Thursday, October 8, 2015

Arrow 4x01 Green Arrow episode review

Hey guys,

I guess it's too much to ask to have three great superhero episodes in a row but at least we got two. Gotham was great but this episode was even better. Arrow is back with a vengeance and with the city's name being changed and The Arrow becoming the Green Arrow we have finally seen, after three long years , the birth of the character we wanted to see all along.
I loved pretty much every single scene of this episode, even those scenes where Oliver was exchanging cooking tips. I thought they were funny and fit perfectly with the tone of the beginning.
Another thing that I loved was the introduction of the new costume, I thought that the speech given by Oliver as the Green Arrow was compelling enough in order for the citizens to be convinced that he was a totally different person. The only thing that bothered me was how visible Oliver's face was during the speech, they could have kept him a little bit more in the shadows.
I also think that the screenwriters have learnt from their mistakes, and I think that they are working on fixing the mistakes they made with Felicity so that is why they're trying to bring back the character they had created before season three with the plus of having her be with Oliver which I am all for.
Captain Lance twist close to the end of the episode was also perfect, I think that having him work for Damien is a much deserved improvement for his character. My theory is that somehow Damien Darkh has promised Captain Lance to either help him with the Green Arrow problem or with resurrecting Sarah.

My top 2 moments from this episode were:
The Green Lantern Easter Egg: seeing a pilot suit with the name Jordan on it was amazing and though it is unlikely that we'll see Green Lantern on the show, just the idea of seeing Hal is exciting

The final scene: Everyone is now wondering who is in the casket and my theory is that it is going to be Felicity. Stephen Amell has confirmed that he does not know who will die but my guess is that Felicity will die and that will change the dynamic of the show

Overall solid episode, let's hope they keep this up


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Gotham 2x03 The Last Laugh episode review

Hey guys,

this week's episode title kind of gives away the plot twist. Gotham just keeps getting better and better and I am very glad I stuck around for those very horrible episodes just so I can enjoy more these great episodes.

This episode for me was like a double edged sword because on the one hand I really like the plot twist with Theo Galavan killing Jerome. At first I thought there's no way they are killing off the best character they have especially because the Joker is one of the best characters in the Batman Universe maybe even more important than Batman himself but, on the other hand however, I love how they did it. I love that they showed the repercussions of what Jerome had done and the legacy he had left behind and somewhere down the line these very actions will inspire someone to become the Joker that we all know and love.

I am honestly torn because though I like the twist, I also fear that this could be a risky move both for the future of this season and we will surely miss the presence of Jerome but also I fear for the character of the Joker itself. In a recent interview the actor playing Jerome talked about his preparation for this role and he said that he stayed in character for days so I fear that the actor who will play the definitive Joker will not be as good as he was and to me this could be a huge problem for the future of the series.

In any case we have to applaud the screenwriters for having the courage to kill off their best character yet.

Are you worried about the future of the series after this episode?


The Flash 2x01 The Man who saved Central City episode review

Hey Guys,

just watched the season premiere of The Flash entitled The Man who saved Central City and I can tell you right away that this was the weakest episode they have put out so far.
I feared that something like this might happen. When you create a huge problem you can't simply avoid it and not address it anymore and move on but this is exactly what this episode did. I can't even mention one positive aspect about this episode, so let's only mention the negatives.

1. Atom Smasher was horribly presented and treated, he wasn't at all memorable and it is important to start off your season with a good villain. True, we did hear him dropping the name Zoom before he died but a villain featured on the very first episode of the second season needs to be better.

2. Why would Flash accept the keys to city if he knows that he's the reason why it got destroyed? Why would he show up and allow people to film and photograph him without even disguising himself? Doesn't he know that there are facial recognition softwares now?

3. For as much as I love Danielle Panabaker and her character, I also thought that she should have reacted differently to the death of Ronnie and she should have been devastated by it but it looked like she couldn't care less

4. Speaking of Ronnie, I thought that the way they got rid of Robbie Amell was just an example of the poor writing of this episode. I get that Amell had to go but having him leave like this wasn't a good choice. It was fun the first time around when they discovered that Ronnie hadn't actually died but this time around it is simply going to be repetitive and boring when and if they decide to bring him back

5. And obviously I saved the worst for last, when Eddie killed himself and therefore erased Eobard Thawne from existence doesn't that mean that Eobard was never born and therefore never went back in time to kill Norah and Harrison Wells? If he was truly erased from existence how do people remember him? An argument could be made that the singularity was the direct consequence of the timeline being changed and by closing the black hole everything stayed the same even though it wasn't supposed to. I would have been fine if they had just explained it but it seems that this series is making a habit out of not addressing the elephant in the room.

