Saturday, March 29, 2014

Batman & Robin movie review

Hey guys,

you truly are masochist for wanting to even read this review about the 1997 Batman & Robin better known as the "Death of the Franchise" or also known as the undisputed worst comic book movie of all time.

This movie stars George Clooney as Batman/ Bruce Wayne and several other actors who reprised their role as Alfred, Gordon and Robin.
I have absolutely nothing good to say about this movie. It has no redeemable qualities whatsoever. There are a million reason why George Clooney alone was not right for the part and he did a very poor job. However it wasn't just his fault. Who in the hell hired the costume designer? What were those f..... bat-nipples? Were they really necessary?
What about the props? They looked like toys made for children, apparently they props were a by-product of the toys and they were used to promote the toys they were going to sell after the release of the movie.
Another problem had to do with the script: First line of the movie was "That's why Superman works alone!" Really? Really? Are you telling me that in that horrible universe Supes not only exists but he hasn't killed himself when he discovered that Bruce Wayne was George Clooney? But I guess it makes sense if they had cast Nicolas Cage as the Man of Steel. If they had done a Batman/ Superman movie with those two actors the comic book world would never have recovered from it.
Up until this movie the only decent thing we had had in the franchise were the villains, but in this movie we don't even get that. We get three villains,( and now we know that having three villains in a movie is really bad See Spiderman 3) and none of them were interesting. We have Arnold Swarznegger as The Ice Man who basically did not have more than two lines in the whole movie, then we have Bane or a version of Bane who did not have any lines and finally we had Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy. So what's the solution to three silly villains? Three silly wanna be superheroes. We got Batman, Robin and Batgirl who apparently showed us that you don't need to train like Christian Bale's Batman for 6 years to learn how to fight, the only thing that you need is to find your way to the Batcave and magically learn everything overnight then you simply put on mask and you are a superhero.
I could go on forever about this movie. There are so many plot holes like the rocket scene where Robin is climbing the rocket from the outside despite the freezing temperature and also the whole premace that The Ice Men needed Diamonds to power his suit that freezes everything and that he wanted to use his suit to freeze Gotham and then hold the entire city for ransom for billions of dollars so he can cure his wife with those money. Then my question is, why not sell those diamonds in the first place instead of creating this evil masterplan which is highly unlike it will succeeed?
Anyway we should be thankful that this movie did so bad, for without it we would never have gotten the fantastic reboot with Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Batman Forever Review

Hey guys,
today I want to share with you my thoughts on the 1995 Batman Forever or as I like to call it the beginning of the end of the franchise. It was the third instalment in the Shumacher/Burton franchise of the Dark Knight and I've never ever understood when producers keep part of the cast of previous films and simply replace others with new actors.
I mean, I understand the need to replace one actor with another. That can happen for many reason, see Iron Patriot aka James Rhodes who was played by Terrence Howard in the first Iron Man and then by Don Cheadle in the second and third movie, in that case it was only one actor who was replaced and it is ok therefore to continue with the franchise. However when you have to change half of the cast and you also change the whole tone of the movie then you might as weel do a proper reboot.
In this movie Alfred and Gordon are played by the same actors of the first two movies, but we get a completely new Batman. After Michael Keaton stepped down as Batman, he was replaced for one film only by Val Kilmer and we also get to meet Robin and as always we get a hot blonde which apparently this franchise can't survive without. I mean why did they think that they needed a hot blonde in every single movie and why didn't they just keep one instead of changing every damn movie?
Needless to say that this franchise went from bad (which was the first movie) to worse with Val Kilmer's interpretation of the Caped Crusader but fans who thought that that was the worst were really in for a treat. 
Another awful thing about the movie was the batmobile which was horrendous and so was the CGI throughout the whole movie.

One thing that I didn't mind about the movie were the enemies which were the Riddler played by Jim Carrey and Two Face played by Tommy Lee Jones.
Another interesting aspect that the director could have expanded more on is the relationship between Robin and Batman and how what happened to their respective families helped them bond.
Overall the movie per se was not that bad but when placed in the context of the franchise it is absolutely worthless.
I didn't even dislike Val Kilmer as Batman, hell I think out of the three Batman of the franchise he was by far the better one but still the whole franchise was not what it should have been.
Anyway this movie can be considered one of the greatest comic book movie of all time if we compare it to what followed only two years later.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer review

Hey guys,
the brand new trailer for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has hit the web. It's only 1 minute and 30 second long but from what I have seen it looks amazing.
You should know that I am a big fan of Michael Bay's work, I enjoyed most of his films including the much criticized Pearl Harbor and the Transformers Trilogy. But let's get back to the trailer.

