Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2 movie review

Hey guys,
Let me start this review by saying that Amazing Spiderman 2 is in 4th place of my all time favourite comic book movies. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first about the movie because most scenes from the trailers looked to cartoonish and a bit unrealistic but after watching the movie I had to change my mind.

This review will contain spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie do not read it.

The movie is fantastic in every possible way!
One of the thing I usually hate about Marvel movies is the presence of a lot of humor but in this movie it doesn't bother me much because it is part of the character of Spiderman. He's the only one to make the jokes ans it's ok because he's a bit cocky and self-centered so it makes sense that he does that. 

I also liked Peter's relationship with Gwen. He's in love with her but at the same time he promised her father that he would leave her alone but in the end his love for her overcomes his sense of guilt towards her father. By the end of this second movie I was really hoping that Gwen wouldn't die but her fate was sealed when Peter revealed to Harry the name of his girlfriend. Harry Osborne is also a fantastic addition to the movie and after the third or fourth scene he was in I had already forgotten about James Franco. Harry in the movie has contracted a terrible desease which he inherited from his father and he thinks that the cure of his desease lies within Spiderman's blood. When spiderman refuses to help him he turns to electro for help. Electro helps him sneak into Oscorp's secret projects where he injects himself with the spider's poison which Richard Parker had experimented on. Unfortunately the poison only worsens the condition of Harry and that is when he finds the Goblin suit. 

Jamie Fox is the main villain of the movie. He's an invisible Oscorp engineer who nobody cares about and when he has an accident at Oscorp he turns into Electro. His body desperately seeks electricity to survive and that is why he decides to go to Times Square to refuel. The showdown at Times Square is amazing, at first Electro is afraid, he doesn't want to hurt anyone but when he realizes that Spiderman just like everybodyelse doesn't even remember saving his life he goes mad an destroys the whole Square. 
Apart from the main storyline Peter is also trying to understand why his parents left him and he discovers in an abandoned subway station his father secret lab where he finds a video of his father telling the truth about the experiments at Oscorp. We now know that all the spiders that Richard experimented on were injected with his blood so that is why when Peter got stung by the spider he aquired the spider powers and Harry didn't. 

Overall the movie was spectacular. The music was composed by Hanz Zimmer and it made the movie even more spectacular; Spideman scenes were fantastic, I loved that Marc Webb decided to show us in slow motion how spiderman was using his webs. I am a bit sad that in the end Gwen died but that was inevitable, and the final scene was fantastic. After Gwen's death Peter decides to hang up his suit and stop being spiderman but when he realize that Oscorp has got some evil plans (sinister six) and one of these plans envolves Rhino who threatens the city he decides to come back. Since spiderman is not there to save the city a kid dressed as Spiderman tries to stop Rhino and just when the kid looked doomed Spiderman comes to save the day once again and then the credit roll. For those of you who like to stay after the credits, you got disappointed because there is no after credit scene however there is one which does not have to do with spiderman but rather with the upcoming X-Men movie but don't get your hopes up even though Sony and Fox are in good relations a crossover is not in future plans unfortunately.
This movie has a great mix of drama, action, humor and music and in my opinion it deserves 9.5/10

Let me know what you thought about it.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Justice League Movie Confirmed

Hey guys,
big news: a justice league movie has finally been condirmed.

Last night it was announced that the next movie after Batman vs Superman will be a Justice League movie. So the DCCU phase 1 will only be made up of two movies: Man of Steel and Man of Steel 2. All the signs were there, we were first told that we're getting to meet Batman in the MoS sequel, then the Wonder Woman news broke out, last week they announced Cyborg will make a small cameo in the movie; there have also been rumors saying that Green Lantern, and The Flash will make small cameos so all the signs pointed to a Justice League movie.
I have been waiting for a Justice League movie for a long time now but at the same time I think that this movie is too rushed. I am not at all a Marvel fan but even I have to admit that the way they planned their Cinematic Universe was perfect. They introduced all six avengers before the actual Avengers: Assemble movie. They introduced Hulk (although they recast the actor afterwards) Iron Man with two movies, Thor, Captain America and they even introduced us to Hawkeye and Black Widow. It looks to me that DC is rushing the whole Universe.
Now I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong if the movie turns out great and I would even be happy if they introduce most characters in the Justice League movie and then have spinoff solo films which tell the story of how the League got together.
Let's only hope that this project does not fail like that Justice League movie they wanted to make in 2006.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Arrow Seeing Red Review

Hey guys, 
This is the review for Arrow episode 20 of the 2nd season entitled Seeing Red
This is a Roy centered episode. After being used by Slade Wilson in his experiment to create other superpowered beings, Roy goes crazy and starts attacking everyone he finds in his path.

