Friday, February 28, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman

Hey guys,
as we await the release of the new Spiderman movie I wanted to give you my opinion on the first Amazing Spiderman. As the reboot was so close to the Spiderman trilogy the comparison is needed.
As we know Spiderman 3 was a flop and that is why Sam Raimi 4th Spiderman never saw the light and that's a pity because there were rumors going around that suggested that we might have seen Carnage in the 4th film.
The 2012 Amazing Spiderman featuring Andrew Garfield started well in my opinion. It started from the beginning and that's really important to me because even if we all know that he becomes spiderman after being stung by a spider it is always good to see the beginning. So 10 points for having the origins in the first movie.

I also like that they went for an unconventional villain: the Lizard. If there's one thing that I have about reboot is the fact that they use the same villains. Take Superman for example, all they do is use Lex Luthor or Zod and I always asked myself why? Superman as Batman and as Spiderman have got tons of amazing villains and I think It was great for The Amazing Spiderman to explore a new one.
Another thing that I love was the teaser scene at the end of the movie with references to the death of Peter's family. The soundtrack and the special effects were major contributors to the awesomness of the movie.

Now let's move on to a few things I did not like about the movie
First of all, I did not like that Spiderman does not have his own webs and that he creates a device that generates web. I am aware that in some versions of the comic books he did not have the power to shoot webs from his wrist but that doesn't mean that they had to take this feature and bring it to the big screen. He's called spiderman because he has the ability of spiders, right?
Even though I liked Andrew Garfield as Spiderman I still prefer the Tobey Maguire spiderman simply because Peter Parker is a nerd, skinny and shy guy and Garfield looked nothing like that. A pair of glasses does not equal NERD.

All considered the movie was great with a few problems here and there, but those few problems won't prevent me from going to see the next movie which looks amazing

As always leave a comment below and 
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Captain Marvel movie


Since I watched the Justice League War movie a couple of days ago, call I say during the day is Shazammmmmmm!!! So I did some research to find out whether a Shazam (apparently we're not supposed to call him Captain Marvel) and looks like there's already a script ready for a Shazam movie.

The movie was very close to being greenlit before the studio decided to go ahead with the "Man of Steel"
movie. Apparently they thought that the two movies were not compatibles. However now that DC is expanding its universe it's reasonable to assume that a Shazam movie is eventually going to happen. I am sure that DC will try to take a risk with less known properties exactly like Marvel is doing with "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Ant-Man".
Director Peter Segal has been unofficially attached to direct the project and in a recent interview he was asked about the project and he said:

"I was working with Geoff Johns. At it's core, it's a lot like Superman. 
There's this boy trapped inside of a superhero's body. He's still a boy inside, so there's this opportunity to play a lot of humor with the action." "I've always loved Shazam," Segal concludes, "but I don't know if it's going to see the light of day anytime soon."

Well I want to be optimistic and I am predicting that before the decade is over DC will announce a Shazam movie and I would cast Brandon Routh as Shazam. I know that my pick is a bit odd considering that he was superman but I think he has the physique to play a proper Captain Marvel.

Who would you pick as Captain Marvel?

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 reasons why Avengers was an awesome movie

Hi guys,
I've been postponing this article for quite sometime now, but I finally got around to it.
Considering the box office success of the Avengers movie I'm assuming that everyone has seen it so be aware of some spoilers. 
You have been warned!
Here's the list of 5 things I really enjoyed about the movie:

1. Cast
What an amazing cast for this fantastic assemble movie. Robert Downey Junior truly is Iron Man, I can't picture anyone else playing that role but him and the same goes for Thor and Captain America. I have to be honest, I was skeptical when Marvel announced that Mark Ruffalo would play the Hulk but he did a pretty good job even though I would have preferred to have Edward Norton as the Hulk simply to get a sense of continuity. Needless to say that Samuel L Jackson portrayed flawlessly Nick Fury.

2. Previous movies
Without the standalones movies, the movie would never have been as great as it is. The standalones did a really important thing when it comes to comic book movies which is to tell the origin of each member of the Avengers. For without them we wouldn't know who the character truly is. (This btw is one of the problem with DC, they haven't quite understood the importance of introducing properly every single character).

3. Storyline
Amazing storyline for the first Avengers movie. Continuing the story of Thor , we have Loki and his army as the threat that pushes the Avengers to join forces. There's nothing better than an alien menace to create a solid squad of superheros. In particular, I love the fact that they didn't quite get along and so we got to see them fighting it out. I personally loved seeing Thor battling Hulk and Iron Man.

