Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Flash 1x09 The Man in the yellow suit review

Hey guys,

last night's episode of the Flash entitled The Man in the yellow suit was a perfect episode for the mid season finale.
This last episode left much unanswered and left us puzzled as to who the reverse flash really is.
After the epic crossover with Arrow we knew that the show runners wanted to finish the year with a bang and what a better way to do it  than to bring Professor Zoom or the Reverse Flash into the mix and perhaps confuse our ideas on who's actually who on this show.
This episode gives you everything you ever wanted from The Flash.

1. It gives us an introduction to this series number 1 villain who is probably a version of the future of one of the characters that we have already met on the show. ( My money is on Eddie aka Detective Pretty Boy)

2.  Great chemistry between characters, awesome dialogue and most of all fantastic plot twists. Who would have imagined, for example, that Harrison Wells had a yellow suit in his secret room?

3. Great Mystery. Dr. Harrison Wells is at the center of the show, the mystery that surrounds him make this season very interesting, and my theory is that he is only keeping that suit for when he will reproduce the accident of Barry and give the powers to Eddie. At this point I don't think he has any powers and I don't even see why the Reverse Flash would try to beat to death his older self.

4. Firestorm. The latest addition to the show is great. Robbie Amell as firestorm stole the show in this episode and we can only hope we'll see him more in the second half of the season.

5. Although I don't like the love and especially love triangles in tv shows or movies, I think that the one between Barry, Eddie and Iris is crucial in order to set everything in motion. Barry has to give Eddie a reason for hating him and for making him want to turn into the Reverse Flash

The next episode will air the 20th of January of 2015 and in the meantime here's episode 10 promo


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Arrow & Flash Crossover episodes review

Hey guys,
just finished watching the epic two night crossover between Arrow and The Flash and it exceeded every expectations that I had.

If you wanted a taste of what Batman v Superman will be like then you got it with this crossover which started last night with Oliver and his team visiting Central City. I thought that yesterday's episode was spectacular, It gave a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why Arrow would fight Barry. I thought that the fight was brilliantly filmed and very realistic. Barry had superpowers while Ollie had knowledge and precision. I thought that it all worked perfectly and I especially loved the part where Barry tells Oliver he's jealous of him. I thought that that scene alone showed why Arrow is the superior man and the leader of this tv justice league. He is calm and he always thinks before acting, his experience is what makes him great ( exactly like Batman in the justice league).
The end of the first part of the crossover was spectacular to say the least, we first got to see Sandra Hawke, the mother of Connor Hawke aka Oliver son. That storyline promises to be very good since in the comics Connor becomes the Green Arrow following his father footsteps.
However I really jumped out of my seat when I saw firestorm for the first time. Ronnie Raymond is alive and it will be awesome to see him as part of the Flash storyline.

One thing that I feel they could have done better is the link between the two episodes. I thought it was kind of strange to see The Flash crew in Starling City without a believable motive although the story doesn't take place the day after the events of Central City but perhaps a few weeks after, because Barry says that he has been practicing what Oliver taught him.
Anyway I thought that Arrow episode was a bit weaker that yesterday's episode. I thought that Captain Boomerang could have been better considering that he's a great character. Most scenes could have been handled better like when Boomerang gets into the Arrow cave and somehow doesn't decide to finish the job he started and leaves after almost killing his target.
Speaking of the Arrow cave, how awesome is this name? How about the Arrow mobile? Even though Batman is not in this universe his presence is palpable with all these references.
 Nevertheless the end of the episode was great with Barry saving the city from the bombs and Oliver defeating Boomerang. The final scene was even greater with Barry and Oliver deciding to find out, once and for all, who would win in a fight between them.
Now, I know what you are all thinking... How can the next episodes be as great as these? The answer is simple next week's The Flash will feature Professor Zoom or Reverse Flash and Arrow's episode will feature The Demon himself Ra's Al Ghul.Take a look!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Suicide Squad Cast announced

Hey guys,

Warner Brothers have just announced the cast of the 2016 villain team up movie entitled Suicide Squad which will focus on a team of mercenary going on missions around the world. The all star cast has just been announced and for once we have to say that all  rumors surrounding this project were actually true.
The cast and the character they will be portraying is as follows:

