season of Arrow, an episode which dealt with the death of Sara. All eyes were on Laurel, to see if she will rightfully become the Black Canary and I have to say that this episode did not let us down. Though Laurel didn't make any significant progress towards becoming the Black Canary the screenwriters gave us few signs that she'll be. (i.e her screaming at the ocean and her looking at Sara's jacket)

The episode started off really sad with Laurel bringing the body of Sarah to the Arrow cave. The best part of this episode was the emotional feeling of the whole episode. Everything was done so well to make the audience feel for the loos of Sara. I feel like every character reacted the way they were supposed to. Oliver's reaction is exactly what you would expect from a superhero like him. In this episode he looked a lot like the Batman, suffering, grieving inside but maintaining an emotionless outward appearance.

Every episode, including this one, strenghtens the relationships of Arrow's triad ( Felicity, Oliver and Diggle) and I feel that their chemistry is increasing episode after episode. Diggle, though not having many lines, is becoming my favorite character after Oliver. I like his screen presence and everything he says is meaningful, plus I thought that him naming his daughter Sarah was a nice thing and a very emotional moment.

The return of Tommy Merlin was definately one of the positives, his return made perfect sense and was a nice come back for one of the many characters who died in previous seasons.

Some of you might have noticed the reference to Wonder Woman when Felicity compared Sara to an Amazonian warrior. I thought it was a cool reference to one of the members of the DC's trinity.

As for the negatives of the episodes, I thought that the motorbike fight scene was a bit unlikely and boring. Also why was Oliver fine after being hit by that Arrow? That fighting scene was not the best they've showed us. On the other hand, Oliver launching himself out of the window and shooting an arrow to land a couple stories down was spectacular.

So, what did you think of this episode? What did you think of the cliffhanger with Thea? Let the speculation begin


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