Friday, November 7, 2014

Arrow 3x05 The secret origin of Felicity Smoak review

Hey guys,
just finished watching the fifth episode of the third season of Arrow entitled the secret origin of Felicity Smoak and let me tell you this was the turn point of the whole series.
The big revelation at the end was shocking to say the least, Roy killed Sarah. We still don't know the reason behind it but we finally know who Sarah's killer is. I suspected from the start that the killer was someone who we knew especially considering that Sarah didn't seem afraid when she saw her killer.

The episode was solid. I liked that in the beginning they showed us how everybody was training. Oliver and Roy, then Thea and Malcolm and Laurel and Ted ( and then Felicity doing abs was hilarious). I think it is important to show them training to remind us that to stay in that physical form they have to keep doing it every single day.
I also like the fact that they had Diggle finally wearing a mask to cover up his identity. It seemed kind of unrealistic every time they would go fighting that he would be the only one without some sort of a costume. A ski mask was enough to make that scene credible. 

I also liked how they tied Felicity's past with her present and how they showed us her origin story. Her character is truly unique and it is rare to find a female character as impressive, knowledgeable, beautiful and as important to the story as she is. If you really think about it, her character has the features that we would all love to see in a Wonder Woman movie. We don't want her to be just a love interest but a strong character. 

The last point I want to make is about the Laurel's character. I think they are putting her on the right path. I think that her being reckless and angry is the perfect explanation as to why she would even think of embarking in a crusade to fight criminals in Star City.  I think that by the end of this season she will discover her power and become the Black Canary. 

Thrilling episode as always and here's next week sneak peek

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