Jared Leto - The Joker

Will Smith - Deadshot

Tom Hardy - Rick Flag

Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn

Jai Courtney - Boomerang

Cara Delevingne - Enchantress

Needless to say that all these casting apart from the last one are incredible. These actors alone build up anticipation for the movie. It is incredible to think that we'll get a joker 8 years after the Dark Knight. I love Jared Leto casting and I love the casting of Margot Robbie even more, I think she'll be a perfect Harley Quinn and if she keeps the attitude she had in Wolf of Wall Street she'll be perfect. I am also happy about Jay Courtney and eager to see his rendition of Boomerang that'll also get to see tomorrow on Arrow. I don't know too much about Enchantress apart from the fact that she's kind of a female version of Shazam ( meaning that she has to say the word enchantress to turn into the supervillain). As for the actress playing her, I think Cara is really beautiful although I don't think she has shown that she has the acting skills to deserve such a part. I think Tom Hardy as Rick Flag is a good choice although I thought that having him play another villain after only 4 years was kind of a strange choice but nevertheless Tom is a fantastic actor and he'll do very good.
My only concern is about Will Smith and his latest tendency of wanting to bring his son along with him in any projects he's a part of. I hope that he'll play along with the team and be the greatest deadshot we've ever seen
We have still yet to know who will play Amanda Waller and whether Lex Luthor and Deathstroke will be in the project.
How cool would it be to see the Joker and Lex meet for the first time ever on the big screen?


The Flash 1x07 Power Outage

Hey guys,

just finished watching the seventh episode of the Flash entitled Power Outage. This episode gave us a lot of information regarding the mysteries surrounding the series. 

First of all we discover that the newspaper page we see in the final scene of the first episode is not an actual newspaper brought back to the present but it's rather a virtual picture straightly connected to the future which is amazing because it means that Harrison Wells is directly connected to the future. My theory is that he's just a normal superpower free guy who maybe few month before Barry's accident met his future self who explained to him what had to be done in order to have certain things happen in the future. Whether that future self is Barry himself or another flash or someone else entirely different is still a mystery.

 Another very important thing that we learnt in this episode is that Eddie is powerless. Maybe something will happen in the future to transform him into who he's supposed to be but at this point he looks to be simply a love interest for Iris. 

One thing that I particularly liked was Barry's attachment to his powers. We are usually accustomed to heroes feeling that their powers are a burden and they would seem happy if they lost it, whereas I liked that Barry thinks of his powers as part of him and embraces the beauty of them. In the beginning of the episode I thought that scene with him and the thief was amazing, with him being cocky. I love scenes where you see a superpowerd person dealing with ordinary problems and situations.

Overall the episode was solid as usual, the final scene of Barry training on the treadmill was amazing. He might be reaching the speed of light before we know it and that would be amazing.
Next episode is gonna be even greater with Arrow's team coming to the show


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Arrow 3x07 Draw Back your Bow Review

Hey guys,

Arrow continues to surprise us and this seventh episode entitled Draw Back your Bow is the last episode before the epic crossover between Arrow and The Flash. Though we'll have to wait two weeks to watch that since Arrow is taking a break next week.
This week's episode was a very solid episode with a lot of positives but also some negatives.
The positives for me were:
1. Atom suit Awesome moment where we see the A.T.O.M EXOSUIT revealed. We caught a glimpse at Ray's plan. We'll definitely see him in the suit and perhaps he'll join team arrow
2.Villain. Cupid was a great villain in my opinion. I loved the actress and I love the fact that she was very crazy and unpredictable ( she kind of reminded me of Harley Quinn and they did make a reference to her when they handed Cupid to Amanda Waller)
3. Batman Begins homage Maybe it was just me and my mind wanting to find something similar but Arrow saying to Detective Lance "I'll look into it" kind of sounded like the sentence that Batman said  to Gordon at the end of Batman begins
4. Oliver/Diggle relationship Oliver and Diggle are great together. Diggle is a father figure for Oliver and the scenes where they are together are so intense and fantastic also because you feel the huge influence that Diggle has on Oliver

