Saturday, September 5, 2015

Arrow Season 4 trailer review

Hey guys,

sorry for the long hiatus but you can rest assured that you'll be getting regular posts on all things regarding heroes from now on.
Arrow is still my favourite show on television and I still think it is better than the Flash and Daredevil so needless to say that I was very excited and so very much anticipating its very first teaer trailer for the upcoming new season.

I'll start by saying that this trailer is certainly not the best trailer I have seen this year. Many things about this trailer lower my excitement and anticipation for Arrow's 4th season. For instance, seeing Laurel now leading Team Arrow and riding Oliver's bike wasn't something I wanted to see in this trailer. I can't even begin to describe all the mistakes that Arrow's producer have made with her character and I fear they are making the same mistakes with Felicity. Also I don't feel that the Magneto helmet is a good fit for Diggle but I'll hold my judgment on that until I see it in action. Overall I didn't get a good vibe from the trailer. I don't get why people would believe that the Green Arrow and the Arrow are two different persons and that just by tweaking the costume a little be he won't be associated with the previous vigilante. I am also very puzzled as to where detective Lance will fit in the renamed Star City considering his hate for the Arrow.
With the negatives out of the way, let's also mention the good stuff. First there's Constantine in the trailer and I simply have no words to describe how epic of a move the CW network has made by incorporating this universe into the Flarrowverse. Then there's many Easter Eggs regarding Legends of Tommorow, we see Sarah alive and a city sign with the name Star City changed in honor of the apparently deceased Ray Palmer. One thing that got me really pumped however is something that I saw only upon my second viewing of the trailer which is this caption which in my opinion looks like someone is sporting a goatee which would be amazing. I would absolutely love this new look taken straight out of the comics.
Let me know if I am just imagining it or if you have also noticed it

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