There are few things that I enjoyed about this brand new trailer:
1. The tone
The movie has the same tone as the transformers movies. The colors are very bright, we get a hot chick in Megan Fox and we get some giant "heroes" in the turtles.
2. The turtles
The turtles look really good. Apperently they were created to protect humanity and one thing that surprised me was the fact that they are enormous. I imagined they would be as tall as humans but it turns out they are twice as tall as humans. Megan Fox is, by the way, used to being in movies with giant creatures and even though the turtles were CGIed I don't think there will be any problems when they are interacting with humans.
3. The humor
 Looks like the movie will have a huge dose of humor and I think that is the right choice because after all it is a movie designed for kibds and for those who are young inside so a couple of jokes are more than welcomed.

My biggest concern with this movie however is Megan Fox playing April O'Neil. I don't understand why Bay would give her this role especially after what happened on the set of Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon.

The movie hits theaters this summer and here's the trailer:

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Arrow 2x17 Review

Hey guys,
the 17th episode of the second season of Arrow entitled Birds of Prey aired last night on the CW network.
Arrow has had one awesome episode after another and it was only a matter of time before we got a not so good episode. It's a shame because the hype for this episode was extremely high due to the title: Birds of Prey but it turns out that this was just a teaser title since only 2 members of a team don't make the team.
These are the main points of last night's episode

1) The Huntress is back and "Birds of prey"
Oliver discovers that Frank Bertinelli is back in town and so as a result it's only a matter of time before Helena Bertinelli aka The Huntress comes back to Starling city to kill his father.So the Huntress is back for this episode and she is dead set on revenge.

2) Roy's Anger connected to the "Speedy " thing
When Team " Arrow" finds out about the Huntress return, Felicity tracks down Helena  and  Roy Sarah and Oliver go after her. They track down a car in which they think Helena is but it turns out to be only a decoy. The man hired by Helena, however, shoots Roy in the hand and Roy nearly kills him. Thankfully Oliver stops him by calling him "Speedy"  which is Oliver sister's nickname but also Roy's alterego in the comics before he was called Red Arrow.
We know that Roy Haper throughout his comic book history has been called in different ways:
Speedy as Green arrow's sideklick ,
Arsenal in the Teen Titans and
Red Arrow in the Justice League of America.
We still don't know how they are going to call him in this new incarnation, but maybe Speedy will be a temporary name exactly as The Hood was for Oliver.

3) Thea-Oliver relantionship
After Roy once again lost control, Oliver tells roy to break up with Thea since he is not able to control himself and he can hurt her. In the episdode we clearly see Roy' love for Thea so he listens to Oliver and breaks up with her. After breaking up with Roy, Thea is very vulnerable and that is why she's the best target for Slade. One thing that I did not understand was why Roy had to break up with Thea. I mean he's never been a threat to her and in the last episode it was said that Roy was protecting Thea from Slade. What happened now? Did everybody forget about Slade? To me this was a bit of an inconsistency which I didn't like.

4) Few island scenes and strong presence of police officers
We always have had a lot of island scenes but this time around there were only a few. On the island Slade is trying to fix the engine of the boat in order to leave the island but the engineer escaped so Slade proposes a trade to Sarah: Oliver in exchange for the engineer but something tells me he's not gonna live up to his end of the bargain. In the present storyline, however, we see the rise of a sense of anti vigilante feelings within the police force and I think this will be one of the main themes of the upcoming episodes.

5) Laurel's situation
Laurel's situation has become much more important and we see her still struggling with her alchool dependence. I love her scene with Helena, to me that was the true essence of the title Birds of Prey because let's not forget that she's the true Black Canary. I also very much enjoyed Sarah and Helena fighting scenes and it is nice for once to have female superheroes.

In conclusion, the cliffhanger of Thea's jumping in the car with Slade makes us wonder what will happen next. Well if you are like me and you can't wait for next week then take a look at this sneek peek.
All hell is about to break loose!