1. Thea and the Club
The worst scenes of this episode were those which showed us Thea and that deejay guy. Horrendous scenes which we could have easily and gladly done without.
2.Olicity One criticism that have about this show is that Oliver seems to have developed feelings for Felicity only because fans want him to. In previous seasons he repeatedly said that he only saw Felicity as a sister but now all of a sudden he is jealous of her and that is something which looks a bit strange to me

Overall this was a very good episode and I can't wait for the epic 2 hour crossover which will happen in two weeks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Flash 1x06 The Flash is born review

Hey guys,

just finished watching a spectacular episode of The flash, it's the seventh episode which is entitled The Flash is born.
This episode's villain is Girder played by Greg Finley who has an accident in a plant which transforms him into a man made of iron. When Barry discovers that his speed is nothing against his strenght he has to dig into his powers and break the sound barriers so that his punches can do serious damage. 
This episode had many positives.

1. Barry talking to Iris as the Flash , it reminds me a lot of Clark talking to Lois as the Blur and I think their encounters are really nice to watch because of the chemistry between the actor and because of the way they happen with Barry showing off his powers to prevent Iris from getting too close to him.

2. Great Easter Egg  Did anyone hear the nickname they gave to Tony Woodward aka Girder? They called him the Man of Steel. Does that name ring any bell? Even though we'll never see Superman on the show I still think it is cool that they give us some cool Easter Eggs like this one. 

3.Scientific explanation I extremely enjoy that a scientific explanation is given for anything The Flash has to do. I like that a bunch of scientists always have a way of finding out how to defeat an enemy through science. This time around they explained that no matter how powerful and dense a metal is, if hit at the right speed it could get severely damaged. 

4. Cisco, Speaking of Cisco, who suggested the solution to beat Girder, I think he is an awesome character, he is there to represent all of us. His excitement after finding out that Barry broke the sound barrier was the excitement all of us had while watching the scene. I simply think he is amazing 

5. Veil of mystery Of course, this episode gives us another piece of mistery on the murder of Barry's mom by showing us the Reverse Flash stealing all the investigation documents of Detective West 

6. The Flash Last but not least the scene where Barry and Iris come up with the name The Flash. After 7 episode we finally have a superhero known with his own name, which is something rare considering that it took Clark to be called Superman 10 seasons and we yet have to hear Oliver Queen be called The Green Arrow

However, one tiny thing that could be considered as negative is the shot of Barry breaking the sound barrier and hitting Girder. Unfortunately the special effect were very bad and we could clearly see that the image was created through a computer.  It didn't look real at all. 

Apart from this nitpicky thing the episode was simply epic and I am willing to be that next week's will be even better.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Gotham 1x09 Harvey Dent

Hey guys,

just finished watching the ninth episode of Gotham entitled Harvey Dent. The title gives away what could have been a major surprise which is the introduction of Gotham's White Knight and Batman's most famous enemies. The episode was really good at times, I found one of the positives to be Bruce and Selina relationship. Selina is starting to warm up to Bruce and to finally enjoy life off the streets of Gotham. I love this deviation from the comics and I think that this relationship is what the show needs to get better. 

As for Harvey's introduction I found him to be very interesting and one of the few honest people left in Gotham. He could be of huge help to Jim Gordon. As every character we were introduced to in this television series we caught a glimpse of what the characters are eventually gonna turn into. They already showed us his trick with the coin and they also showed us how easily he lost his temper however I think that for the foreseeable future he'll stick on the side of the good guys.

So, there were some positives in this episode, however I thought that this week's villain was kind of irrelevant and the action scenes were very unrealistic. For instance, I feel that the scene where they broke that guy out of the truck was extremely unreal. How come those trained policeman went down really fast, I mean they got out of the truck recklessly and they didn't even manage to hurt one of the criminals, instead they got killed with one bullet each.

Another negative of tonight's episode was also Oswald Cobblepot and they way he handled him finding out about Fish's mole. I thought the whole compromise or deal he offered to that girl was not very useful and not like him. He usually is the best part of the show but this time around he could have been better.

