Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Arrow 3x11 Midnight City review

Hey guys, 

just finished watching the 11th episode of the third season of Arrow entitled Midnight City. Team Arrow still has to go on fighting crime without the help of the Arrow who is still presumed dead. 
This was truly a great episode. First we saw Oliver alive getting back in shape and then I thought that showing Laurel struggling in fighting crime was a right move. At this point she's basically just a crazy person with a costume. She has no skills but people still fear her because they see the Canary. 

I also thought that Brandon Routh playing Ray Palmer was great in this episode. He truly wants to help the city heal and I love how the show runners are slowly teasing us with the ATOM suit, making us wait for it. 

Felicity was awesome as usual in this episode, I really enjoyed her line when she said: " the Arrow is gone but I know where to find the Canary". I thought also that Colton Haynes gave a really strong performance and I am liking his character more now. His character has gained wisdom and importance over the past episodes. As for Katie Cassidy I think she also gave an awesome performance especially when she called Detective Lance posing as Sarah. She truly seemed heartbroken when asking her father questions about the criminals they were chasing. 

The only negatives for me were Thea and that deejay guy scene and the fact that Oliver hasn't had a proper farewell. It seems like the Arrow team is in denial and doesn't want to admit that Oliver is dead. I would have preferred to see them grieving just like they did with Sarah.

Here's next week sneak peek

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Flash 1x11 The Sound and the Fury review

Hey guys,

just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This episode was amazing from start to finish. It answered many questions and kept us  glued to the TV screen for the whole duration. At the very beginning of the episode we see Dr. Wells using his super speed, but in addition to that we also discover that he's not able to use his powers for a long period of time which must mean that he is not the reverse flash we saw in the mid season finale episode. I still contend that the Reverse Flash we saw in the ninth episode is Eddie Thawne from the future and Harrison Wells is none other that Barry from the same future as the Reverse Flash.

Another great aspect of the episode was the chemistry between all members of team Flash, I think that the show runners have done a really good job at surrounding Barry with a great team just like they did with Oliver Queen in Arrow. You can relate to every character and you feel like they are really fighting together.

This week villain, the piper, was also great. He showed us that intelligence in more important than superpowers. This, I believe will be a decisive factor when Barry will battle out the Reverse Flash.

The only negative of this episode for me remains Iris. I honestly could not care less about her and her life and so it was kind of boring to see her deal with her problems at work. I know she is gonna be useful because of her relationship with Eddie and Barry but as of right now she's boring.

Overall great episode and though the rescue scenes could have been exectuted better with a bigger budget I believe this is one of the best shows on TV right now
Here's a sneak peek at next weeks episode

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Supergirl officially cast for CBS tv show

Hey guys,

it has just been announced who CBS has chosen to star as Kara in their upcoming TV show entitled Supergirl. After Grant Gustin cast for the Flash another Glee actress gets to play one of DC most iconic superheroes and her name is Melissa Benoist.
My first thought about her casting was: a brunette playing a blonde superhero? Supergirl's blond hair are a signature trait of Superman's cousin, so I am sure Melissa will be wearing a blonde wig.
I don't know much about Melissa's work so I don't really know if I like her or not but I can say that she might look the part with blonde hair.

To me the next info we'll get on the project will be crucial
1. The costume: the costume of Supergirl in the movie was the same as Christopher Reeve Superman movie but I think they'll go for a brand new design in order to distance themselves from The Man of Steel Superman. The costume will be a huge part of the appeal that the show will have on fans.

2. The universe that Supergirl is in: Whether she is in the same in Universe of The Flash and Arrow or another we do want Supergirl to meet her famous cousin

3. Teaser Trailer. We can speculate all we want but only after seeing the first trailer for this show we'll be able to have an idea of what the show will be about.

To be honest with you, I am very skeptical about this show. I honestly don't see how this show could crossover with the Flash and Arrow and make sense and also I think that it will be tricky to do Supergirl whether or not they decide to include Superman in the picture. To me whichever route they go for it will give them lots of problems so I hope they'll find a way to make everything work perfectly.

Who knows maybe the show will do well and they'll even bring Laura Vandervoort on the show for a small cameo


Arrow 3x10 Left Behind review

Hey guys,

what an awesome show we have in Arrow. A show that decides to kill off his title character in its mid season finale.
I have to admit that though loving all other characters it is not the same without Stephen Amell whose screen presence in fundamental for the show. I thought that the beginning of the episode with Diggle wearing the Arrow outfit was awesome. I like his character and it is nice to see him step up and replace Oliver.

I actually imagined that the episode would focus more on Oliver's demise but the show runners truly surprised me when they basically continued the storyline of the fight against crime in Starling. Oliver's presence was still palpable in the episode with many references to him but I felt that the way they handled the situation didn't truly show what it would mean if Oliver was truly dead.
I think that by watching the episode you could have told that Oliver would be coming back eventually, but I have to admit that I was shocked at the end of the episode when I saw Oliver alive after being brought back to life by Katana who is also live and well.

One of the negatives for me was Laurel suiting up as the Canary. I thought that everything was rushed with her and though she was motivated to step up after knowing about Olivers' passing I still think that her first scene did not have the impact that it deserved.

In this episode we also saw Ray working on his ATOM armor and it is fantastic to see him evolve into the superhero he's destined to become. Brandon Routh has great screen presence and it was recently announced that he'll be popping up in Central City in a future episode of The Flash.

Next week we'll get a brand new episode and here's a sneak peek

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Flash 1x10 Revenge of the Rogues review

Hey guys,
it's been a month since the last episode of The Flash aired. The return of the Flash after the holidays marked also the return of Captain Cold.
In my opinion, this episode was solid though it was not as brilliant as the previous two, but I also understand that it was hard to top a crossover with Arrow and the introduction of the Reverse Flash.
One of the things that I liked about this episode was the fact that they showed Barry focused on getting faster and preparing himself for the next encounter with the Man in the Yellow Suit. I liked the first scenes of the episode showing Barry getting cocky at Cisco.

As the episode unfolded it became less exciting, dialogues were okay but at the same time not very meaningful. There were some funny moments with Barry showing off his powers for futile reasons but I thought that focusing on Iris moving out of her house was useless.

However the fight scene between the Rogues and Flash was really well executed and really fun to watch. I loved the chemistry between Captain Cold and Heatwave, I think that their different personalities make for an awesome duo and I am sure we have not seen the last of them.

 One thing that really puzzled me and got me thinking in this episode was the way Eddie Thawne acted during the fight between The Rogues and The Flash. Some might argue that he was only trying to catch the bad guys, and by helping the Flash he made sure that those guys were brought to justice, though if you ask me it was strange to see him go from total hatred towards the Flash to risking his own life to save the Flash's. Either something has happened to him that made him change his mind or his actions were truly out of place.

Next week we'll get another all new episode and here's a quick sneak peek