Friday, February 21, 2014

What I would do if I were in charge of the DCCU

Hey Guys,
let's pretend for a while that I am in charge of the DCCU. In that hypothetical scenario there are several things I would immediately do.

1. Replace Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons with the cast of the Dark Knight Trilogy.
I know what you're all thinking right now, Christian Bale doesn't fit in a world of superpowered beings but it doesn't really matter because from what we know Superman is the first alien the world has ever known so even Ben Affleck's Batman has only been fighting human villains. Now think of the advantage of bringing Christian Bale's Batman back....... You would have the whole fantastic cast of the Dark Knight Trilogy including Michael Cane, Morgan freeman, Gary Oldman and also there would be no need to introduce everyone and work on a new Batman costume and so on.  Don't forget about the score, you could be able the amazing score of the Dark Knight trilogy.

2. Have Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern show up in both the Arrow tv show and in a scene of the Man of steel sequel. By doing that you would tie the movie with both the television universe and with the Man of Steel Universe. Green Lantern had some reedemable qualities and they are worth exploiting.

3. Hire a director that would work alongside Zack Snyder. Man of Steel was awesome but it wasn't flawless. Superman needs to ooze hope and you can't exactly do it if the the movie is dark. I would personally try to get Chris Nolan Back even though that might not be the right choice considering he's kind of against using his Dark Knight trilogy.

4. Jesse Eisenberg needs to be fired straight away (get jeremy Irons to play Superman n.1 enemy). I'd replace them with actual actors. I would also take Wonder Woman out of the picture and I'd let her have her own standalone movie in 2016 and maybe have someone show up in that movie, someone like Batman Superman or GL.

5. Introduce Martian Manhunter in a 2017 Justice League. My first 5 lineup would be Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. I would give the latter his own spin off television series immediately in the fall after the release of the JL movie. 

6. Hold off other characters such as Stephen Amell's Green Arrow and Grant Gustin's Flash for the second instalment of the JL franchise. 
So, to recap I would give Man of steel, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern their own standalone movies and I would give Green Arrow, Aquaman, The Flash and Martian Manhunter their own tv shows. 

Guys, I know what you are all thinking about... you are all wishing that I were in charge of the DCCU.

Let me know what would you do

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  1. I would not watch your universe. you look like someone who wants to make money off of the 1st movie then ruin the rest really fast. Bales Batman was broken down by the end the TDKR and I'm glad the ended on a good trilogy. combining TV and movies has shown to be a bad combination, and I would rather have 2 seperate and great universes than 1 below average confusing one.

    1. having Bale as Batman means that you get all the good things about the Dark Knight trilogy in this universe. However, I get what you mean, Bale batman was indeed broken down but Ben Affleck Batman is supposed to be a retired old man so don't expect him to be any different. As for Arrow, I understand that combining the tv and movie universe is difficult but imagine how great it would be if they did it right.

  2. Yeah I would hate this also. Bale doesn't belong in this universe, and his body was shot by the end of the movie anyway. I 100% do not want Arrow beholden to the events of the movies. Keep that universe separate. Sorry but I would hate your universe. I hate Gal as WW as much as the next guy. But it bothers me far less than trying to tie it into the Nolan universe.

    1. Out of all the actor that have been cast for MoS 2 Gal Gadot is the one that I less hate. Jesse Eisenberg is not right for Lex Luthor and as much I like Affleck as an actor I can't help to think how amazing it would have been if Bale were to have played batman in this movie
