Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fantastic Four Movie review

Hey guys,

Today we review the disaster movie which is Fantastic Four, a movie that came out in theater exactly one month ago.
From the earliest stages of production this movie had major problems. The casting was very much criticized and some actors comments on not caring much about the comics have only exacerbated these criticisms, so it comes as no surprise that this movie kind of fell under the audience radar this year. In addition to that a few weeks before the release of the movie Fox refused to show it to movie critics for review creating an embargo which was lifted only the day before the release.
Needless to say that these were major signs pointing to the total lack of trust of the Studio in their own movie and if this was not enough to ensure the catastrophe at the Box office, the director Josh Trank tweeted on the day of the release that the Studio had taken out 3 major scenes and that what was playing in theaters was not his vision.
The movie is a complete mess. It is a puzzle which is missing a thousand pieces, a movie which has a run time of 100 minutes which fails to tell an origin story, it fails to show the motivation driving the bad guy who was definitely portrayed better in the previous movies and it leaves even die hard fans disliking it.
The three major problems for me were:

1. The lack of chemistry between characters. Everybody looked as they were simply waiting for filming to be over so that they could move on to their next project. We never see scenes dedicated to developing the team chemistry. We never feel why they stick by one another and especially why Ben Grimm is even in this team.

2. The movie has some huge gaps. It truly seems as if huge chunks of the movie were cut out and replace with silly things like: " one year later" or "7 years later". The movie does not feel cohesive at all. Major scenes shown in the trailers are not in the movie. Furthermore, one of the best things about superhero origin is the beauty of seeing the protagonists discover their new powers and the limitations of such but this movie completely skips over this part.

3.  The third act is a disaster. Out of nowhere these 4 people become a team and fight against someone who's apparently able to blow up people's heads but does not do that to the protagonists.
It is a movie so poorly written and directed that makes us reevaluate the two fantastic four movies with Chris Evans as the Human Torch and Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman. Dr. Doom is without a doubt the worst character of this entire movie.

Now what will the future have in store for the Fantastic Four franchise? I think that, no matter how bad this movie is and no matter how much money the studio lost with it , Fox will eventually reboot it in order to prevent the rights from going back to Marvel Studios.

Did you think that this movie had some redeemable qualities?

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