Overall, horrible episode, certainly not the right way to kick off the second season. I'll admit though that it was cool seeing Jay Garrick appear and it would have been awesome if that scene had not been spoiled by the trailers.

Let me know what you think down below


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gotham 2x02 Knock Knock episode review

Hey guys,

The second episode of the second season that aired last night blew me away. It pleasantly surprised me because it proved that last week's episode marked a change in direction.for the entire season. No more boring characters with absurd storyline but rather a really entertaining and fun to watch storyline.
This episode focused heavily on Jerome who's becomes the head of the villains escaped from Arkham. The actor playing him continues to impress and gives me chills every time he's on screen. One thing that seems to have changed this season is that there was no villain of the week but rather a simple progression of the story told in the first episode.

Jerome is not the only character that I like watching on screen. Barbara is another one. She brings that sassy, sexy but also crazy aspect to the show and I look forward to seeing her go after Leslie.

I especially liked Bruce Wayne's scenes in this episode. Looks like the soon to be Batcave has a new guest and his name is Lucius Fox. He's gonna be a nice addition to the usual conversations between Alfred and Bruce.

Overall great episode let's hope they can keep this up.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gotham 2x1 Damned If You Do episode review

Hey guys,

This brand new episode of Gotham marks the beginning of the TV show season and I have to admit that it has been a pretty good start. Season 1 was pretty bad and boring with few exceptions but this time around it seems that the show runners have gotten rid of the characters that made the show feel boring. All characters in this episode were great and fun to watch. I'll definitely start watching this show regularly this year because it looks very promising.
There are many things that I liked about this episode:

1. Jerome as the new version of the Joker: Some might argue that the actor playing Jerome is just imitating Heath Ledger and that's completely fine by me. I love witnessing the origin of who can arguably be the greatest villain in comic book history and certainly the most beloved. Watching Jerome interact with Barbara is great, it's sort of like catching a glimpse into what a relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn could look like in a live action show.

2. I love Penguin and Gordon relationship. I love Oswald slimy intentions of wanting ( and apparently succeeding) to turn Gordon to the dark side but also I like that Cobblepot sees him as a friend and he's willing to help him.

3. I also like Bruce Wayne and Alfred's roles in this show. They follow a side storyline which has got nothing to do with the main characters and I absolutely love the fact that they resisted the temptation of having Bruce try and fight crime before he became Batman. They created a nice storyline for young Bruce Wayne and I am really starting to enjoy it.

Overall the tone is much darker now with Victor Zsasz chopping off heads and Penguin ruling the city and I am really looking forward to the next episodes.

Let me know down below what are you most enjoying out of this show


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fantastic Four Movie review

Hey guys,

Today we review the disaster movie which is Fantastic Four, a movie that came out in theater exactly one month ago.
From the earliest stages of production this movie had major problems. The casting was very much criticized and some actors comments on not caring much about the comics have only exacerbated these criticisms, so it comes as no surprise that this movie kind of fell under the audience radar this year. In addition to that a few weeks before the release of the movie Fox refused to show it to movie critics for review creating an embargo which was lifted only the day before the release.
Needless to say that these were major signs pointing to the total lack of trust of the Studio in their own movie and if this was not enough to ensure the catastrophe at the Box office, the director Josh Trank tweeted on the day of the release that the Studio had taken out 3 major scenes and that what was playing in theaters was not his vision.
The movie is a complete mess. It is a puzzle which is missing a thousand pieces, a movie which has a run time of 100 minutes which fails to tell an origin story, it fails to show the motivation driving the bad guy who was definitely portrayed better in the previous movies and it leaves even die hard fans disliking it.
The three major problems for me were:

1. The lack of chemistry between characters. Everybody looked as they were simply waiting for filming to be over so that they could move on to their next project. We never see scenes dedicated to developing the team chemistry. We never feel why they stick by one another and especially why Ben Grimm is even in this team.