4. Equal screen time
Every character had propotional time to its importance. Iron Man had the most screen time, followed by Thor, Captain America and Bruce Banner. It is clear that Black Widow, and Hawkeye are the weak links of the Team but Joss Wedon managed to find them a right role. For as strange as it may sound, Black Widow and Hawkeye were the one who did the most unrealistic things. (See how Black Widow jumps on that flying thing, and how Hawkeye hits the targets without even looking).

5. Villanin
I saved the best for last: Loki. Tom Hiddleston is one of the most beloved villains of all times alongside with Heath Ledger who played the Joker.He is a sort of a mastermind but he has also real fighting powers and this makes him the perfect villain. His scenes are amongst the best of the movie.

Overall it was a fantastic movie, my only criticism is that the team is not homogenous but I guess the same argument could me made with a Justice League movie where you would have Batman fighting alongside Superman.

As always leave your comments below and let me know what you thought of the movie and if you like what you've read that like us on Facebok

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Heroes: Reborn

Hey guys,
it was back in 2010 when NBC decided that the Tv show heroes didn't deserve even a wrap up episode despite fans desperately wanting one.After 4 years fans (myself included) had lost all hope to see their "heroes" back on the small screen and that is why we were shocked  today when it was announced that in 2015 Heroes will get a 13 episode mini series entitled "Heroes:Reborn".
Now, as many of you I asked myself: is it a reboot or are they picking it up where they left it off? We still don't know! Characters and storyline have not yet been revealed so all we gotta do is wait and hope that Milo Ventimiglia, Zackary Quinto & co are on board. Meanwhile NBC has released this short clip to tease the return of the hit tv series. Take a look....

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Friday, February 21, 2014

What I would do if I were in charge of the DCCU

Hey Guys,
let's pretend for a while that I am in charge of the DCCU. In that hypothetical scenario there are several things I would immediately do.

1. Replace Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons with the cast of the Dark Knight Trilogy.
I know what you're all thinking right now, Christian Bale doesn't fit in a world of superpowered beings but it doesn't really matter because from what we know Superman is the first alien the world has ever known so even Ben Affleck's Batman has only been fighting human villains. Now think of the advantage of bringing Christian Bale's Batman back....... You would have the whole fantastic cast of the Dark Knight Trilogy including Michael Cane, Morgan freeman, Gary Oldman and also there would be no need to introduce everyone and work on a new Batman costume and so on.  Don't forget about the score, you could be able the amazing score of the Dark Knight trilogy.

2. Have Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern show up in both the Arrow tv show and in a scene of the Man of steel sequel. By doing that you would tie the movie with both the television universe and with the Man of Steel Universe. Green Lantern had some reedemable qualities and they are worth exploiting.

3. Hire a director that would work alongside Zack Snyder. Man of Steel was awesome but it wasn't flawless. Superman needs to ooze hope and you can't exactly do it if the the movie is dark. I would personally try to get Chris Nolan Back even though that might not be the right choice considering he's kind of against using his Dark Knight trilogy.

4. Jesse Eisenberg needs to be fired straight away (get jeremy Irons to play Superman n.1 enemy). I'd replace them with actual actors. I would also take Wonder Woman out of the picture and I'd let her have her own standalone movie in 2016 and maybe have someone show up in that movie, someone like Batman Superman or GL.

5. Introduce Martian Manhunter in a 2017 Justice League. My first 5 lineup would be Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. I would give the latter his own spin off television series immediately in the fall after the release of the JL movie. 

6. Hold off other characters such as Stephen Amell's Green Arrow and Grant Gustin's Flash for the second instalment of the JL franchise. 
So, to recap I would give Man of steel, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern their own standalone movies and I would give Green Arrow, Aquaman, The Flash and Martian Manhunter their own tv shows. 

Guys, I know what you are all thinking about... you are all wishing that I were in charge of the DCCU.

Let me know what would you do

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Best and Worst Science Fiction movies of 2013

Hi guys,
here's my list on the BEST science fiction movies of 2013...

5 Oblivion

In 5th place, it's a Tom Cruise action movie that tells the story of an almost empty earth. The population has moved to another planet due to the lack of resources. I loved the story, the special effects and the ending which I am not going to mention. 

4 Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas you either loved it or hated it! It a very long, difficult to follow movie which tells the stories of several people who lived in different centuries.

