Hey guys,
apparently we have to get used to the fact, from now onwards, that our week will start off really bad on Mondays with Gotham but then it will get awesome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with The Flash and Arrow.
This episodes addresses two key elements of the character of the Flash. The first one that was very interesting to me is that, as one would imagine, he needs a lot of calories (sugars) to run that fast. His metabolism burns a lot of calories therefore he has to eat a lot if he wants to keep running that fast. This, at least for now, will kind of keep him grounded or rather confined to his city limits.
The second thing they addressed was that in order to become a superhero one doesn't simply need a superpower. That power not only needs to be mastered but Barry also needs to learn how to fight and how to defend himself.
The speed factor is also very important, in oder to travel through time Barry will have to match the speed of light, but it is good to see that he cannot do that yet. I love the fact that they show that his powers are evolving and I also love the way they show him moving at high speed. Considering the budget they are given, the CW is really doing a fantastic job.
The episode was very entertaining and it never felt boring, the characters and their interactions are very well presented and I even feel that I wouldn't mind seeing less of Barry and more of these characters.
The final scene was shocking, and we now know that Professor Harrison Wells knows a lot about the flash. However we still don't know if he's one of the good guys or one of the bad ones. All we know is that after only two episodes is that Barry Allen has already been called The Flash.
Here's next week promo!
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