2. The movie has some huge gaps. It truly seems as if huge chunks of the movie were cut out and replace with silly things like: " one year later" or "7 years later". The movie does not feel cohesive at all. Major scenes shown in the trailers are not in the movie. Furthermore, one of the best things about superhero origin is the beauty of seeing the protagonists discover their new powers and the limitations of such but this movie completely skips over this part.

3.  The third act is a disaster. Out of nowhere these 4 people become a team and fight against someone who's apparently able to blow up people's heads but does not do that to the protagonists.
It is a movie so poorly written and directed that makes us reevaluate the two fantastic four movies with Chris Evans as the Human Torch and Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman. Dr. Doom is without a doubt the worst character of this entire movie.

Now what will the future have in store for the Fantastic Four franchise? I think that, no matter how bad this movie is and no matter how much money the studio lost with it , Fox will eventually reboot it in order to prevent the rights from going back to Marvel Studios.

Did you think that this movie had some redeemable qualities?

Avengers Age of Ultron Spoiler filled review

Hey guys,
sorry for the late post but I wanted to watch Avengers Age of Ultron a couple more times before posting my review.
Now before we begin, I just wanna say that in the past I've been very critical of most Marvel movies, especially Guardians of the Galaxy for its over the top humor which in many cases took me out of the movie but I was still highly anticipating this movie and I went opening night to see it.
The reason why I waited to post my review is because the first time around I saw the movie I walked out highly disappointed with it. To me all trailers were very misleading, they promised me a dark Avengers movie where the stakes were extremely high but the movie didn't deliver that, it delivered the exact opposite, it caused laughter amongst the audience throughout the movie even the final battle which should have been crucial to the survival of planet Earth.
However, after watching the movie a couple more times and in a less crowded theater I realized that what was bothering me the most were not particular scenes of the movie but rather the emotional reaction they caused on the audience. So after this small digression let's start the review.
 The movie opens with the avengers hunting down Hydra and Loki sceptre and I have to say it is awesome to see them fight together with Captain America calling the shots and Iron Man doing most of the heavy work. The one shot when we see them all together is awesome and in the opening scene I honestly enjoyed the humor with all Avengers teasing Captain America for having said: " Language". The humor in this opening scenes shows us another side of the Avengers, a cocky side, a side of a team that knows that nothing can stop them and I liked that.
After the battle to retrieve the sceptre and after the many unsuccessful attempts to create Ultron, I loved seeing the avengers in the same room, relaxing and trying and failing to lift Thor's hammer, however fastfortward that one hour this scene served as a set up for when Vision was going to pick it up and I thought that this epic moment should and could have been handeled better. Since Thor was first introduced in his own solo movie in 2011 many people have tried to lift his hammer so I believe that when someone finally managed to do it the audience should not be laughing at Thor's silly face but should rather feel shocked by what they have just witnessed.
I am also fine with how Ultron was created and how fastly he became a threat for the Avengers, I feel that one more scene could have helped us understand more his motivation but I honestly don't mind how fast he knew how to disappear and who to target first to destroy human kind, although it is still unclear to me how. As for the twins, I extremely enjoyed both of them, I perfectly understood their backstory and hence their motivation and most importantly I liked them in action. However I thought that Quicksilver dying was a perfect example of lazy writing because it is easy to kill off the new guy who's been on the team for a few hours but it takes courage to kill off an important character just to raise the stakes and make the audience feel the threat that is at hand.
In spite of their horribly faked Russian accents the twins were great especially Scarlet Witch who looked like she was just beginning to show us her true power. She's truly the best part of Avengers Age Of Ultron and she stole every scene she was in. I love the last shot of her flying (sort of like Magneto does.... well you know what they say like father....) and officially joining the Avengers.
One of the best action scenes of the movie was Iron Man taking on the Hulk and showing us for the first time the Hulkbuster armor. That truly was one awesome action scene though I would have preferred if it had ended differently (not with a winner).
So overall this is a really good movie. I just have to say that it's too bad that the Avengers in most cases don't take themselves seriously and I think that it is a wasted opportunity. Avengers Age of Ultron unfortunately will be remembered for the one liner and the cheesy dialogue in very tense situations that only took the adult audience out of the movie.
The movie has some awesome moments and some very lazy written moments which only make you think about that this franchise is more for kids than for grown ups.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Arrow Season 4 trailer review

Hey guys,

sorry for the long hiatus but you can rest assured that you'll be getting regular posts on all things regarding heroes from now on.
Arrow is still my favourite show on television and I still think it is better than the Flash and Daredevil so needless to say that I was very excited and so very much anticipating its very first teaer trailer for the upcoming new season.