Here's next episode sneak peek


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Arrow 3x06 Guilty review

Hey guys,
another great episode of Arrow aired last night on the CW network and the great news is that we are only two episodes away from an epic crossover with the flash.
This episode gave us a really cohesive story line with the flashbacks, Ted Grant's past and Ollie's present all fitting in perfectly.
This is the episode where the Arrow meets Wildcat who we learn was once a vigilante. I think that the stunt between Arrow and Wildcat was executed perfectly, it was still good to see that Oliver easily defeated him and in that stunt we also saw something we have been waiting for three seasons: the famous Green Arrow boxing glove arrow which was a nice Easter egg but at the same time made perfectly sense and didn't look as unrealistic as it looks in the comics or cartoons.

I also like that in every episode we get a glimpse at Laurel's training and we see her progress and becoming better. However we should be patient because we should not expect to see her become the Black Canary anytime soon, she is simply not ready yet.

The episode also gave us a little bit of an headache in regards to the murder of Sarah, we understand that Roy was cured of Mirakuru but apparently he did not kill Sarah. If that is the case I don't understand why he would know the exact words uttered by Sarah before she was killed.

Overall the episode was great and this was also the first episode where the name Arsenal was dropped. Isn't it funny that Roy got his full name before Oliver did?
Anyway next week will be the last episode before the epic crossover entitled Flash vs Arrow

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Flash 1x05 Plastique review

Hey guys,

just finished watching the fifth episode of the hit tv show the Flash. It was another fantastic episode full of actions, character development, great stories and this very episode featured a very special character: Plastique as the title suggests.

This incarnation of Plastique was more true to the comics than the version we saw in Smallville, however I didn't like the fact that they had her die by the end of the episode. Though her powers were kind of useless to the team I love her antihero style but I get that she had to die because she would have been a target not only to herself but also to team Flash if she had stayed. 

The best part of the show, without a doubt, was witnessing Barry's growing powers. In the beginning of the episode we saw him run vertically on a building and I loved how they explained it from a physical point of view and then they did the same thing for when he had to run on water. Those scenes were fantastic because Barry enjoyed himself as much as we did. 

I also love Barry's encounter as the Flash with Iris and their kind of Superman Lois meeting and I think that this will be how Iris will follow in love with Barry. She'll first fall in love with the Flash and then with his best friend.

Overall the show is fantastic, however if I had to find a negative it would be the Eddie Thawne character which is supposed to be much more important or mysterious, instead it is only a tool used to make Barry jealous. Here's hoping that the situation will change in the upcoming episodes.

Here's next week sneak peek

Gotham 1x08 The mask review

Hey guys,

the 8th episode of Gotham entitled The Mask aired last night on Fox. After eight episodes we finally have an understanding of what the flow of the series is. I still contend that it will get better as we see villains such as The Penguin transform into who they should really be. 
We have got some great characters. We have got Jim Gordon who is the hero of the story. He is truly incorruptible ( quote from Heath Ledger's Joker) as we saw in this episode when he refused to let that doctor out of prison. Ben Mckenzie has a very difficult character to play also considering that the last guy that played this character was Gary Oldman. He's been doing a pretty good job. 
Another great character we have is Oswald Cobblepot who is now at the center of the war between the Marones and The Falcones. He is truly terrifying and we have seen him evolve a lot over the past episode loosing any type of remorse of his actions and fully embracing his dark side. 

Harvey Bullock is also starting to grow on me. He was the emblem of a corrupt cop but through the example set by Jim he's slowly starting to not only warm up to his partner but he's also starting to become a true cop fighting for freedom and justice. 

I also like that the show is keeping several story lines separate. On the one hand we have Jim fighting the week bad guy and showing that he can really fight, then we have Bruce and Alfred moving forward after the events of the pilot with Bruce slowly starting to show some signs of his future self and then we have the  mob families battling it out. I love that they keep everything separate and that sometimes all these story lines cross path.

Overall the show still needs improvement but the ratings are steady and maybe with that the show will become better.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Gotham 1x07 Penguin's Umbrella review

Hey guys,

this week's episode was interesting. Gotham can be compared to a rollercoaster. One episode is watchable and the next one is utterly awful.
This episode was thrilling because it focused on a bigger storyline and it picked up right after the end of last episode.
This was a Jim Gordon centric episode. It dealt with him deciding to stay in the city he loves and fight for his life and freedom. He showed courage and resiliance when he decided to counterattack the mob families by arresting them all for the conspiracy of the Arkham Asylum.