3 The Hobbit : Desolation of Smaug

I am not a big fan of the lord of the rings or the hobbit franchise but even I have to admit the greatness of all these movies. The biggest addition in this movie is Smaug: a very dangerous dragon.

2 Iron Man 3

Granted, it wasnt as good as the first one, it did have a couple of bad scenes but still it was a very good movie. The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to dazzle.

1 Man of Steel

Definately the best science fiction movie of 2013. It is a new reimagination of Superman and I loved evry second of it. If I could change one thing of the movie I would change the dark tone the movie has. i would personally like to see more bright colours. Apart from that Superman has never ever looked better in his very long cinematic career.

Here's the WORST...

5 After Earth

The reason why Will Smith has gone from one of the best actors in Hollywood to one of the most hated actors is because he is so evidently trying to push his son's career forward and that is something that fans don't like. The movie didn't do so good box office wise and it wasn't great either. Jayden Smith has a lot of potential but it is time for him to start walking on his own. Will Smith should go back to being an awesome actor.

 Thor: The Dark World

Thor I was my favourite movie of Marvel Phase I and I didn't like the change they made to the character and the story in Thor II (see why)

3 Pacific Rim

Granted the CGI was awesome but the story was kind of ridiculous and at the end of the movie I realized that I had lost 2 hours of my time.

2 This is end

Incredible cast but shitty movie! The combination of college humor and science fiction simply doesn't work. The special effect are awful and the whole story doesn't make sense! Don't watch it!!!

1 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

It looks like the new " Twilight" didn't start off on the right foot. Not only the movie was horrible, the cast was as terrible as the Twilight cast was but it also flopped at the box office. This means that fans should not hold their breath for a sequel anytime soon

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Monday, February 17, 2014

5 things I did not like about Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 is the third instalment of the Iron Man franchise which began in 2008 . This movie is the first one of Marvel's phase two . This chapter is directed by Shane Black ,starring Robert Downey Junior as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. The Movie had a lot of success at the box office, grossing all over the world 1.215.439.994 $ and it became the fifth most grossing movie in all history.The movie was good in general but not so great and epic in my opinion.This is a list of the 5 things I did not like about the movie.

1) The changing of The Mandarin Character 

Iron Man 3 has completely changed the mandarin character and this is something I did not like not because I don’t agree with changing a character but in the movie they changed the key elements of who he is. This time there was a big change.The Mandarin in the comics is a scientific genius and he has extraordinary martial arts knowledge and he uses ten rings of alien origin which give him an array of different powers. Perhaps he could be considered as Iron Man's greatest enemy. Ben Kingsley played the character in Iron Man 3. In the beginning  he looks as if he is a terrorist  but it turns out that he is not the real villain of the story. His rings are not  magical or alien . .Trevor's character "The Mandarin" was meant to give America someone to blame for terrorist attacks while  Killian the true Mandarin was operating. Two physical similarities that Killian has with the Mandarin of the comics is that he expressed dragon themes and it seems to have a good knowledge of martial arts. He has super strength, super speed , regenerative powers and heat powers .  After the big dissappoiment of the mandarin character Marvel is trying to fix this by releasing what they call a  Marvel One Shot "All Hail the King" where we find  Trevor Slattery in jail and he is being interviewed by filmmaker Jack Norriss . In the final part Norriss reveals himself as a member of the real Ten Rings organization which is led by the true Mandarin. He kidnaps Trevor, telling him that the Mandarin wants to meet him. You can find this in the special features of Thor: the Dark World. 

2) Where is the S.H.I.E.L.D? 

Where in the hell is the Shield when the president of the United States gets kidnapped? The S.H.I.E.L.D has been a strong presence since the beginning of Marvel cinematic universe and after The Avengers with the release of the new Tv show "Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D" in phase two there has been no sign of any agent of the Shield. Marvel has created something so big, but they can't control it anymore beacuse they are expanding also in the tv universe. I think it's a good idea to expand but if they can't control it then we got more inconsistencies ahead of us.

3) The Score

Brian Tyler who also has scored Thor the Dark World has composed the music for this movie. The score was fine and good but not great and epic like it should have been in my opinion. I had the same reaction when I heard Thor The Dark World score.With this I'm not saying that he is not a great composer,on the contrary,  I think that he's a fantastic composer that has had like everybody a couple of bad days at the office!!

4)Difference of the movie between what the trailer showed us and what the movie was.