I'll start by saying that this trailer is certainly not the best trailer I have seen this year. Many things about this trailer lower my excitement and anticipation for Arrow's 4th season. For instance, seeing Laurel now leading Team Arrow and riding Oliver's bike wasn't something I wanted to see in this trailer. I can't even begin to describe all the mistakes that Arrow's producer have made with her character and I fear they are making the same mistakes with Felicity. Also I don't feel that the Magneto helmet is a good fit for Diggle but I'll hold my judgment on that until I see it in action. Overall I didn't get a good vibe from the trailer. I don't get why people would believe that the Green Arrow and the Arrow are two different persons and that just by tweaking the costume a little be he won't be associated with the previous vigilante. I am also very puzzled as to where detective Lance will fit in the renamed Star City considering his hate for the Arrow.
With the negatives out of the way, let's also mention the good stuff. First there's Constantine in the trailer and I simply have no words to describe how epic of a move the CW network has made by incorporating this universe into the Flarrowverse. Then there's many Easter Eggs regarding Legends of Tommorow, we see Sarah alive and a city sign with the name Star City changed in honor of the apparently deceased Ray Palmer. One thing that got me really pumped however is something that I saw only upon my second viewing of the trailer which is this caption which in my opinion looks like someone is sporting a goatee which would be amazing. I would absolutely love this new look taken straight out of the comics.
Let me know if I am just imagining it or if you have also noticed it

Friday, April 17, 2015

Batman v Superman leaked trailer video and review

Hey guys,

I just found online a leaked version of the trailer that is supposed to be released next monday. Several versions of the same trailer have been circulating since last night but due to rights infringment the trailers have all been taken down so watch this while you still can and then I'll give you my opinion on it.
So, the trailer we had long been waiting for is finally here. It is clear from the trailer that unlike the Dark Knight Returns storyline, in this movie it will be Superman who is considered to be a threat for the planet and Batman will step up to defeat yet a new nemesis.

I did like the fact that the trailer showed us different variations of the Batsuit  (which all look awesome by the way) and also the shot of Ben Affleck in the Batarmor challenging the Man of Steel.
The second best part of the trailer for me was hearing what appears to be Jeremy Irons saying: "That's how it starts, the fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men cruel".This line gives the trailer and possibly the movie a sense of epicness.

The undisputed best part is the end when Batman tells Superman: Tell me, do you bleed? You will!!", and speaking of the voice, I believe that Ben Affleck as Batman has a really good, menacing voice.

So tell me, what did you think of this trailer? Are you more excited for this movie now that you've seen the trailer?
Let me know down below

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Flash 1x17 Tricksters review

Hey guys,

this show is exceeding every expectation I've ever had. It is difficult, in my opinion, to surprise fans when some of them are familiar with the source material, to get them excited and to have them fall in shock when they realize what has truly happened. Despite knowing the source material, this show is taking me back to school and it keeps on surprising me.
I completely loved this episode. Lots of positives like:
1. Mark Hamill is back as the trickster and his son has fallen into his footsteps. First of all it was nice to have Mark Hamill on the show and second of all it was nice the way they tied him into this new universe considering that he was the trickster in the old tv show.

2. Henry Allen now knows about Barry and met every member of Team Flash. I thought it was awesome to see Barry vibrate through a solid object in order to get rid of the bomb, however I found it odd that he chose to vibrate through a very long truck as opposed to something slimmer. The whole speech given by Eobard/Harrison to Barry to guide him through the discovery of yet another power was breathtaking. When he mentioned the speedforce I literally jumped out of my bed.

3.But without a doubt the best part of the show were the flashbacks where we saw the way Harrison Wells became Eobard Thawne. I loved the explanation that that person from the future gave to the Reverse Flash about him not being able to tap into the speedforce. I like that they keep on giving scientific explanation as to why things are happening.

One of the negatives remains the character of Iris West and her inconsistencies. I don't like her and I also did not understand why Barry had to reveal himself to Eddie in order to convince him to lie to Iris.