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Monday, March 24, 2014

X-Men Days of future past trailer 2 review

Hey guys,
Today a new trailer for the upcoming movie X-Men Days of future past has hit the web. Let me start by saying that this new trailer is completely different than what we have seen in the previous one. From this trailer we get a whole new look at the film. The present or rather the future seems like it has been devastated by the war between mutants and that is why Logan has to go back to the past to fix it.
One new thing that we discovered from the trailer was that at some point during the film The Wolverine will regain his adamantium claws which he lost at the end of the last Wolverine movie.
I loved the vibe of this movie, to me both the original cast and the new one are absolutely perfect. It was a genius move to have them in the same movie. In the trailer the scene where young Magneto played by Michael Fassbender flies or rather lands on the ground gave me goosebumps.
It looks like most of the movie will feature the new cast with the old cast appearing maybe only at the beginning and at the end, however, it looks like Logan might not be the only one to pop back in the past.
This new trailer can only be described with one word: EPIC.
The new trailer came out in a perfect time, Fox keeps building up its momentum after announcing new release dates for its Marvel properties.
X-Men Apocalypse was already scheduled to be released in 2016 but now we also know that the studio will release the sequel to the Fantastic Four on the 14th of July 2017, another Wolverine movie on March 3hd 2017 and an untitled movie for july 13th 2018. Unlike other studios (you all know who I am referring to) Fox has shown support and confidence in their Marvel properties and rumors have it that the untitled movie is actually going to be the first crossover between the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.
We couldn't have asked from Fox anything better and I can't wait to see the X-Men Days of Future Past movie which will hit theaters everywhere on the 22nd of May of this year.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hans Zimmer top 10 scores

Hi Guys,
with this article  I want to talk about the importance of music in a movie and specifically I want to focus on The Great Hans Zimmer.

First of all ,music is one  of the most important elements of a movie and it represents one of the pilars on which a movie is built. The relationship between these two, movies and music, comes to life from the fact that music can create through rhythm, melody, notes all emotions and the power of more instruments playing together is what make you feel the action, the drama and a lot of different emotions. Music combined with images is something special and unique, and a movie with no music wouldn't be so special. A good Score is capable of turning a bad  movie into a good movie. To undestand the importance of music in a movie imagine a Sergio Leone movie with no Ennio Morricone score in it. Imagine the original Superman movies with no John Williams score in it. .With that being said , I think that the best composer of our time who is able to express in movies all sorts of emotion is Hans Zimmer.

In this top ten there are scores that I had to leave out but I think they are still worth mentioning:

"The Last Samurai"
"Sherlock Holmes"
"Mission Impossible"
"King Arthur"
"Kung Fu Panda"
"The king Lion"
"The Road to el Dorado"
"The lone ranger"
"As good as it gets"
"The Preacher's Wife"

Now, let's take a look at my personal Hans Zimmer Top Ten Scores:

10. 12 years a slave

9. Rush

8. The Thin Red Line

7. Pirates of the Carribean

6. Pearl Harbor

5. Man of Steel

4. Inception

3. Dark Knight Trilogy

2. Da vinci Code

1. The Gladiator

Guys, as always, tell me what is your Hans Zimmer favourite score in the comment section below

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Arrow 2x16 Review

Hi guys,
I finally found the time to do this review. I have been busy lately and I wasn't able to post the review for this week Arrow episode on Thursday. 

Let me start by saying that Wednesday's episode entitled Suicide Squad was a drastic change from previous episodes.
We finally got to see one of the most anticipated episodes of the season. The hype was so high this week because of the break and because of that 4 minute clip that the CW released 2 weeks ago teasing the birth of the Squad. 
I have to say that the episode has lived up to its expectations however I had imagined it completely different.
I thought the Oliver and Slade storyline was going to be connected to the Suicide Squad but apparently those paths are not destined to cross just yet. 
One of the thing that we didn't get to see were the flashbacks of the island but instead since this was a Diggle centered episode we saw flashbacks of Diggle's time in the US Army. 
This season the character of Diggle hasn't been used properly, in my opinion, and even when he was used during the season he was kinda useless so it is nice to see him have a more important role, at least for this episode.

We barely saw Oliver who was trying with Felicity and Sarah to find Slade but when they seemed to be very close to finding him they realized that Slade is always one step ahead of them.

Anyway the main plot of the episode was the Suicide Squad and its leader Amanda Waller who gathered a group of criminal who she controls with a mini bomb placed in their head which can be activated if one of them does not follow the orders. I personally loved the character of Deadshot and the actor who plays him Michael Rowe. 

The most exciting moment of the episode were the 7 seconds at the beginning when one of the inmate recruited by Amanda Waller interfered in the conversation between Diggle and his ex wife by saying: "Do ya kiddies need some counseling? I'm a trained therapist.". If you are a big comicbook fan you understood who that person was. She is none other that Harley Quinn, the Jokers girlfriend and we understood who she was also by looking at her hair. One thing you may not know is that the voice of that character was Tara Strong who's the voice of Harley in Batman's Arkham Origin. How awesome is that? The internet and twitter exploded with comments on her and Harley Quinn was one the biggest trend on twitter on Wednesday night.

Arrow keeps getting better and better and next week's episode is entitled Birds of Prey and the title says it all.