I am personally getting tired of the Roy character, to me it seems like he is very inconsistent, one time he is superprotective of Thea and another time he imagines seeing her telling him she deserves to be killed. I also don't like the fact that he keeps outpowering The Arrow. He has now become a burden for the entire team rather than an asset. I think he will be the one to take the cure when Star Labs finally make one. Roy is the only negative part for me as far as this episode is concerned. 
This time around we got no island flashbacks which is refreshing but instead we got to see another Moira's secret. Apparently way before Oliver got stranded on the island he was not only "messing around" with both Canaries (Laurel and Sarah) but he very much lived up to his playboy reputation and we find out that one of his "girlfriends" was preagnant at the time but Moira asked her to tell Oliver that she had lost the baby in exchange for two million dollars. We only know that the mother went back to Central city so that leaves us wondering what happened to Oliver's child. At this point I think that anything can happen and whoever Oliver's child his it will be a shocking revelation. My first thought was Roy but wouldn't it be shocking for Thea to find out that she has slept with her nephew. 

Let's get ready for the unexpected. 

The most exciting and unexpected part of the episode was at the very end when Oliver, Thea and Moira get kidnapped by Slade who asks Oliver to make the same choice he made on the Island when he chose Sarah over Shado. In the end it is Moira who asks Slade to kill her so that both her children will live. The final act of redemption for a character I was never fond of. 
I only have one thing to say about Slade. He's done what no villains have done before. I mean not even The Joker is the Dark Knight dared to do that much. True he killed Rachel but this killing and the way it was set up puts Slade in a whole new category. I mean after seeing Slade as Deathstroke I am having a hard time considering Loki a villain. DC might have only a couple of good villain to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson but I'd rather watch them than watch a bunch of Marvel villains not kill anyone.
Who knows who will die next. All hell is about to break loose.

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Original and The Vampire Diaries

Hey guys,
I know this article has nothing to do with superheroes but it's something I have to get off my chest. I am a huge fan of science fiction shows and that is why I started watching The vampire Diaries I was very pleased with it in the beginning and I didn't mind the love stories because i was a bit naive. I didn't realized were the story was headed because I was too much caught up in the other storylines such as Silas, The Originals, doppleganger the werewolfes and so on. Infortunatly I came to the conclusion that the storylines I just metioned were not the main storylines, but the main one was the sick, twisted, revolting love triangle that lonely girls desperatly crave. I have finally decided to stop watching it, however I have come up with a
solution (which will never come to reality btw) which would make both sites (science fiction nerds and desperate girls) happy. Here's my suggestion.
The first thing I would do is bring back Lexie from the dead. I was a big fan of the Lexie character I think she had a great personality she was also very consistent and coherent, plus it's always useful to have someone who can help you out when Stephen goes into "Ripper mode". 
Then I suggest they take Stephen played by Paul Wesley, Caroline Forbes played by Candice Accola together with Lexie and make them leave Mistic Falls and have them pop up in New Orleans. 
Once this is done then the wise thing to do is to keep The Originals and The Vampire Diaries universes separate
We would get an awesome show in The Originals and we would let The Vampire Diaries slowly die as it rightfully deserves because it's finally come the time to stop making these Twiligth look a like. 

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Captain America The Winter Soldier movie review

Hey guys,
I've waited a few days before posting this Captain America The Winter Soldier review but now here it is. Before the review of the movie I would simply like to make a quick comment about audiences and post credit scenes. How is it possible that after nine movies audiences still leave the cinema before watching post credit scenes? I don't know about your part of the world but in London more than half of the audience left before even watching the first end credit scene. To me it looks as if they were forced to stay and watch the movie and that they couldn't stay one more minute in their seat to wait for the end credit scene. But let's get back to the review. 
This review will be filled with spoilers so please if you haven't watched the movie don't read it.

