Thursday, November 20, 2014

Arrow 3x07 Draw Back your Bow Review

Hey guys,

Arrow continues to surprise us and this seventh episode entitled Draw Back your Bow is the last episode before the epic crossover between Arrow and The Flash. Though we'll have to wait two weeks to watch that since Arrow is taking a break next week.
This week's episode was a very solid episode with a lot of positives but also some negatives.
The positives for me were:
1. Atom suit Awesome moment where we see the A.T.O.M EXOSUIT revealed. We caught a glimpse at Ray's plan. We'll definitely see him in the suit and perhaps he'll join team arrow
2.Villain. Cupid was a great villain in my opinion. I loved the actress and I love the fact that she was very crazy and unpredictable ( she kind of reminded me of Harley Quinn and they did make a reference to her when they handed Cupid to Amanda Waller)
3. Batman Begins homage Maybe it was just me and my mind wanting to find something similar but Arrow saying to Detective Lance "I'll look into it" kind of sounded like the sentence that Batman said  to Gordon at the end of Batman begins
4. Oliver/Diggle relationship Oliver and Diggle are great together. Diggle is a father figure for Oliver and the scenes where they are together are so intense and fantastic also because you feel the huge influence that Diggle has on Oliver

1. Thea and the Club
The worst scenes of this episode were those which showed us Thea and that deejay guy. Horrendous scenes which we could have easily and gladly done without.
2.Olicity One criticism that have about this show is that Oliver seems to have developed feelings for Felicity only because fans want him to. In previous seasons he repeatedly said that he only saw Felicity as a sister but now all of a sudden he is jealous of her and that is something which looks a bit strange to me

Overall this was a very good episode and I can't wait for the epic 2 hour crossover which will happen in two weeks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Flash 1x06 The Flash is born review

Hey guys,

just finished watching a spectacular episode of The flash, it's the seventh episode which is entitled The Flash is born.
This episode's villain is Girder played by Greg Finley who has an accident in a plant which transforms him into a man made of iron. When Barry discovers that his speed is nothing against his strenght he has to dig into his powers and break the sound barriers so that his punches can do serious damage. 
This episode had many positives.

1. Barry talking to Iris as the Flash , it reminds me a lot of Clark talking to Lois as the Blur and I think their encounters are really nice to watch because of the chemistry between the actor and because of the way they happen with Barry showing off his powers to prevent Iris from getting too close to him.

2. Great Easter Egg  Did anyone hear the nickname they gave to Tony Woodward aka Girder? They called him the Man of Steel. Does that name ring any bell? Even though we'll never see Superman on the show I still think it is cool that they give us some cool Easter Eggs like this one. 

3.Scientific explanation I extremely enjoy that a scientific explanation is given for anything The Flash has to do. I like that a bunch of scientists always have a way of finding out how to defeat an enemy through science. This time around they explained that no matter how powerful and dense a metal is, if hit at the right speed it could get severely damaged. 

4. Cisco, Speaking of Cisco, who suggested the solution to beat Girder, I think he is an awesome character, he is there to represent all of us. His excitement after finding out that Barry broke the sound barrier was the excitement all of us had while watching the scene. I simply think he is amazing 

5. Veil of mystery Of course, this episode gives us another piece of mistery on the murder of Barry's mom by showing us the Reverse Flash stealing all the investigation documents of Detective West 

6. The Flash Last but not least the scene where Barry and Iris come up with the name The Flash. After 7 episode we finally have a superhero known with his own name, which is something rare considering that it took Clark to be called Superman 10 seasons and we yet have to hear Oliver Queen be called The Green Arrow

However, one tiny thing that could be considered as negative is the shot of Barry breaking the sound barrier and hitting Girder. Unfortunately the special effect were very bad and we could clearly see that the image was created through a computer.  It didn't look real at all. 

Apart from this nitpicky thing the episode was simply epic and I am willing to be that next week's will be even better.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Gotham 1x09 Harvey Dent

Hey guys,

just finished watching the ninth episode of Gotham entitled Harvey Dent. The title gives away what could have been a major surprise which is the introduction of Gotham's White Knight and Batman's most famous enemies. The episode was really good at times, I found one of the positives to be Bruce and Selina relationship. Selina is starting to warm up to Bruce and to finally enjoy life off the streets of Gotham. I love this deviation from the comics and I think that this relationship is what the show needs to get better. 