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Monday, March 17, 2014

5 reasons why Michael Keaton's Batman duology was not so awesome

Hey guys,

Before I tell you why I didn't like Michael Keaton's Batman duology let me say that I didn't mind him as Bruce Wayne, in fact I quite enjoyed him as Gotham's billionaire however I don't think he was that great as Batman. But let's move on the the 5 reasons why this duology, in my opinion, was not so great.

1. No Origin story
We saw the origin story of The Joker, The Penguin and even the origin story of Catwoman perhaps the screenwriter forgot that this was a Batman movie and not a villain centered movie. Why didn't we get the strory of how Bruce Wayne became Batman? I think one of the major flaws of this duology is the lack of information on Bruce Wayne's childhood and what motiviated him to become Ghotam's Dark Knight.

2. The Joker
My biggest problem with the first movie but with both of them in general are villains. I didn't like Jack Nicolson as the Joker, I didn't like Danny de Vito as the Penguin and I didn't even like Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. Don't get me wrong, I think the actors were perfect for the roles but they didn't have a lot to work on. That whole chemical tank, btw, where the Joker fell into, I didn't really understand what It actually meant apart from causing him to surprisingly have only his mouth disfigured.

3. Poor Fighting Scene
I am not sure whether it was Keaton doing the stunts or if it was somebody else doing them but no matter who did them the result was very bad. Batman looked too rigid, in my opinion, almost as if the suit he was wearing wasn't as flexible as to allow him to move properly. Some scenes were beyond awful, for instance who came up with the idea of that awful and horrendous "Red Circus Gang" fight?

4. Music
By looking at Superman the movie we understand that a great movie needs a proper soundtrack. Was there a soundtrack in the movies? I mean apart from those violins tracks that let us knew when a situation was about to get dangerous?

5. No Gotham City
I never thought that Ghotam City was just an alley. Perhaps they didn't have enough money to afford fancy location so they ended up filming in one of the alleys of the Warner Bros Studios in LA. Gotham City is nowhere to be found in the movies.

I didn't enjoy the two movies however I think they had some redeemable qualities, such as props (I liked both the Batmobile and the Batplane) and outfits.
Overall I wouldn't recommend you watch these movies.

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Batman 1966 Review

Hey guys,
today I'll review the 1960s tv show and film on Batman featuring Adam West as the Dark Knight and Burt Ward as Dick Grayson,
Obviously,  those of us who were born in the 70s, 80s and 90s do not even know what I am talking about or perhaps they might have seen only a couple of episodes. I have to admit that I have watched Nolan's "Dark Knight trilogy" first then the Shumacher films and then I watched a couple of episodes of that 60s show. So my judgement is a bit distorted since I've watched the best version of Batman first and then I gradually moved to the negative incarnations of the Caped Crusader but I have decided that I'm going to review all the versions of Batman chronologically.
Adam West version of Batman is to blame, in my opinion, for building  up a bad reputation for comic book movies and tv shows. A while ago I posted an article on why the Academy Awards blatantly snobbed comic book movies even though they are among the most appreciated movies of the last decade. Well the 60s version of Batman with Adam West is to blame for undermining the reputation of comic book movies. The silly portrayal of Batman with horrible fights, horrible villains, and strange words appearing on the screen when a punch was being thrown is not acceptable for those of us who have the pleasure of watching the Dark Knight trilogy.

Looking back on the tv show, the aim was to entertain, even the outfits used by Batman, Robin, Joker and the Riddler were meant to amuse the audience but the message that actually came across was that the characters were not believable and certainly not realistic.
Considering that the show was released in the 60s it is certainly not fair to criticize the special effects although I have to say that they were certainly much more credible than "The Adventure's of Superman" with George Reeves.
I am aware that for many of you Adam West is Batman just like Tom Welling will always be my Superman but still I truly believe that the show created a very negative image of comic books in general.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is Hugh Jackman done with Wolverine?

Hey guys,
As we get closer the release of the new X-Men movie let's look back at the actor who has become synonymous with the character of Wolverine
Back in 1999 I had no idea who Wolverine was but I remember that not too many people were happy with the casting of Hugh Jackman. It's been 14 years since the first X-Men movie was released in theaters and after all those years Hugh Jackman is still our Wolverine. 

If you only think that in that same period of time we've had 2 different actor who have played Spiderman, we have had 3 actors who have played Superman, we have had 3 actors who have played the Hulk and even 2 actors who have played Professor X and 2 for Magneto but only 1 Wolverine you realize the uniqueness of Hugh Jackman. Whatever your favourite superhero you must admit that Hugh Jackman has shown something that no other actors have shown towards comicbook movies and that's love. Love for the character, love for the fans and let's face it X-Men movies have never ever made a lot of money I mean all of them combined haven't even made what the Avengers and Iron Man 3 have but still Hugh keeps on coming back to this role and we will be eternally greateful to him for doing so. He has delivered great and bad movies and in the case of bad movies ( I'm thinking of Wolverine: Origins) he didn't quit and admitted defeat like others did. We also have to thank Fox for not giving up on him and for bringing him back for Days of Future Past where it looks he'll play a huge role.