The trailer gave us a different of what the movie was about. It showed us a completely different movie than what we saw in theatre. The trailer showed us an epic movie and even the score sounded amazing but the music in the trailer was not from Iron man 3 OST. We expected an epic battle between the mandarin and Iron man like we saw in the comics but the movie turned out to be completely different.

5) Very strong Sense of Humor 

One of the elements always present in all Marvel movies was the humor. Phase 2, however, has taken that humor to a new level. In my opinion the humor is becoming to much and I think that they went over the limit in this movie, beacuse we have to remember that this is a superhero movie not a comedy.With this I don't wanna say that I didn't like the jokes,on the contrary they were really funny but there were too many of 'em, maybe less than Thor :the Dark World but still too many.

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Most anticipated movies of 2014!!!

This is a list of the most anticipated movies of 2014 (movies you don't wanna miss in 2014!!!!)

Let's Begin!!!!!.

1)The Amazing Spiderman 2
This is the second instalment of the newly rebooted Spiderman franchise which began two years ago. For the first time we will see portrayed on the big screen two of  spidey's villans who we've never seen before. I'm talking about Electro and Rhino,respectively played  by none other than Jamie Fox and Paul Giamatti. Marc Webb is directing and Andrew Garfield is reprising his role as Spiderman. Also on board is Hans Zimmer that will craft the score.This movie is going to be a huge box office success like the first one has.
Here's the trailer:

2) Trasformers:Age of Extinction
This is the fourth chapter of the saga that began in 2007 . This time the whole cast is different but not the director. Micheal Bay returned for the 4 chapter despite stating that the thrid one was his last film.We already saw a change in the third one when Rosie Huntington Whiteley replaced Megan fox but this time is going to be a total different cast .From the trailer it seems that the autobots are going to play a bigger role (they will have much more screen time) in the movie this time.Also from the trailer we see that this movie has the elements of the previous three,like action, special effects etc.Steve Jackonsky is coming back. This movie could be one of the potential winners of the 2014 box office.
Take a look at the superbowl clip:

3) Captain America:The Winter Soldier 

This the second Captain America solo movie and it follows the events of The Avengers. This time the director  Joe Johnston has been replaced by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo and according to rumors it looks like they will also come back for the third instalment. From the trailer, It seems that this movie could be the best movie of Marvel Phase 2.Chris Evans will reprise his role as Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Samuel Jackson and  Scarlett Johansson are joining the cast ,respectively resprising thier roles as Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow. Also joining the cast is academy award winning actor Robert Redford,and Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka The Falcon.
Here is the trailer:

4)  Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel is expanding its universe and this movie is the proof of that.This movie is going to be very different from all other Marvel films and it will probably be the movie that ends Marvel Phase 2 and ties in with the Avengers movie.The cast is composed by terrific actors and actresess such as Bradley Cooper that will be the voice of Rocket Raccoon ,Chris Pratt as Peter Star-Lord, Vin Diesel as the voice of Groot, Zoe Saldana as Gamora and Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer. No trailers have been released so far for the movie.

5) The Hobbit: There and Back Again
This is the final installment of a trilogy that was supposed to be a duology.The movie is a prequel of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and this chapter  theoretically should tie in with the beginning of the Lord of rings story,so the end could be epic. My only hope for this movie is that we will see Smaug have a huge role.

6) Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 
This is the final installment of the saga and it will be divided in two parts,this is the first one.Finally the games are over and the war is about to begin! There is no doubt that the split has been made for two reason: the first one is to make more money and the second one is that they wanna tell the story the best way they can with more character development excatly like we saw with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

7) Interstellar
This  is my most anticipated movie of this year.The movie will tell the story of a group of explorers(time travelers) that will travel through a wormhole to find places where life is possible beacuse our planet is subverted by strong changing weather conditions that are devastating the land.The travel will lead to something unexpected . The movie is based on Kip Thorne 's theories of the time travel through a wormhole. The movie is directed by Christopher Nolan who has always delivered  incredible and awesome and spectacular movies ,the cast is composed by Matthew McConaughey , Anne Hathaway and Micheal Caine and from what we know even Matt Damon is on board. Last but not least Hans Zimmer is crafting the score,and that's one of the things that gets me excited for this movie.
Take a look at the trailer:

8) X-Men: Days of Future Past
My biggest tip when going to watch this movie is to not link it to previous X-Men movies otherwise you would only focus on the inconsistencies of the franchise. Go and enjoy this movie because it features the cast of X-Men trilogy and X-Men First Class + Wolverine. It's been 14 years since the first X-Men movie and it looks like this could be the best movie of the franchise. Rumors suggest that there will be a link to the next instalment already announced: X-Men Apocalypse.
Here is the trailer:

9) Robocop
This movie is about a policeman ,Alex Murphy, that after being injured to death recovers thanks to an experiment that will allow him to get back to work as a cyborg in a city full of criminals. He will confront a dangerous villan played by Micheal Keaton and at the same time he'll try to regain his memories. It sounds like an interesting story to me. The director is Josè Padilha and the movie has a really great cast composed by Joel Kinnaman, Abbir Cornish, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Keaton .
Take a look at the trailer:

10) Godzilla
Godzilla is one of the most anticipated movie of this year.  Is directed by Gareth Edwards,starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Bryan Cranston . The movie is the reboot of the Godzilla franchise. This movie tells a story of  a giant  monster that threatens to destroy mankind. Today Godzilla is a character well-known in the whole world and the release date is set to be this year ,that is the 60's anniversary of the creation of the character.

Take a look at the trailer.Here it is:

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Transformers Trilogy review

Hi guys,
the superbowl has allowed us to see the first footage of the upcoming Transformers movie entitled Transformers: Age of Extinction. Needless to say that the first clip looks awesome even though I don't like the fact that they brought Megatron back from the dead once again. I only hope they will give us an explaination to why he's still alive.
So as we all await the release of the new Transformers movie let us analyze the positives and negatives about the previous instalments.
Michael Bay, despite what many people say, has given us three great movies ( granted the second one was not that good) and I really like the consistency of the entire trilogy. The amazing shots, the cast, the score and Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime are among the best aspects of the movies.

1. Amazing shots

Is it just me or do the robots look so real and the actors are interact extremely well with them? From the first action sequences of the first Transformers up until the slow motion scenes of Transformers: Dark of the Moon Micheal Bay has done an awesome job in combining CGI with real footage.

2. The Cast
Josh Duhamell, Tyrese Gybson, Shia Laboeuf and John Turturro did an amazing job. They were funny where it was the time to be funny and they were deadly serious when it was time to fight the decepticons (nothing like Thor:_The_Dark_World). I liked the fact that we see these characters evolve with every movie and to me there are no inconsistencies issues with none of these characters

3.The Score
I may sound repetitive but a movie is only as great as its score and Steve Jakobolsky gave us one hell of a score. I love the few and minor changes made for every movie to the original soundtrack and I also love the Linkin Park songs that perfectly blendend into the movie

4.Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime
I saved the best for last! How awesome is Optimus Prime voice? Optimus Prime speeches at the beginning and at the end of each movie have become a trademark of the whole franchise and everytime I hear one of Optimus speeches I get goosebumps.

The trilogy has certainly not been perfect and in my opinion the three biggest negatives of the triolgy are:

1. Robots design
The first negative has to do with robots design. I have had a hard time differentiating between secondary autobots and decepticons. They all pretty much looked the same to me.

2. Robots fragility inconsistencies
Sometimes one shots kills of a robot and some other times( see megatron) not even a thousands shot will do the trick. For instance, how in the hell did Megatron manage to get his leg back in Transformers: Revenge of the fallen after he lost it in the Transformers I?

3. Replacement of Megan Fox with Rosie Huntington Whitley
Don't get me wrong I didn't mind the replacement of Megan Fox with Rosie Huntington Whitley, the latter is not only hotter but also a better actress however I don't like when personal decision outside the script affect movies. We know for a fact the Megan Fox's character Mikaela was suppose to be in the third instalment and we also know that Megan had an argument with director Michael Bay but why not have her break up with Sam at the beginning of the movie or in a flashback and then continue the story with Rosie as the love interest for Sam?  That would have been better in my opinion.

I am 100% sure that you guys don't see it as I do so please leave a comment in the section below

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ben Mckenzie is James Gordon

Hi guys,
this past weekend it was announced that OC's Ben Mckenzie will be playing the leading role of Detective James Gordon. As many of you, even I thought of the upcoming movie Batman vs Superman but he was not cast to play James Gordon there. He was cast for the new tv series entitled "Gotham". Now I don't wanna criticize the casting or anything even though I had almost an heart attack when I thought that Jesse Eisenberg and Ben Mckenzie would star together in my most anticipated movie of all time as Lex Luthor and James Gordon respectively.
Perhaps for a tv series that focuses on a young Jim Gordon it is not such a bad casting. 
The first thin I asked myself was: 

Why do a detective tv show on a comic book character? 
Why would Gotham be a worth watching tv show?