As for Harvey's introduction I found him to be very interesting and one of the few honest people left in Gotham. He could be of huge help to Jim Gordon. As every character we were introduced to in this television series we caught a glimpse of what the characters are eventually gonna turn into. They already showed us his trick with the coin and they also showed us how easily he lost his temper however I think that for the foreseeable future he'll stick on the side of the good guys.

So, there were some positives in this episode, however I thought that this week's villain was kind of irrelevant and the action scenes were very unrealistic. For instance, I feel that the scene where they broke that guy out of the truck was extremely unreal. How come those trained policeman went down really fast, I mean they got out of the truck recklessly and they didn't even manage to hurt one of the criminals, instead they got killed with one bullet each.

Another negative of tonight's episode was also Oswald Cobblepot and they way he handled him finding out about Fish's mole. I thought the whole compromise or deal he offered to that girl was not very useful and not like him. He usually is the best part of the show but this time around he could have been better.

Here's next episode sneak peek


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Arrow 3x06 Guilty review

Hey guys,
another great episode of Arrow aired last night on the CW network and the great news is that we are only two episodes away from an epic crossover with the flash.
This episode gave us a really cohesive story line with the flashbacks, Ted Grant's past and Ollie's present all fitting in perfectly.
This is the episode where the Arrow meets Wildcat who we learn was once a vigilante. I think that the stunt between Arrow and Wildcat was executed perfectly, it was still good to see that Oliver easily defeated him and in that stunt we also saw something we have been waiting for three seasons: the famous Green Arrow boxing glove arrow which was a nice Easter egg but at the same time made perfectly sense and didn't look as unrealistic as it looks in the comics or cartoons.

I also like that in every episode we get a glimpse at Laurel's training and we see her progress and becoming better. However we should be patient because we should not expect to see her become the Black Canary anytime soon, she is simply not ready yet.

The episode also gave us a little bit of an headache in regards to the murder of Sarah, we understand that Roy was cured of Mirakuru but apparently he did not kill Sarah. If that is the case I don't understand why he would know the exact words uttered by Sarah before she was killed.

Overall the episode was great and this was also the first episode where the name Arsenal was dropped. Isn't it funny that Roy got his full name before Oliver did?
Anyway next week will be the last episode before the epic crossover entitled Flash vs Arrow

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Flash 1x05 Plastique review

Hey guys,

just finished watching the fifth episode of the hit tv show the Flash. It was another fantastic episode full of actions, character development, great stories and this very episode featured a very special character: Plastique as the title suggests.

This incarnation of Plastique was more true to the comics than the version we saw in Smallville, however I didn't like the fact that they had her die by the end of the episode. Though her powers were kind of useless to the team I love her antihero style but I get that she had to die because she would have been a target not only to herself but also to team Flash if she had stayed. 

The best part of the show, without a doubt, was witnessing Barry's growing powers. In the beginning of the episode we saw him run vertically on a building and I loved how they explained it from a physical point of view and then they did the same thing for when he had to run on water. Those scenes were fantastic because Barry enjoyed himself as much as we did. 

I also love Barry's encounter as the Flash with Iris and their kind of Superman Lois meeting and I think that this will be how Iris will follow in love with Barry. She'll first fall in love with the Flash and then with his best friend.

Overall the show is fantastic, however if I had to find a negative it would be the Eddie Thawne character which is supposed to be much more important or mysterious, instead it is only a tool used to make Barry jealous. Here's hoping that the situation will change in the upcoming episodes.

Here's next week sneak peek

Gotham 1x08 The mask review

Hey guys,

the 8th episode of Gotham entitled The Mask aired last night on Fox. After eight episodes we finally have an understanding of what the flow of the series is. I still contend that it will get better as we see villains such as The Penguin transform into who they should really be. 
We have got some great characters. We have got Jim Gordon who is the hero of the story. He is truly incorruptible ( quote from Heath Ledger's Joker) as we saw in this episode when he refused to let that doctor out of prison. Ben Mckenzie has a very difficult character to play also considering that the last guy that played this character was Gary Oldman. He's been doing a pretty good job. 
Another great character we have is Oswald Cobblepot who is now at the center of the war between the Marones and The Falcones. He is truly terrifying and we have seen him evolve a lot over the past episode loosing any type of remorse of his actions and fully embracing his dark side. 

Harvey Bullock is also starting to grow on me. He was the emblem of a corrupt cop but through the example set by Jim he's slowly starting to not only warm up to his partner but he's also starting to become a true cop fighting for freedom and justice. 