Lately I've heard many rumors regarding an upcoming Wolverine movies and the recently confirmed X-Men Apocalypse and there were a lot of speculations on whether Jackman would return as the Wolverine. Jackman himself has stated that he will return if the script is good enough. Frankly I think that Hugh Jackman has been a fantastic Wolverine and if he will decide to step down from playing this character and let an other actor play it then we have to respect that decision. Let's not forget that the Wolverine is immortal and he's not supposed to age so in making the decision to quit the age factor might come into play. In the meantime let's enjoy him in X-Men Days of Future Past. If every actor were as passionate as comic book as he is we wouldn't have a reboot every 4 or 5 years.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Superheroes and the academy awards

Hey Guys,

what is up with Superheroes and the Academy Awards? The most prestigious awards for movies do not even acknowledge the existence of Superhero movies? Is it an inferior genre or are they just movies for dummies? I've never understood this discrimination. To me some comic book movies are the greatest combination of Poetry, Music, Acting and Special Effects.

I say poetry and I defy each and everyone of you to say otherwise: 
check this out "You'll give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards , they will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall but in time they will join you in the sun, in time you'll help them accomplish wonders" or "Even though you've been raised as a human being, you're not one of them. They can be great people Kal El, they wish to be, they only lack the light to show the way. For this reason, above all, their capacity for good, I've sent them you, my only Son"

When I talk about music I am referring to the John Williams or to the Hans Zimmers that are the of two best music composers in history. Does anybody not like the original Superman soundtrack or the Dark Knight trilogy or even the Man of Steel soundtrack? These a great scores that make the movie epic and fantastic.

Acting, even though superheroes movies are very much discriminated let's not forget the fact that academy award winning or academy awards nominated actors played the part of these heroes. Names like Christian Bale, Robert Downey Junior, Ben Affleck and villains such as Jack Nicholson and many other.

The best feature of superhero movies are the special effects. Has any of you seen either one of the Iron Man movies, any of the Thor movies any of the recent Spiderman movies or even Man of steel for that matter and went: "Oh that's fake! It's so evident that it's been CGIed". Those scenes look as real as any other scene and this year no Superhero movies got a single nomination for the best special effects category.

So going back to my question, why is this happening? Why movies like these never win or even receive a nomination at least? Well, an Oscar member recently said that he had voted for 12 years a slave without even watching it because he felt obliged to vote for it given the overall subject matter. So, there you have it!
After hearing this, do we still consider the Academy Awards decisions to be credible?
I mean, did Gravity really beat Man of Steel, The Hobbit or many other movies in regards to special effects?
Let me know what you think about it.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nightwing cast for Arrow

Hey guys,

There are no official announcements but apparently if you're still not completely satisfied with the number of DC characters that have been popping up in the tv show Arrow then you might be happy to hear that there are many more coming. A rumor has been going on for sometime now that one of the well known character of the DC Universe is going to appear in the tv show Arrow and he's none other that Nightwing aka Batman's sidekick
The rumor started when Steven McQueen said in an interview that he had auditioned for the role and he was waiting to hear from the producers of Arrow. Arrow has already mentioned some Batman enemies like the league of assassins so it makes sense that some Batman characters would appear on Arrow. Steven Mcqueen who currently plays Jeremy Gilbert on the CW show "The Vampire Diaries" is already undercontract with the CW so it makes sense they would use him for another show and personally I think he could be a good Nightwing. Steven continued teasing us with this recent tweet, take a look!

So, what do you think of this possibility? Would you like to see Nightwing pop up in Starling City and what do you think of McQueen playing Dick Grayson aka Nightwing?

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Fantastic Four Reboot

Hey guys,
I finally got time to talk about the casting of the 2015 reboot of the Fantastic Four. A couple of weeks ago the actors who are going to play the fantastic four were announced and they were shocking to say the least. Miles Teller will play Reed Richards, Kate Mara will play Sue Storm, Michael B. Jordan will play Jhonny Storm and Jamie Bell will play Ben Grimm.