Another positive of the show was the discovery that Falcone has an ace up his sleeve in Oswald Cobblepot  who has been his mole all along. I thought this was a very interesting plot twist which was set up really well and explained why The Penguin decided to come back to Gotham and risk his life. Another great performance this episode by Robin Lord Taylor who has been the scene stealer ever since the first episode.

We also got to see Harvey getting back to the good side when he decided to join Gordon's crusade of arresting all major criminals of Gotham in one day. Perhaps we'll see an evolution of his character through the example set by Gordon. This is what ultimately Gordon will do, he won't give people hope but at least he will try to lead by example the Gotham Police Departement.

The only negative for me was actually Bruce Wayne and Alfred parts which seemed to forced and out of place. Honestly if they have a good episode in their hands they could spare us another scene of Bruce in his house trying to play detective.

Overall good episode and here's next week sneak peek


Arrow 3x05 The secret origin of Felicity Smoak review

Hey guys,
just finished watching the fifth episode of the third season of Arrow entitled the secret origin of Felicity Smoak and let me tell you this was the turn point of the whole series.
The big revelation at the end was shocking to say the least, Roy killed Sarah. We still don't know the reason behind it but we finally know who Sarah's killer is. I suspected from the start that the killer was someone who we knew especially considering that Sarah didn't seem afraid when she saw her killer.

The episode was solid. I liked that in the beginning they showed us how everybody was training. Oliver and Roy, then Thea and Malcolm and Laurel and Ted ( and then Felicity doing abs was hilarious). I think it is important to show them training to remind us that to stay in that physical form they have to keep doing it every single day.
I also like the fact that they had Diggle finally wearing a mask to cover up his identity. It seemed kind of unrealistic every time they would go fighting that he would be the only one without some sort of a costume. A ski mask was enough to make that scene credible. 

I also liked how they tied Felicity's past with her present and how they showed us her origin story. Her character is truly unique and it is rare to find a female character as impressive, knowledgeable, beautiful and as important to the story as she is. If you really think about it, her character has the features that we would all love to see in a Wonder Woman movie. We don't want her to be just a love interest but a strong character. 

The last point I want to make is about the Laurel's character. I think they are putting her on the right path. I think that her being reckless and angry is the perfect explanation as to why she would even think of embarking in a crusade to fight criminals in Star City.  I think that by the end of this season she will discover her power and become the Black Canary. 

Thrilling episode as always and here's next week sneak peek

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Arrow 3x04 The Magician review

Hey guys,
sorry for putting this review up so late but this past week was very busy for me and besides I took some time to think about the episode. Despite the first appearance of Ra's Al Ghul I thought this was a very week episode,
Apart from the very strong performance from Katrina Law as Nyssa Al Ghul  and obviously Stephen Amell I thought that everybody else either did a poor job or the part they had to play was not so appealing.
There are many negatives for me in this episode. First off Malcolm's return was very poorly written. The scene where he meets Oliver in Star City main plaza was very strange and very unrealistic. How can billionaire Oliver Queen be talking to a person who killed hundreds of people and not get noticed on the street?
 Also, why does Roy decide to do a flip over a car with the only purpose of standing between Thea and Nyssa?

As for the introduction to Ra's Al Ghul I thought the actor playing him did not live up to my expectation. His screen presence was not so majestic and impressive as you would expect from a character as important as Ra's Al ghul is. In my opinion nothing worked with Matthew Nable, not his voice and not even his screen presence. Let's hope that he only started off with the wrong foot and that he'll be great as the leader of the League of Assassins.
The episode was weak and the show also suffered from the fact that Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) was over in Central City with Barry.
I am sure, however, that next week will be great.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Flash 1x04 Going Rogue review

Hey guys,
just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This is the fourth episode and it is the episode which gives us the first ever real crossover between Arrow and The Flash with Felicity showing up in Central City as she announced it last week at the very end of Arrow's episode.
The episode also introduces the first villain ever that manages to defeat the Flash. One of the best things about the episode was in fact that Captain Cold managed to defeat Barry on multiple occasions. It was important, in my opinion, to show the reaction of the entire team Flash when they realized they weren't able to save everyone and especially Barry's reaction when he realized he wasn't fast enough to save that man who got blasted by Captain Cold. This week, unlike in previous episodes we had a very solid villain who  wasn't there just to have Barry show off his power but an actual villain who was a real threat throughout the whole episode. He will be back as we saw from the final scene of the episode and he will be joining forces with Mick Rory aka Heat Wave who is ( or will be)  a member of the super villain team called the Rogues whose leader is actually Captain Cold.

