Saturday, July 19, 2014

Geoff Johns confirms no shared universe

Hey Guys,
there you have it! Yesterday Jeoff Johns Chief Creative Officer at DC Comics confirmed that the DC cinematic Universe will be kept separate from the TV Universe. They are each "their own universes" "It's a separate universe than film so that the filmmakers can tell the story that's best for film," Johns said. "While we explore something different in a different corner of the DC universe." This is what Johns said at the CW Panel of The Flash destroying even that glimmer of hope that we could see Stephen Amell in a Justice League movie. WB/DC have apparently acknowledged their incompetence in planning out a succesfull share universe like Marvel has done. Honestly, I don't see what the problem is since there will not be a movie before 2016 which means that they do not have to coordinate anything before then. There are free creatively speaking to do whatever they want to, all they have to do is meet on a monthly basis and let eachother know what their plans are. Jeff also added that it will be difficult to have 2 Justice Leagues ( one on TV and the other on the big screen). Now here's what I think: Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D is a shitty show with an awful story but people tune in to see it despite the horrible episodes. More than 5 million people watched the season finale as opposed to Arrow season 2 finale with a little more than 2 million viewers. What should we learn from this WB/DC? We should learn that having a shared universe raises the number of viewers both in the tv and movie universe. Look at the buzz Guardians of the Galaxy is getting. Nobody in their right mind would have taken even the smallest of interest in this property if it wasn't in the MCU. But in a world where Marvel has a huge success steaming from the fact that they have chosen to have a shared universe, what does DC do? It's simple, they give the rights off to Fox for Batman, they keep Green Lantern movie out of the movie universe and since the Dark Knight Trilogy grossed over 2.5 Billion $ at the worldwide box office and they are in this business for making money they decided to keep even that universe separate. Basically all they do is separate universes. Now the implications of such decision will be that we won't get to see the Flash in the movie universe otherwise audiences will get confused when they see Flash on TV played by Grant Gustin and another Flash on the big screen. Every hope that us DC Fanboys had were flushed down the toilet.
They say that Hollywood is about making money but WB/DC is an exception to this. Even Avatar announced 3 sequels with a story so predictable that we had seen a million times before but here WB/DC will not continue good franchises that make them a lot of money and nor they intend to continue franchises that haven't made them a lot of money.

I really don't get them and I am truly disappointed by all of this.

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