...and just when the episode ended the promo hit and that shocked me even more. We are in for an exciting show in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Flash 1x15, 1x16 review

Hey guys,

the 15th and the 16th episode of the first season are basically the 1st and the 2nd part of the same episode. They are all set in the same day relived twice by Barry who for the first time broke the space time continuum. Episode 15th left us shocked in its last 7 minutes, the best and most intense 7 minutes that I've ever seen in a comicbook adaptation. The revelation of the identity of Dr. Wells the revelation of Barry's identity to Iris and Barry travelling back in time are scenes that should be amongs the best moments of this season. Unfortuantely the second part of the episode wasn't as good as the first one and that was easy to predict. It is hard to top what happened in the Out of Time episode.

One thing that left many puzzled was that in this episode there weren't two versions of Barry and to me that is perfectly understandable when I think about. There can't be two versions of Barry in such a limited time. I believe that Barry will be able to meet a past or future version of himself only if he travels very far into the future or very far into the past otherwise his body will always merge with his past or future self.

Overall the Flash has been doing an awesome job at telling the origin story of Barry Allen and at keeping us on the edge of our seats for many months. There's still a lot we don't know about Eobard Thawne but the season finale is close and all we'll be revealed soon.

Even though it probably won't happen I would love to see way down the line a flashpoint paradox storyline which over the course of a season could influence not only the Flash tv show but also Arrow and perhaps the new untitled spinoff show and ths Supergirl tv show. We definately don't wanna lose Eobard in 7 episode and I do wanna see Flash and Zoom go at it in the past present and future.


Arrow Season 3 Episode 14, 15,16 & 17

Hey guys,

I apologize for the absence of the past month but Arrow hasn't been at his best lately. Honestly I feel like Arrow has lost its way. Either the screenwriters are focusing more on The Flash this year or they really have lost their inspiration when it comes to our favourite archer. Though Stephen Amell truly brings this character to life, I feel that the whole storyline surrounding Ra's Al Ghul is a bit ridiculous and way out of place. I get that they want to make The Arrow the center of the universe since Batman and Bruce Wayne do not exist in this one but I feel that they are trying too hard to steal some of Batam's famous story lines and adapt them to The Green Arrow.

Another thing that has been bugging me over the last few episodes was the sudden dislike towards Felicity. She's gone from being one of my favourite characters with her intelligence and her jokes to being one of my least favourite. Now she's always talking about her feelings and complaining I truly hope that her relationship with Ray will come to an end because I am also starting to dislike The Atom as well.

Without even mentioning the disaster they have done when they decided to have Laurel become the Black Canary, I would just like to add that I really hated the fact that they killed Deadshot off in this episode. If on the one hand I really like that they showed us his back story, on the other hand I can't help to think that the only reason they killed off such an important character is because someone from DC/WB has asked them to. I am afraid this is the last time we've seen the Suicide Squad in action on the Flarrowverse.

With that being said, I still think that in the next episode the tables will turn. Laurel is now training with Nyssa, Diggle Oliver and Roy are a very solid team and maybe with Brandon Routh's going to star on his own spin off show Felicity will become a likable character once again.
We'll just have to wait and see and hope that the Lazarus Pit will bring someone we used to love back from the dead.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Flash 1x14 Fallout review

Hey guys,

just finished watching the 14th episode of the Flash.The episode focused on firestorm once again, after the nuclear explosion. Martin Stein and Ronnie Reymond are back to being two separate beings, though they are still connected somehow.
This was, in my opinion a decent episode. Robbie Amell fit right away in Team Flash and he stole the scene most of the times, in fact the show is becoming more about Firestorm than about the Flash.
For me this episode had 3 major positives.
The first was when Stein totally geeked out when he understood that Barry, some time in the future, was going to break the space-time continuum. I thought that it was a really good move on their part when they decided to explain the possibility of time travel through science.

The second was the reunification and the improved Firestorm. It was awesome to see him take on the army and race back to Star Labs with The Flash.

The third and most shocking scene was Harrison Wells suited up as the Reverse Flash teaming up with Gorilla Grodd. That scene literally got me jumping out of my seat.
The mystery surrounding this character is not over yet. We still have to understand what his plan is, how he got his powers and why sometimes he looses them.