As for Felicity I thought that seeing her in The Flash was amazing but if I didn't know her from Arrow I wouldn't have liked her that much.I think that she didn't have a lot of chemistry with the rest of the cast but it certainly was awesome seeing Barry showing her his powers. This is the emblem of what it means to have two awesome shows and to have at the same time crossovers which make the two shows all the more special.

Obviously, we have to keep talking about the most mysterious character of the show: Harrison Wells. He keeps on  giving us clues at to what he knows and doesn't know. We know so far that he knows that Barry was going to get struck by that lightning but apparently now we know that he doesn't know a lot of details about the future considering that he was scared that Barry would get harmed in a fight with Captain Cold.
However I still don't know whether I believe those who say that he is the Reverse Flash or those who believe that he is a Flash from the future.
I'm honestly torn and even though I am more inclined to believing that he is the Reverse Flash I still ask myself what is the purpose of having Edward (Eobard) Thawne on the show then.

Leave you comments down below


Marvel announces movies of phase 3

Hey guys,

Marvel has just announced their entire movie slate up to 2019. Here are the movies that have been announced:

Captain America: Civil War ( May 6th 2016)
Doctor Strange (November 4th 2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 May 5th 2017
Thor: Ragnarok July 27th 2017
Black Panther November 3hd 2017
Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 May 4th 2018
Captain Marvel July 6th 2018
Inhumans Nov 2nd 2018
Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 May 3hd 2019

Black Panther will be played by Chadwick Boseman and apparently Avengers Infinity War Par 2 will be the final movie featuring the Avengers, however the Dr. Strange project still has no actor and no further information was given on the whole project. No information was given as to who will play Captain Marvel.
Nothing was told as to what will follow the 4th avengers film but probably the cast will be replaced and there will be a reboot after 2019.
So, what do you think of this announcement? We have a lot to look forward to with Marvel and DC announcing their respective movie slates for the next few years.
What comic book project are you most looking forward to? Let us know what you think down below


Monday, October 27, 2014

Gotham 1x06 Spirit of the Goat

Hey guys,
just finished watching Gotham's sixth episode entitled Spirit of the Goat which focused on a serial killer who Harvey Bullock thought he had already defeated.
This episode was, in my opinion a step back from last week because it took a major deviation from the main storyline of the Marone vs Falcone family. We barely saw Osval Cobblepot but we got to  see more of Edward Nigma and we understood more where he is at in his life and we caught a glimpse at his darkness which is starting to manifest.

I liked the fact that they showed us that Harvey was once a true and honest cop, someone who got corrupted eventually by the city of Gotham. Gotham is central in all of this, it is the reason why people do what they do and why people become evil.

One thing that was truly amazing was seeing Catwoman inside Wayne's manor looking at Bruce's investigation board. I think it would be truly fantastic to see a relationship develop between Selina and Bruce and the show could benefit from this heavily.

No matter what you thought of the episode, you have to agree that the ending was fantastic. Jim arrested for the murder of the Penguin but I never thought that the Penguin would show up at the police station and reveal to all that he is still alive.