Jamie Bell;  Kate Mara;  Miles Teller;  Michael B. Jordan
I know what you all are thinking: THEY ARE TOO YOUNG. 
That's right, and that is why they have been called the baby Fantastic Four. I am not very happy about this casting becasue say what you want about the previous Fantastic Four movies, the cast fit perfectly the description of the FF. The only actor here that I think fits the role is Michael B. Jordan who I think will play an awesome Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch. I am sure he has already contacted Chris Evans to ask for suggestions. One thing that is not so clear to me is why they went for a younger cast, I mean there were rumors saying that Fox wanted to create a shared universe with the X-Men but I don't see how they would fit in that Universe. We already know that in 2016 X-Men Apocalypse is coming and it will most likely feature several original cast members and I cannot possible picture a very old Magneto with a baby Reed Richards. However at this point is pure speculation becasue the movie is still in preproduction and we still don't know much about the script to express our opinion. The movie will be released in the summer of next year so we still have a long time to wait to see it a many things can change before then.
In this past few months I've seen many video of people who said that they are glad of this reboot because they weren't quite happy with the previous two FF movies. They were saying that Jessica Alba was awful as Sue Storm and that the second movie sucked as a whole. Well, I have to admit that I have never read a single FF comic book but I really enjoyed the two movies. To me Christ Evans as The Torch and Ioan Gruffud as Reed Richard were great choices and granted the movies were a little bit cheesy at times but they were still enjoyable.
They could have given us better movies but let's face it we have watched worse movies (Batman and Robin to mention one)
So, we have seen that Marvel has created a fantastic share universe, DC is trying to establish theirs, even Sony is trying to build one with spiderman and his villains let's hope that Fox does it as well and we'll finally get to see Reed Richards face to face with Professor X.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Arrow Episode 15th Review

Hey guys,
I've just finished watching the 15th episode of Arrow. 
The 15th episode entitled "The Promise" is one of the most exciting episodes of the second season so far. The first thing that I thought while watching the episode was that this is the first time that the island storyline runs longer than the present storyline.

Usually I never have anything bad to say about the episode but this time I do, I've noticed that there are few things that simply don't make sense. First of all, I am not an expert or anything but I think that it takes more than a couple of training session to be able to shoot an arrow properly not to mention that Oliver does so while running. To me it feels like since the story demanded that Oliver be ready ready to shoot arrows, he suddenly was even though we've only seen him train a couple of times.

Secondly, how can someone not see those enormous cameras that Slade set up all over the Queen Mansion? I mean they're not even camouflaged or anything and they are extremely big. That doesn't make sense to me.

Thirdly, the first thing I thought when I watched Oliver, Sarah and Slade burn the Mirakuru, was why burn the box also? Isn't that box made of iron or steel? that didn't make sense at all.
And lastly, doesn't anyone lock their front doors anymore? I mean Starling City is a very dangerous place, full of criminals and one of the whealthiest families in Starling not only leaves their front door open, but they don't even have an alarm, plus where in the hell are the security guards? Roy and Sarah went in without anyone trying to stop them.

However there are a lot of things that I liked:

I've been waiting for a full island based episode for a long time and now I kinda got one. Awesome moment when Oliver puts on Shado's hood and Slade puts on the mask and the music kicks in. I extremely enjoyed that moment.
Another thing that I loved about the episode is that Oliver understands that he cannot possibly fight Slade alone and that's why he calls for backup.
I've not said this before but I'll say it now, unlike many people I love the Roy character and I loved that they showed that he has been training a lot and that he has also become a full member of the"TeamArrow".
And finally I love revenges, especially when the good guy ( slade can still be considered a good guy while he's on the island right?) takes his time to take his revenge while the bad guy begs for his life. I also loved the way Slade and Oliver's relationship was portrayed . The friend foe relationship is epic. It reminds me of Smallville with Clark and Lex being friends almost brothers at first until Lex turned on Clark and they began mortal enemies.

Anything can happen now on Arrow, but the only thing for sure is that it's gonna take more than Oliver, Roy and Sarah to defeat Deathstroke. If you can't wait until the next episode take a look at this very short clip

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Arrow Season 2 review up to the 14th episode

Hy guys,
I've just posted an article reviewing Arrow's first season. I wanted to do that and also review the second season so far and tomorrow on I'll review each episode the day after they air on the CW.

What do I think of Arrow season 2 so far?
I LOVE IT. Arrow is rapidly climbing the chart of my all time favourite tv shows. The 1st episode of Arrow season 2 focused on the events that followed the destruction of the Glades. Tommy Merlin is dead and that is the motivation that pushes Oliver to make an important decision: to not kill anymore. The first half of this second season is very much affected by what happen after the earthquake.
This season, Arrow showrunners took the show to a whole new level, it's not anymore about facing a weekly villain who usually ended up dead, this season we have real villains and as a consequence also real heroes. 