Overall I didn't have any major negatives about this episode. Iris didn't have many scenes which was good and to me the only negative is that the next episode will be in exactly one month.
Here's next week episode

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Arrow 3x13 Canaries review

Hey guys,

Finally after two very weak episodes we have ourselves an awesome episode with Oliver back in driving seat or almost.
One of the biggest positives of this episode was the return of Caity Lotz. I enjoyed her return and the way she returned. We all missed her, but we have to accept the fact that her character was just introduced to inspire Laurel to fulfill her destiny as the Black Canary.

I also liked the tension within Team Arrow disagreeing on whether it was the right choice to team up with Merlin and whether Laurel made the right choice by deciding to fight crime. Oliver realized that he doesn't have a bunch of puppets he can push around anymore, but his teammates are almost his equal now and they have the right to state their ideas.

One thing that keeps bothering me is that neither Oliver nor his tea mates have taken into consideration the possibility of asking Barry for his help. After all he's perfectly capable of helping the Arrow defeat Ra's Al Ghul who we saw can be beat in the mid season finale. At one point during the fight scene we saw Oliver gaining the apprehend so Oliver with Barry's help would have no problems defeating Ra's.

Overall great episode and the teaser promo for next week features another return from season 2.

The Flahs 1x13 The Nuclear Man Review

Hey guys,
what an awesome episode we witnessed last night. This was one of the best episodes of the entire season so far because it didn't feature the usual villain of the week but it rather developed the story arc which is going to culminate in finding out who truly killed Barry's mom.

There were a lot of positives in this episode:

1. Cisco and Detective West investigating Barry's mom death. It truly was thrilling seeing them attempting to uncover the mystery. At one point I thought that those blood samples could have matched with Dr. Wells DNA, but the revelation that it was Barry certainly exceeded my expectations. I didn't think they were going to introduce time travel so soon.

2. Team Flash and Firestorm. I thought that the back story of Firestorm was very well narrated, and Robbie Amell really played the part well. I thought that the final scene, with Firestorm going Nuclear and Barry and Caitlin trying to escape the blast was mind blowing to say the least.

3. I also like the romance between Linda Park and Barry. I am glad that they had Barry move on from Iris ( at least for now).

The only negative for me was all scenes which featured Iris. I am starting to hate the character. I have never liked the approach of putting obstacles between people who are destined together, especially if that obstacle is another person. By that I mean, I hate that they are having Iris be with Eddie but at the same time be jealous when she's not at the center of Barry's life.

Overall awesome episode with a great teaser at the end, let's only hope that Iris gets less and less screen time.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Arrow and The Flash 12th episode review

Hey guys,
Another week has just started and 2 more episodes of the flash and Arrow are coming. However  this,past week has showed us all the weaknesses and strenghts of both shows.
The flash strenghts are obviously the mysteries surrounding most characters and Barry's developing powers. We love to see Barry have fun using his powers.

The flash weaknesses are obvious too. The show has a villain for each new episode and though there is a common tread behind all episodes I can't help to feel how disconnected the episodes are. It almost feels like they are waiting for these episodes to be over to show us the awesome part of the storyline closer to the end of the season. 

As for Arrow I think that its strenghts are obvious. Its characters are very well developed with story lines very interesting to watch and follow. Its villains are entertaining with good motivations that drive them. The fighting scenes are very well executed, plus the show really made Oliver Queen a believable character. 

However the clear and transparent problem of Arrow which has manifested during the last episodes is the coexistence of the show is the same universe of the Flash. Unfortunately combining both shows was a huge punch to the credibility of Arrow because when faced with an insurmountable obstacle  the Arrow can simply call the Flash to help save the day. However instead of doing that the Arrow decided in the very last episode to team up with his biggest enemy, with the guy who is responsible for several hundreds deaths in Starling along with Sara's death and Tommy's death. Instead of teaming up with Merlin, Oliver could have easily decided to team up with the Flash to save his sister and his own life but rather he completely neglected Barry's presence and he took the road on which a superhero never should go.  
This is my overview of both shows and i truly hope that ky two most favourite shows on TV will get better in the upcoming episodes.


