Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 reasons why Avengers was an awesome movie

Hi guys,
I've been postponing this article for quite sometime now, but I finally got around to it.
Considering the box office success of the Avengers movie I'm assuming that everyone has seen it so be aware of some spoilers. 
You have been warned!
Here's the list of 5 things I really enjoyed about the movie:

1. Cast
What an amazing cast for this fantastic assemble movie. Robert Downey Junior truly is Iron Man, I can't picture anyone else playing that role but him and the same goes for Thor and Captain America. I have to be honest, I was skeptical when Marvel announced that Mark Ruffalo would play the Hulk but he did a pretty good job even though I would have preferred to have Edward Norton as the Hulk simply to get a sense of continuity. Needless to say that Samuel L Jackson portrayed flawlessly Nick Fury.

2. Previous movies
Without the standalones movies, the movie would never have been as great as it is. The standalones did a really important thing when it comes to comic book movies which is to tell the origin of each member of the Avengers. For without them we wouldn't know who the character truly is. (This btw is one of the problem with DC, they haven't quite understood the importance of introducing properly every single character).

3. Storyline
Amazing storyline for the first Avengers movie. Continuing the story of Thor , we have Loki and his army as the threat that pushes the Avengers to join forces. There's nothing better than an alien menace to create a solid squad of superheros. In particular, I love the fact that they didn't quite get along and so we got to see them fighting it out. I personally loved seeing Thor battling Hulk and Iron Man.

4. Equal screen time
Every character had propotional time to its importance. Iron Man had the most screen time, followed by Thor, Captain America and Bruce Banner. It is clear that Black Widow, and Hawkeye are the weak links of the Team but Joss Wedon managed to find them a right role. For as strange as it may sound, Black Widow and Hawkeye were the one who did the most unrealistic things. (See how Black Widow jumps on that flying thing, and how Hawkeye hits the targets without even looking).

5. Villanin
I saved the best for last: Loki. Tom Hiddleston is one of the most beloved villains of all times alongside with Heath Ledger who played the Joker.He is a sort of a mastermind but he has also real fighting powers and this makes him the perfect villain. His scenes are amongst the best of the movie.

Overall it was a fantastic movie, my only criticism is that the team is not homogenous but I guess the same argument could me made with a Justice League movie where you would have Batman fighting alongside Superman.

As always leave your comments below and let me know what you thought of the movie and if you like what you've read that like us on Facebok

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