John Digle doesn't have too many fights this season because other characters have been introduced. We finally have a Black Canary and although she's not the one we were expecting, I still enjoy Caity Lotz as the Black Canary. This version of the Black Canary, who turns out to be Laurel allegedly dead sister, has no superpowers
but she trained in a place called Nada Parbat which she escaped from to find out what Nyssa Al Ghul, the heir to the Demon, makes her appearance in the 13th episode of this season. Raz Al Ghul is also mentioned several times in the show but we are still awaiting his appearance, but we know he is probably busy training another DC Hero if you know who I am talking about :):).
had happened to her family after the earthquake. We therefore discover not only that Sarah is alive but she has also been training with the League of Assassins and apparently the child of Raz Al Ghul wants her back.

One thing that I absolutely love in the 5th episode entitled league of assassins was the phrase uttered by Sarah: Be Mindful of your surroundings which sounds a bit like always mind your surrounding uttered by Liam Neeson in Batman Begins.

Apart from Raz Al Ghul who I think we won't be hearing from anymore until the third season we have Brother Blood and his experiments that transform humans in superpowered beings and we found out behind him the guys who is really pulling all the strings is Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke. Even though Oliver thinks Slade died on the Island as he has said a couple of times he discovers at the end of the 14th episode that Slade is alive and well and that he is in Starling City.

Another potential group of villains has also been introduce. This group of supervillains is being assembled by Amanda Waller who is trying to put together a SQUAD if you what I mean (Suicide Squad is coming).

But enough with the villains let's move on to the heroes:

Apart from Black Canary we are also witnessing the birth of a true sidekick: Roy Harper aka Red Arrow. Roy goy injected with the mirakuru which is the drug that gives special superhuman abilities and that is why Oliver decided to take Roy under his wing and he's training Roy exactly as Shado trained him.

Furthermore,even though we haven't officially seen him in his famous Flash Costume, we've already met Bart Allen and most importantly  we got to see how he                                          acquired his superspeed powers.

The show keeps on maintaining the two storylines and it is fantastic to see the reprecaussions of what happened on the island on to the present storyline
Starting from tomorrow as I've said I will review each episode of the show.
So stay tuned and watch Arrow.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction trailer review

Hi guys,
Last night the first official transformers has hit the web. The movie hits theathers this summer and this is the first official trailer after that small superbowl clip. I am very excited for this movie because as I've mentioned in previous articles I am a big fan of the trilogy and I truly hope that the next instalment will keep the same elements that made me like the first three movies. I am totally fine with having a totally different cast even though I am still holding out hope that some old cast members will have a cameo in it. Let's analyze the trailer! There are few things that we understood from this teailer: 

  •  References to previous movies

there will be references to past movies. In one of the clip of the trailer we see a billboard on which we read "Remember Chicago" a clear reference to Transformers Dark Of The Moon

  • Mark whalber plays Cade Yeager a single dad who bought a truck (which turned out to be a    transformer) hoping to make some money off of it.. 
  • Yes, we do have another Micheal Bay chick, after Megan Fox and Rosie Huntington Whitley we  have Nicola Peltz who plays Tessa Yeager( daughter of Mark Whalberg)
  •  The tone of the film seems to be a little bit darker than previous movies. Unlike previous Micheal Bay  movies, it looks like this one will have a dark tone. Also Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are a bit  darker
  • The world wants the Decepticons and the Autobots to leave the planet. After the events of Chicago  the wolrd lives in fear of these giant monsters and so apparently the US goverment's duty is to hunt  them and kill them

The trailer as for any transformers movie looks promising. We're in for some cool action scenes and overall I'd reccomend you go see it.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Arrow Season 1 Review

Unless you've been living in a cave with no television and no Internet you have heard people talk about "Arrow" the new CW show which tells the origins of Oliver Queen also known as the Green Arrow
The show is based on the DC Comics and it was created after the enormous success that The Green Arrow character had in the tv show Smallville. In that instance, however, Oliver Queen was played by Justin Hartley so you can imagine that when they announced the Arrow tv show there were some resiliant Smallville fans pulling for Hartley to reprise his role.
Anyway the show follows two storylines for the 1st season, one that let us see how oliver became the arrow while stranded on an island and the other shows us the present with him fighting crime in Starling city. 
The 1st season is based on him trying to right the wrongs of his father (who died after they were marooned on a small island in the pacific ocean) and he does so through a journal that his father kept of all those who poisoned the city.  The show is very entertaining and though we get our weekly villain Oliver soon realizes that he's actually fighting against an undertaking and he discovers that his ene,ies are closer to him than he realized. 