I had heard of rumors saying that the tv show revolved around Jim Gordon and that neither Batman nor Bruce Wayne would appear in the show but Fox CEO Kevin Reilly denied all these rumors.

Fox CEO Kevin Reilly stated: 
the series will include all of the classic Batman villains as well as heroes, including young Bruce Wayne.
“The show will arc a young Bruce Wayne from a child (around 12) into the final episode of the series, when he will put on the cape.”

From the first rumors revolving around the series I was a bit skeptical because it looked like the story will not completely revolve around a young Jim Gordon. Reilly words really made me look forward to seeing this new tv series that will be released next fall.
CEO added:
"Also on tap are the Riddler, Catwoman, the Joker and the Penguin. “We will see how they get to become who they are as Gotham is teetering on the edge,”. “It is an operatic soap that has a slightly larger-than-life quality.”

Looks like that we have a new interesting series on its way and I feel that waiting for Batman to put on his cape will be a bit like when I was waiting for Clark Kent in Smallville to become superman. I think it is pretty much the same concept and I hope that they do as good as Smallville did.

Are you looking forward to this series? Leave your comments below

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Monday, February 10, 2014

How can Batman possibly fight Superman

Hi guys,
lately I was thinking of the 2016 Batman vs Superman movie and I was wondering: 

how can Batman have an even fight with Superman?

I know that in the comics Batman has beaten Superman but the big screen has always tried to tell a somehow realistic story of the comic book characters.
So I made a list of possible ways they could make Batman go toe to toe with Superman but in a way or another they all involve the use of kryptonite.

1st Theory
Batman or Lex discover kryptonite and without meaning to or not they expose Superman causing him to temporairly ( for some hours or a day) loose his powers just like it happened in The Adventures of Lois & Clark. This would give Batman an advantage over Superman

2nd Theory
Batman either creates a combat suit or finds the remains of the Kryptonian's suits. Adapting that suit would give Batman a very small fighting chance against the Man of steel.

3hd and final theory.
Batman or Lex create a kryptonite powered suit so that when they fight Superman he is weak but still has all of his powers.

For what we've seen in the first Man of Steel movie, Superman is pretty much invincible and if they really intend to have Batman fight Superman then they must find a way to either depower Superman or empower Batman otherwise there would be no contest. A simple blow from Superman would be enough to destroy Batman.

So, what do you think about the Superman/Batman fight? Are you looking forward to it? And who is your favourite? Mine is Superman!

Leave you comments below

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Arrow & The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight movies made us fall in love with Batman after that horrible Batman forever. We were all a bit saddened when the trilogy ended 2 years ago. So driven by nostalgia I found several references or similarities to the Dark Knight trilogy in the television show "Arrow" which I wanna share with all of you. These heroes are very much alike, they don't have any powers, they are both billionaires who try to protect their cities. 

Here are some scenes that I found from Arrow that are similar to the Dark Knight Trilogy 

This is the very first time that we see Oliver with the Green Arrow suit and the scene resembles a lot the first time we ever saw Christian Bale as Batman.

Detective Lance meeting up on a roof talk to talk to "the Arrow" is not the first case of a law enforcer meets up with a masked vigilante.

In the 8th episode of the 2nd season of Arrow, "The Arrow" is chasing Solomon Grundy and he uses the same trick that the caped crusader used in the Dark Knight Rises: we only see the motorbike with nobody on it. 

Have you ever noticed the way that Oliver hangs up his suit? To me it resembles a lot the way that Batman hangs up his suit.

"The Arrow" questions a criminal by paying homage to Batman's interrogation in Batman Begins

I know this might seem like a long shot but Count Vertigo is introduced excatly like the Joker in Batman Begins

Most vigilantes have to disguise their voice in order to keep their true identity a secret. The Arrow and Batman have similar voices.

They both disappear while people still think they are in the room

Don't tell me you didn't think of it when you heard Sarah utter these words

Count Vertigo Threatens the city is a very peculiar way sort of like somebody I know

This post is by no means a criticism towards the tv show Arrow, on the contrary I love Arrow and I love the fact that they are paying homage to a great trilogy.

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