Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gotham 2x02 Knock Knock episode review

Hey guys,

The second episode of the second season that aired last night blew me away. It pleasantly surprised me because it proved that last week's episode marked a change in direction.for the entire season. No more boring characters with absurd storyline but rather a really entertaining and fun to watch storyline.
This episode focused heavily on Jerome who's becomes the head of the villains escaped from Arkham. The actor playing him continues to impress and gives me chills every time he's on screen. One thing that seems to have changed this season is that there was no villain of the week but rather a simple progression of the story told in the first episode.

Jerome is not the only character that I like watching on screen. Barbara is another one. She brings that sassy, sexy but also crazy aspect to the show and I look forward to seeing her go after Leslie.

I especially liked Bruce Wayne's scenes in this episode. Looks like the soon to be Batcave has a new guest and his name is Lucius Fox. He's gonna be a nice addition to the usual conversations between Alfred and Bruce.

Overall great episode let's hope they can keep this up.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gotham 2x1 Damned If You Do episode review

Hey guys,

This brand new episode of Gotham marks the beginning of the TV show season and I have to admit that it has been a pretty good start. Season 1 was pretty bad and boring with few exceptions but this time around it seems that the show runners have gotten rid of the characters that made the show feel boring. All characters in this episode were great and fun to watch. I'll definitely start watching this show regularly this year because it looks very promising.
There are many things that I liked about this episode:

1. Jerome as the new version of the Joker: Some might argue that the actor playing Jerome is just imitating Heath Ledger and that's completely fine by me. I love witnessing the origin of who can arguably be the greatest villain in comic book history and certainly the most beloved. Watching Jerome interact with Barbara is great, it's sort of like catching a glimpse into what a relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn could look like in a live action show.

2. I love Penguin and Gordon relationship. I love Oswald slimy intentions of wanting ( and apparently succeeding) to turn Gordon to the dark side but also I like that Cobblepot sees him as a friend and he's willing to help him.

3. I also like Bruce Wayne and Alfred's roles in this show. They follow a side storyline which has got nothing to do with the main characters and I absolutely love the fact that they resisted the temptation of having Bruce try and fight crime before he became Batman. They created a nice storyline for young Bruce Wayne and I am really starting to enjoy it.

Overall the tone is much darker now with Victor Zsasz chopping off heads and Penguin ruling the city and I am really looking forward to the next episodes.

Let me know down below what are you most enjoying out of this show


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fantastic Four Movie review

Hey guys,

Today we review the disaster movie which is Fantastic Four, a movie that came out in theater exactly one month ago.
From the earliest stages of production this movie had major problems. The casting was very much criticized and some actors comments on not caring much about the comics have only exacerbated these criticisms, so it comes as no surprise that this movie kind of fell under the audience radar this year. In addition to that a few weeks before the release of the movie Fox refused to show it to movie critics for review creating an embargo which was lifted only the day before the release.
Needless to say that these were major signs pointing to the total lack of trust of the Studio in their own movie and if this was not enough to ensure the catastrophe at the Box office, the director Josh Trank tweeted on the day of the release that the Studio had taken out 3 major scenes and that what was playing in theaters was not his vision.
The movie is a complete mess. It is a puzzle which is missing a thousand pieces, a movie which has a run time of 100 minutes which fails to tell an origin story, it fails to show the motivation driving the bad guy who was definitely portrayed better in the previous movies and it leaves even die hard fans disliking it.
The three major problems for me were:

1. The lack of chemistry between characters. Everybody looked as they were simply waiting for filming to be over so that they could move on to their next project. We never see scenes dedicated to developing the team chemistry. We never feel why they stick by one another and especially why Ben Grimm is even in this team.

2. The movie has some huge gaps. It truly seems as if huge chunks of the movie were cut out and replace with silly things like: " one year later" or "7 years later". The movie does not feel cohesive at all. Major scenes shown in the trailers are not in the movie. Furthermore, one of the best things about superhero origin is the beauty of seeing the protagonists discover their new powers and the limitations of such but this movie completely skips over this part.

3.  The third act is a disaster. Out of nowhere these 4 people become a team and fight against someone who's apparently able to blow up people's heads but does not do that to the protagonists.
It is a movie so poorly written and directed that makes us reevaluate the two fantastic four movies with Chris Evans as the Human Torch and Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman. Dr. Doom is without a doubt the worst character of this entire movie.

Now what will the future have in store for the Fantastic Four franchise? I think that, no matter how bad this movie is and no matter how much money the studio lost with it , Fox will eventually reboot it in order to prevent the rights from going back to Marvel Studios.

Did you think that this movie had some redeemable qualities?