Without giving too much away, I think they handled each character perfectly. Throughout the series Arrow introduced several DC characters and if you are a massive DC fans you will love the constant references to the comics. Red Arrow, The Huntress, Deadshot, Deathstroke, and many more characters appear in the show, and of course you also have oliver queen true love Dinah Laurel Lance aka the Black Canary

My favourite things about the show are:

The character development, Every Character is developed properly. We see them evolve one episode after another and to me the best thing about most characters is that you know what they will become and it is damn exciting to see them fulfilling their destiny.

The double storyline helps us understand what happened to Oliver and how he became the Green Arrow. We see his training, the challenges he had to overcome to survive on what he originally though was a deserted island. On the Island he meets Shado who's the one who teaches Oliver how to shoot an arrow.

The fact that oliver creates a team. Oliver immediately after returning to Starling city understands that he could not fight crime without the help of others. He therefore creates alliances with other people, Felicity the Computer Girl, Diggle his alleged driver and in some cases with the Huntress. 

Dc characters popping in and many references such as Nanda Parbat ( if you know what it means).
The best thing about the shows are the several references of each episodes to the DC Universe. In one of the last episodes in the island storyline we see for example an airplane which passes over the island and on that airplane there's the logo of the Ferris aircraft 9 (the same logo we see in the "Green Lantern" movie). There are references to "Batman" and also several similarities to the "Dark Knight". Did you get excited when Merlin said he trained in a place called Nanda Parbat which is a clear reference to Raz Al Ghul and his league of Shadows or Assassins whatever you wanna call it.

The show is worth seeing and the first half of the second season (which I will review tomorrow) is even better. Don't miss Arrow on the CW!!

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Peter petrelli reborn?

Hey Guys,
I still can't believe that in 2015 will see Heroes back with a mini series of 13 episodes Tim kring, the visionary creator of the tv show is back. Now, the question on everyone's mind is: Will Milo Ventimiglia who played Peter Petrelli and the rest of the cast be back or we will have an whole different story and cast?
Even though Heroes didn't have a single protagonist like other shows it is safe to say that most of the storylines revolved around Peter Petrelli. He was the true hero of the story and Sylar (played by Zackary Quinto) the true villain even if in the end it looks like he joined the dark side. I imagine that all of us have pictured the end of the show with an epic final battle between Sylar and Peter. We were all stripped of that dream when Peter lost his powers in the third season and since that episode I always hoped that he would get them back. He was the most powerful "Hero" with several abilities acquired through his original ability of empathic mimicry. No cast members have been announced, though some may end up being from the original series, which aired from 2006 to 2010. They must link the previous storylines to the new one, I sure as hell don't think they will follow up on the storyline which was about to unfold after that clip at the end of the 5th chapter when Claire showed the world that there were people who possessed special abilitites but they certainly need to make some references to that. If they don't then it would be a terrible mistake because fans deserve to have closure.WE ALL WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PETER AND SYLAR SQUARE OFF. Here's a list of the characters that I would love to see back

        Milo Ventimiglia: Peter Petrelli      
    Zachary Quinto: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray  

            Masi Oka: Hiro Nakamura      

These characters were the pilars of the entire show and let me tell you why these 3 characters must come back for the new chapter .Let's start with my favorite one: Peter Petrelli. Milo played a character which embodies in every aspect the qualities of  the real hero. Since the beginning Peter is at the same time ordinary and extraordinary. He is full of kindness and he's not afraid to risk his life to save the lifes of others. (remember: save the cheerleader save the world) A real hero does not need any superpowers to save the world or help people,all he needs is the will to fight the good fights and the will to help others. I bet that everyone wants to see Milo play the Peter who was the strongest of them all, and that's why he should come back, regain all of his powers and be the Hero of the story. The show started with him and it needs to end with him.

"Do you  wanna know who else is the real hero?.....Hiro from Heroes that's a hero...... !!!!!"
Hiro since the beginning is a regular employee  who loves science fiction stories like strar treck or comic books. When he finds out that he has superpowers he uses them for the greater good exactly like the superheroes that he worshiped. Out of the three he was the most excited to hear the announcement of Heroes: Reborn and he took it to his twitter page and wrote:

Hiro's importance in the show should not be underestimated, he's the perfect sidekick for Peter, he helped him in many battles and that's why he needs to come back.

Last but not Least SYLAR
Zachary quinto who played Sylar is the quintessential anti-hero. As in any story his character made some attempts to join the good side but in the end he is destined to be the n.1 villain. For without him Hiro and especially Peter would be meaningless. I understand that having an actor like that back on the show would be difficult ( he's Spock for crying out loud) but showrunners must figure out a way to bring him back on the show.

These are at the 3 characters that the show thrived on and they absolutely need to come back, don't you agree? leave your comments below

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