Captain America The Winter Soldier takes place after the events of the Avengers movie and we see Cap adapting to the new world. The first fighting scene on the vessel is very entertaining but at the same time is quite unrealistic. The first thing that came to my mind was: how does Cap's shield come back as a boomerang? Apart from that the first fighting scene was spectacular and I also enjoyed very much Black Widow's fights. From the first scene where we see Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff together we feel the chemistry between them. They interact very weel with one another.
The sequel is very much linked to the first movie and I was surprised when Steve Peggy who's now very old but that gave the whole story a sense of closure and it also showed that Steve is still struggling in the new world especially because he doesn't agree with how Shield is planning to "protect" it. Turns out he's right and the whole project of protecting the world by wiping out any threat before it actually turns into reality. Half way through the movie we discover that Hydra SHIELD to all its levels. Nick Fury played by Samuel L. Jackson discovers that he's following Hydra's orders and that's why he is chased and shot by the Winter Soldier and declared dead.I have to admit that I actually thought that he was dead but apparently nobody ever dies in these movies. A very interesting character is the Winter Soldier, I was not aware, not being a massive Captain America fan, that the Winter Soldier is actually Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers childhood friend who was presumed dead after he fell from a train in the first movie. So we find out that Hydra had done some experiments on him which allowed him to survive the fall, his memory is completely wiped off therefore he doesn't remember a single thing about his past life and he's now just a mercenary following Hydra's orders.It kinda makes sense that he hasn't got a lot of lines in the movie since he's a sort of robot working for Hydra but it must have been frustrating for Sebastian Stan to not have many lines to say.    
the Nazi organization that Steve fought in the first Captain America movie is still alive and it has infiltrated
goes to visit
One thing that got me thinking about the Winter Soldier character was that Black Widow mentioned that he's been killing people for over 50 years which means that he wasn't frozen like Steve Rogers therefore why is he still young as he was 50 years ago?

Another interesting character in the movie is Falcon played by Anthony Mackie. He's a war vet and he bonds with Steve over that. I thought his flying scenes were among the best ones of the whole movie even though the jumping out of a building and landing in an helicopter is unrealistc to say the least.
Overall the movie is great, it has a lot of unrealistic scenes like the one where Captain America takes down a plane with his shield,  but I very much enjoyed all the new additions both in terms of cast and in terms of outfits. There are a few references here and there to the Avengers and also to future avengers. Everyone must have noticed when the Hydra guy, whose name I can't remember, mentions Steven Strange aka Dr. Strange.
Lastly, the two end credit scenes were nice and interesting. I really didn't care much about the second one with Bucky in the museum discovering the truth abouth himself, but I very muck liked the introduction of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Since Marvel cannot mention that they are Magneto's children and therefore mutants they said that they were part of an experiment. However one cool thing that they could do in Avengers: Age of Ultron is very briefly bring up their past with someone asking them about their father and with them saying: " It's a long story". I think it would be a nice hint at Magneto without explicitly mentioning him.
In my opinion this movie is without a doubt the best Marvel/Disney movie of Phase 2 and it deserves a 9 out of 10.

Let me know in the comment section what you thought about it.

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Arrow 2x18 Review

Hey guys,
last night we witnessed another awesome Arrow episode entitled Deathstroke. The episode starts off with Thea and Slade in the car and Oliver's sister soon realizes that Slade doesn't have good intentions. In fact, Slade kidnapps Thea and lets Moira and Oliver know that Thea got kidnapped right in the middle of Moira's mayoral campaign. This thing really bugged me because Thea had just broken up with Roy so how come nobody was worried about where she had spent the night?
With the help of Felicity Team Arrow finds Slade but instead of questioning him, The Arrow decides to turn him over to the police which releases him afterwards since he had a strong alibi. That is where things go sour since Roy is angry at Oliver for not questioning Slade and for asking him to break up with Thea and that lead him to snap at Diggle and to quit the team. I don't really like the way that the Roy character is being handled, one time he's out of control and another time he's calm and this lack of consistency makes me dislike the character.
Sarah was fine in the episode, she didn't play a big part but still I like the fact that Detective Lance asked her about her and the Arrow and if Oliver knew what she was doing. Lately many people wondered why Lance wasn't putting two and two together and realize who was behind the mask especially considering that Sarah was dating Oliver so I like the fact that they addressed this issue.
I loved the suspense throughout the episode, Slade telling Thea Oliver's secret and so everybody thought that Slade was going to reveal the vigilante secret, instead he only revealed Merlin being Thea's father secret and then when everything seemed back to normal Slade dropped that bomb on Laurel when he told her that Oliver is the Arrow.
I think this will be a defining moment for Laurel who will gradually become more and more important. Who knows, maybe by the end of this season she will develop her canary powers and join the already crowded Team Arrow.
One thing that I didn't like was the reason why Detective Lance was arrested. I mean, he's been known for working with the Arrow for a long time now so I don't understand why after bringing Slade Wilson in for kidnapping Thea Queen he suddenly gets arrested. Shouldn't he be awarded a prize for catching the right guy instead of getting arrested?
Anyway, my top 2 favourite moments of the episode were when Oliver discovered that Isabel Rochev played by Summer Glau was Slade's ally and that she used Oliver's trust to take his company away from him.
Another favourite moment for me was when Felicity was the only one to trust Oliver to let him go fight Slade on his own. I love Felicity and Oliver relationship and I enjoy every scene with the two of them.
Next episode will air in two weeks time and its title will be: The Man under the Hood.

Take a look at next episode sneek peek:

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