Avengers Age of Ultron Spoiler filled review

Hey guys,
sorry for the late post but I wanted to watch Avengers Age of Ultron a couple more times before posting my review.
Now before we begin, I just wanna say that in the past I've been very critical of most Marvel movies, especially Guardians of the Galaxy for its over the top humor which in many cases took me out of the movie but I was still highly anticipating this movie and I went opening night to see it.
The reason why I waited to post my review is because the first time around I saw the movie I walked out highly disappointed with it. To me all trailers were very misleading, they promised me a dark Avengers movie where the stakes were extremely high but the movie didn't deliver that, it delivered the exact opposite, it caused laughter amongst the audience throughout the movie even the final battle which should have been crucial to the survival of planet Earth.
However, after watching the movie a couple more times and in a less crowded theater I realized that what was bothering me the most were not particular scenes of the movie but rather the emotional reaction they caused on the audience. So after this small digression let's start the review.
 The movie opens with the avengers hunting down Hydra and Loki sceptre and I have to say it is awesome to see them fight together with Captain America calling the shots and Iron Man doing most of the heavy work. The one shot when we see them all together is awesome and in the opening scene I honestly enjoyed the humor with all Avengers teasing Captain America for having said: " Language". The humor in this opening scenes shows us another side of the Avengers, a cocky side, a side of a team that knows that nothing can stop them and I liked that.
After the battle to retrieve the sceptre and after the many unsuccessful attempts to create Ultron, I loved seeing the avengers in the same room, relaxing and trying and failing to lift Thor's hammer, however fastfortward that one hour this scene served as a set up for when Vision was going to pick it up and I thought that this epic moment should and could have been handeled better. Since Thor was first introduced in his own solo movie in 2011 many people have tried to lift his hammer so I believe that when someone finally managed to do it the audience should not be laughing at Thor's silly face but should rather feel shocked by what they have just witnessed.
I am also fine with how Ultron was created and how fastly he became a threat for the Avengers, I feel that one more scene could have helped us understand more his motivation but I honestly don't mind how fast he knew how to disappear and who to target first to destroy human kind, although it is still unclear to me how. As for the twins, I extremely enjoyed both of them, I perfectly understood their backstory and hence their motivation and most importantly I liked them in action. However I thought that Quicksilver dying was a perfect example of lazy writing because it is easy to kill off the new guy who's been on the team for a few hours but it takes courage to kill off an important character just to raise the stakes and make the audience feel the threat that is at hand.
In spite of their horribly faked Russian accents the twins were great especially Scarlet Witch who looked like she was just beginning to show us her true power. She's truly the best part of Avengers Age Of Ultron and she stole every scene she was in. I love the last shot of her flying (sort of like Magneto does.... well you know what they say like father....) and officially joining the Avengers.
One of the best action scenes of the movie was Iron Man taking on the Hulk and showing us for the first time the Hulkbuster armor. That truly was one awesome action scene though I would have preferred if it had ended differently (not with a winner).
So overall this is a really good movie. I just have to say that it's too bad that the Avengers in most cases don't take themselves seriously and I think that it is a wasted opportunity. Avengers Age of Ultron unfortunately will be remembered for the one liner and the cheesy dialogue in very tense situations that only took the adult audience out of the movie.
The movie has some awesome moments and some very lazy written moments which only make you think about that this franchise is more for kids than for grown ups.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Arrow Season 4 trailer review

Hey guys,

sorry for the long hiatus but you can rest assured that you'll be getting regular posts on all things regarding heroes from now on.
Arrow is still my favourite show on television and I still think it is better than the Flash and Daredevil so needless to say that I was very excited and so very much anticipating its very first teaer trailer for the upcoming new season.

I'll start by saying that this trailer is certainly not the best trailer I have seen this year. Many things about this trailer lower my excitement and anticipation for Arrow's 4th season. For instance, seeing Laurel now leading Team Arrow and riding Oliver's bike wasn't something I wanted to see in this trailer. I can't even begin to describe all the mistakes that Arrow's producer have made with her character and I fear they are making the same mistakes with Felicity. Also I don't feel that the Magneto helmet is a good fit for Diggle but I'll hold my judgment on that until I see it in action. Overall I didn't get a good vibe from the trailer. I don't get why people would believe that the Green Arrow and the Arrow are two different persons and that just by tweaking the costume a little be he won't be associated with the previous vigilante. I am also very puzzled as to where detective Lance will fit in the renamed Star City considering his hate for the Arrow.
With the negatives out of the way, let's also mention the good stuff. First there's Constantine in the trailer and I simply have no words to describe how epic of a move the CW network has made by incorporating this universe into the Flarrowverse. Then there's many Easter Eggs regarding Legends of Tommorow, we see Sarah alive and a city sign with the name Star City changed in honor of the apparently deceased Ray Palmer. One thing that got me really pumped however is something that I saw only upon my second viewing of the trailer which is this caption which in my opinion looks like someone is sporting a goatee which would be amazing. I would absolutely love this new look taken straight out of the comics.
Let me know if I am just imagining it or if you have also noticed it