Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gotham 1x08 The mask review

Hey guys,

the 8th episode of Gotham entitled The Mask aired last night on Fox. After eight episodes we finally have an understanding of what the flow of the series is. I still contend that it will get better as we see villains such as The Penguin transform into who they should really be. 
We have got some great characters. We have got Jim Gordon who is the hero of the story. He is truly incorruptible ( quote from Heath Ledger's Joker) as we saw in this episode when he refused to let that doctor out of prison. Ben Mckenzie has a very difficult character to play also considering that the last guy that played this character was Gary Oldman. He's been doing a pretty good job. 
Another great character we have is Oswald Cobblepot who is now at the center of the war between the Marones and The Falcones. He is truly terrifying and we have seen him evolve a lot over the past episode loosing any type of remorse of his actions and fully embracing his dark side. 

Harvey Bullock is also starting to grow on me. He was the emblem of a corrupt cop but through the example set by Jim he's slowly starting to not only warm up to his partner but he's also starting to become a true cop fighting for freedom and justice. 

I also like that the show is keeping several story lines separate. On the one hand we have Jim fighting the week bad guy and showing that he can really fight, then we have Bruce and Alfred moving forward after the events of the pilot with Bruce slowly starting to show some signs of his future self and then we have the  mob families battling it out. I love that they keep everything separate and that sometimes all these story lines cross path.

Overall the show still needs improvement but the ratings are steady and maybe with that the show will become better.


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