The Web-slinger lands on the MCU

Hey guys,


Sony and Marvel Studios announced yesterday that Spiderman will appear in an upcoming Marvel movie. Whether that movie is Captain America: Civil War ( Highly likely) or any other is still unknown but the big news is that Sony made the deal.
The announcement also stated that a stand-alone Spider-Man movie will be coming to theaters on July 28th 2017 which means the delay of the previously announced Marvel movie Slate. This will mean that Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and the Inhumans will move their original release date to make room for the webslinger.

Now, for a long time I have been a fan of the idea of seeing Spider Man team up with the Avengers but recently I changed my mind. I honestly would rather have a poorly written and poorly directed movie like The Amazing Spider Man 2 rather than having a movie about Spider man which feels more like Guardians of the Galaxy.
Don't get me wrong, I admire what Marvel have done so far, they have been able to create a shared universe which is great but never the less almost every movie released by Marvel/Disney have been movies designed for kids with light themes, movies where practically nobody dies and where the villains always loose. On the other hand Sony have released Spider-Man movies full of drama which allowed us to witness beautiful scenes and most of all well-acted scenes ( i.e. Andrew Garfield realizing Gwen's death)

Another reason which leads me to not be happy about this deal is that I don't what see Garfield replaced by another actor and I don't want a new Spider-Man. I think that Garfield portrayal of both Peter Parker and his alter ego was far better that Tobey Maguire's performance in the same role and honestly I want the story to move on rather than to start from scratch one more time. We were promised the Sinister Six next year (obviously we are not going to get that) and we were promised a Carnage/ Venom  movie but with Marvel busy movie schedule maybe none of these promises will be kept.

The one upside to all of this is that we'll get to see Spiderman fight alongside Captain America and Iron Man of maybe only one of the two.
Stay tuned for more news.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Arrow 3x11 Midnight City review

Hey guys, 

just finished watching the 11th episode of the third season of Arrow entitled Midnight City. Team Arrow still has to go on fighting crime without the help of the Arrow who is still presumed dead. 
This was truly a great episode. First we saw Oliver alive getting back in shape and then I thought that showing Laurel struggling in fighting crime was a right move. At this point she's basically just a crazy person with a costume. She has no skills but people still fear her because they see the Canary. 

I also thought that Brandon Routh playing Ray Palmer was great in this episode. He truly wants to help the city heal and I love how the show runners are slowly teasing us with the ATOM suit, making us wait for it. 

Felicity was awesome as usual in this episode, I really enjoyed her line when she said: " the Arrow is gone but I know where to find the Canary". I thought also that Colton Haynes gave a really strong performance and I am liking his character more now. His character has gained wisdom and importance over the past episodes. As for Katie Cassidy I think she also gave an awesome performance especially when she called Detective Lance posing as Sarah. She truly seemed heartbroken when asking her father questions about the criminals they were chasing. 

The only negatives for me were Thea and that deejay guy scene and the fact that Oliver hasn't had a proper farewell. It seems like the Arrow team is in denial and doesn't want to admit that Oliver is dead. I would have preferred to see them grieving just like they did with Sarah.

Here's next week sneak peek

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Flash 1x11 The Sound and the Fury review

Hey guys,

just finished watching another fantastic episode of the Flash. This episode was amazing from start to finish. It answered many questions and kept us  glued to the TV screen for the whole duration. At the very beginning of the episode we see Dr. Wells using his super speed, but in addition to that we also discover that he's not able to use his powers for a long period of time which must mean that he is not the reverse flash we saw in the mid season finale episode. I still contend that the Reverse Flash we saw in the ninth episode is Eddie Thawne from the future and Harrison Wells is none other that Barry from the same future as the Reverse Flash.

Another great aspect of the episode was the chemistry between all members of team Flash, I think that the show runners have done a really good job at surrounding Barry with a great team just like they did with Oliver Queen in Arrow. You can relate to every character and you feel like they are really fighting together.

This week villain, the piper, was also great. He showed us that intelligence in more important than superpowers. This, I believe will be a decisive factor when Barry will battle out the Reverse Flash.

The only negative of this episode for me remains Iris. I honestly could not care less about her and her life and so it was kind of boring to see her deal with her problems at work. I know she is gonna be useful because of her relationship with Eddie and Barry but as of right now she's boring.

