sorry for putting this review up so late but this past week was very busy for me and besides I took some time to think about the episode. Despite the first appearance of Ra's Al Ghul I thought this was a very week episode,
There are many negatives for me in this episode. First off Malcolm's return was very poorly written. The scene where he meets Oliver in Star City main plaza was very strange and very unrealistic. How can billionaire Oliver Queen be talking to a person who killed hundreds of people and not get noticed on the street?
Also, why does Roy decide to do a flip over a car with the only purpose of standing between Thea and Nyssa?
As for the introduction to Ra's Al Ghul I thought the actor playing him did not live up to my expectation. His screen presence was not so majestic and impressive as you would expect from a character as important as Ra's Al ghul is. In my opinion nothing worked with Matthew Nable, not his voice and not even his screen presence. Let's hope that he only started off with the wrong foot and that he'll be great as the leader of the League of Assassins.
The episode was weak and the show also suffered from the fact that Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) was over in Central City with Barry.
I am sure, however, that next week will be great.
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