Overall the show is still not good enough but it gives me enough to keep watching it every single week

What did you think of this episode? Let us know in the comment section below


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer + review

Hey guys,
I am not sure this was an intentional release from Marvel or if this was simply leaked by someone on the Internet but I have found the official trailer of Avengers Age of Ultron which will be released in theaters in April of next year.
Here's the trailer

I enjoyed almost all Marvel movies to this point except for Guardians of The Galaxy but I've always been critical of the fact that these movies never had a serious tone. Well, there you go, this trailer has a very serious and dark tone. It looks like the Avengers will face a true villain this time who will create not only conflict within the team but a villain who will show the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that heroes do not always win and when they do it comes at a price.
The trailer is very intense and it shows the rise of Ultron from Tony Stark's house. Needless to say that the best part of this trailer was that we got to see the Hulkbuster armor that supposedly Tony Starks builds to fight The Hulk. The Armor is even bigger than the Hulk himself and I wonder how it works. Do you guys think that the armor will be able to fly? If so, it could allow Tony Stark to fly only for a limited time and possibly not that fast or that high
If you weren't by any chance excited for this movie, now all of you must be.

Which part was your favourite and what did you think of the Hulkbuster?
Let us know below

Arrow 3x03 Corto Maltese

Hey guys,
I just finished watching one of the best episodes ever of Arrow. Awesome episode all the way through. The plot of the episode revolved around the implications of Sarah's death. Everyone is dealing with her death in their own way, Laurel is angry at the world, whereas Oliver wants to bring her sister back.
On the one hand we see Laurel trying to deal with her rage. She first goes to an AA meeting but then she decides to blow off some rage by beating up some guy. I loved how it all happened.Laurel wearing a ski mask attacked this guy only to get knocked down. I loved the fact that she didn't win right away, even though the guy she was facing had no skills whatsoever because she needed to get knocked down because that motivated her to seek a mentor who would be willing to train her.

Her mentor will not be Oliver Queen ( as everybody thought) but rather a certain Ted Grant (aka Wildcat). For those of you who don't know Ted Grant is a superhero and member of the Justice Society of America during the Golden Age. In the comics he was the mentor of both The Black Canary and Batman as also seen in one of the animated episodes of Justice League Unlimited. Laurel's character as the Black Canary was inconceivable due to her lack of skills but she will train now and probably by the end of the season she will also discover her superpower ( Canary Cry).

As for Thea I loved that they showed us some of her training, and most importantly they explained the importance of training the mind before training the body( this helps us understand how she mastered these skills in a few months). Thea is ready to take on Star City, the only question is: will she be an ally or a nemesis of Team Arrow?

As for Felicity, I loved the reference to Barry and the way they connected her popping up in the Flash next week. I thought it was smart to kind of announce her crossover creating yet another link between the two shows.

Finally, when I thought it couldn't get better, we got something better. Nyssa is back and she's looking for Sarah. This can only mean one thing: Ra's Al Ghul is not too far behind.

Prepare to get amazed!

Here's next week sneak peek


The Flash 1x03 Things you can't outrun review

Hey guys,

sorry I didn't put this review up yesterday but I've been busy lately.
I did see the third episode yesterday however and here is what I thought about it.
I think this was another great episode. I am starting to think that Grant Gustin really would have had enough acting chops to carry his own movie. He is starting to look and sound like the Flash.
The episode was very emotional at times, exciting and shocking.

In this episode we got to see Stephen Amell's cousin Robbie Amell who plays Ronnie Raymond die  in a flashback. His character is most likely coming back as the character Firestorm. However it is still unclear whether he'll join his body with Martin Stein to become the original Firestorm or whether the showrunners wanna keep it simple by having only him as Firestorm. Those of you who have read The Flash comics know that Flash's storylines are quite convoluted so shorunners might decide to simplify things so that the audience doesn't get lost.

We are also starting to understand the dynamics of Team Flash and the personalities of each character. One of the best moments of the whole episode was Barry's father telling his son about the first time he walked ( he didn't walk, he ran) and I feel that the show really embraces the relationship between Barry and his father.

Professor Harrison Wells keeps on being the most interesting character, we all wonder who he truly is. Some people say he's the reverse flash other people have actually said that he could be a flash from the future ( Bart Allen) or perhaps an older version of Barry Allen. He evidently knows a lot about the future but it is still unclear if he is going to be a villain or a hero.

One of the negatives of this episode for me was the villain. The villain we were introduce to in these first three episodes were not significant but I feel that at this point in the season they don't really matter. The only purpose of these villains is to have Barry show off his powers but in all honesty I prefer when Flash saves random people on the streets.

Here's next week sneak peek