Overall great episode and though the rescue scenes could have been exectuted better with a bigger budget I believe this is one of the best shows on TV right now
Here's a sneak peek at next weeks episode

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Supergirl officially cast for CBS tv show

Hey guys,

it has just been announced who CBS has chosen to star as Kara in their upcoming TV show entitled Supergirl. After Grant Gustin cast for the Flash another Glee actress gets to play one of DC most iconic superheroes and her name is Melissa Benoist.
My first thought about her casting was: a brunette playing a blonde superhero? Supergirl's blond hair are a signature trait of Superman's cousin, so I am sure Melissa will be wearing a blonde wig.
I don't know much about Melissa's work so I don't really know if I like her or not but I can say that she might look the part with blonde hair.

To me the next info we'll get on the project will be crucial
1. The costume: the costume of Supergirl in the movie was the same as Christopher Reeve Superman movie but I think they'll go for a brand new design in order to distance themselves from The Man of Steel Superman. The costume will be a huge part of the appeal that the show will have on fans.

2. The universe that Supergirl is in: Whether she is in the same in Universe of The Flash and Arrow or another we do want Supergirl to meet her famous cousin

3. Teaser Trailer. We can speculate all we want but only after seeing the first trailer for this show we'll be able to have an idea of what the show will be about.

To be honest with you, I am very skeptical about this show. I honestly don't see how this show could crossover with the Flash and Arrow and make sense and also I think that it will be tricky to do Supergirl whether or not they decide to include Superman in the picture. To me whichever route they go for it will give them lots of problems so I hope they'll find a way to make everything work perfectly.

Who knows maybe the show will do well and they'll even bring Laura Vandervoort on the show for a small cameo


Arrow 3x10 Left Behind review

Hey guys,

what an awesome show we have in Arrow. A show that decides to kill off his title character in its mid season finale.
I have to admit that though loving all other characters it is not the same without Stephen Amell whose screen presence in fundamental for the show. I thought that the beginning of the episode with Diggle wearing the Arrow outfit was awesome. I like his character and it is nice to see him step up and replace Oliver.

I actually imagined that the episode would focus more on Oliver's demise but the show runners truly surprised me when they basically continued the storyline of the fight against crime in Starling. Oliver's presence was still palpable in the episode with many references to him but I felt that the way they handled the situation didn't truly show what it would mean if Oliver was truly dead.
I think that by watching the episode you could have told that Oliver would be coming back eventually, but I have to admit that I was shocked at the end of the episode when I saw Oliver alive after being brought back to life by Katana who is also live and well.

One of the negatives for me was Laurel suiting up as the Canary. I thought that everything was rushed with her and though she was motivated to step up after knowing about Olivers' passing I still think that her first scene did not have the impact that it deserved.

In this episode we also saw Ray working on his ATOM armor and it is fantastic to see him evolve into the superhero he's destined to become. Brandon Routh has great screen presence and it was recently announced that he'll be popping up in Central City in a future episode of The Flash.

Next week we'll get a brand new episode and here's a sneak peek

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Flash 1x10 Revenge of the Rogues review

Hey guys,
it's been a month since the last episode of The Flash aired. The return of the Flash after the holidays marked also the return of Captain Cold.
In my opinion, this episode was solid though it was not as brilliant as the previous two, but I also understand that it was hard to top a crossover with Arrow and the introduction of the Reverse Flash.
One of the things that I liked about this episode was the fact that they showed Barry focused on getting faster and preparing himself for the next encounter with the Man in the Yellow Suit. I liked the first scenes of the episode showing Barry getting cocky at Cisco.

As the episode unfolded it became less exciting, dialogues were okay but at the same time not very meaningful. There were some funny moments with Barry showing off his powers for futile reasons but I thought that focusing on Iris moving out of her house was useless.

However the fight scene between the Rogues and Flash was really well executed and really fun to watch. I loved the chemistry between Captain Cold and Heatwave, I think that their different personalities make for an awesome duo and I am sure we have not seen the last of them.

 One thing that really puzzled me and got me thinking in this episode was the way Eddie Thawne acted during the fight between The Rogues and The Flash. Some might argue that he was only trying to catch the bad guys, and by helping the Flash he made sure that those guys were brought to justice, though if you ask me it was strange to see him go from total hatred towards the Flash to risking his own life to save the Flash's. Either something has happened to him that made him change his mind or his actions were truly out of place.

Next week we'll get another all new episode and here's a quick sneak peek