I also like that the show is keeping several story lines separate. On the one hand we have Jim fighting the week bad guy and showing that he can really fight, then we have Bruce and Alfred moving forward after the events of the pilot with Bruce slowly starting to show some signs of his future self and then we have the  mob families battling it out. I love that they keep everything separate and that sometimes all these story lines cross path.

Overall the show still needs improvement but the ratings are steady and maybe with that the show will become better.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Gotham 1x07 Penguin's Umbrella review

Hey guys,

this week's episode was interesting. Gotham can be compared to a rollercoaster. One episode is watchable and the next one is utterly awful.
This episode was thrilling because it focused on a bigger storyline and it picked up right after the end of last episode.
This was a Jim Gordon centric episode. It dealt with him deciding to stay in the city he loves and fight for his life and freedom. He showed courage and resiliance when he decided to counterattack the mob families by arresting them all for the conspiracy of the Arkham Asylum.

Another positive of the show was the discovery that Falcone has an ace up his sleeve in Oswald Cobblepot  who has been his mole all along. I thought this was a very interesting plot twist which was set up really well and explained why The Penguin decided to come back to Gotham and risk his life. Another great performance this episode by Robin Lord Taylor who has been the scene stealer ever since the first episode.

We also got to see Harvey getting back to the good side when he decided to join Gordon's crusade of arresting all major criminals of Gotham in one day. Perhaps we'll see an evolution of his character through the example set by Gordon. This is what ultimately Gordon will do, he won't give people hope but at least he will try to lead by example the Gotham Police Departement.

The only negative for me was actually Bruce Wayne and Alfred parts which seemed to forced and out of place. Honestly if they have a good episode in their hands they could spare us another scene of Bruce in his house trying to play detective.

Overall good episode and here's next week sneak peek


Arrow 3x05 The secret origin of Felicity Smoak review

Hey guys,
just finished watching the fifth episode of the third season of Arrow entitled the secret origin of Felicity Smoak and let me tell you this was the turn point of the whole series.
The big revelation at the end was shocking to say the least, Roy killed Sarah. We still don't know the reason behind it but we finally know who Sarah's killer is. I suspected from the start that the killer was someone who we knew especially considering that Sarah didn't seem afraid when she saw her killer.

The episode was solid. I liked that in the beginning they showed us how everybody was training. Oliver and Roy, then Thea and Malcolm and Laurel and Ted ( and then Felicity doing abs was hilarious). I think it is important to show them training to remind us that to stay in that physical form they have to keep doing it every single day.
I also like the fact that they had Diggle finally wearing a mask to cover up his identity. It seemed kind of unrealistic every time they would go fighting that he would be the only one without some sort of a costume. A ski mask was enough to make that scene credible. 

I also liked how they tied Felicity's past with her present and how they showed us her origin story. Her character is truly unique and it is rare to find a female character as impressive, knowledgeable, beautiful and as important to the story as she is. If you really think about it, her character has the features that we would all love to see in a Wonder Woman movie. We don't want her to be just a love interest but a strong character. 

The last point I want to make is about the Laurel's character. I think they are putting her on the right path. I think that her being reckless and angry is the perfect explanation as to why she would even think of embarking in a crusade to fight criminals in Star City.  I think that by the end of this season she will discover her power and become the Black Canary. 

Thrilling episode as always and here's next week sneak peek

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Arrow 3x04 The Magician review

Hey guys,
sorry for putting this review up so late but this past week was very busy for me and besides I took some time to think about the episode. Despite the first appearance of Ra's Al Ghul I thought this was a very week episode,
Apart from the very strong performance from Katrina Law as Nyssa Al Ghul  and obviously Stephen Amell I thought that everybody else either did a poor job or the part they had to play was not so appealing.
There are many negatives for me in this episode. First off Malcolm's return was very poorly written. The scene where he meets Oliver in Star City main plaza was very strange and very unrealistic. How can billionaire Oliver Queen be talking to a person who killed hundreds of people and not get noticed on the street?
 Also, why does Roy decide to do a flip over a car with the only purpose of standing between Thea and Nyssa?

As for the introduction to Ra's Al Ghul I thought the actor playing him did not live up to my expectation. His screen presence was not so majestic and impressive as you would expect from a character as important as Ra's Al ghul is. In my opinion nothing worked with Matthew Nable, not his voice and not even his screen presence. Let's hope that he only started off with the wrong foot and that he'll be great as the leader of the League of Assassins.
The episode was weak and the show also suffered from the fact that Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) was over in Central City with Barry.
I am sure, however, that next week will be great.